Page 14 - Agency Project
P. 14

Inquiry into Leadership

               Learning Uses Evidence-

               Based Practice

               The Agency Project uses inquiry based learning principles,  which  in turn are
               directly linked to evidence-based practice.  This simply means :

                  The project  aims to improve  an  aspect of your school.   A team  will
                  undertake an inquiry that involves posing questions and finding answers
                  to them.  This in turn means looking for and collecting evidence.  Evidence
                  is  not  just  statistical  test  data,  but  can  also  include  the  collection  of
                  opinions,  observations,  and  other  sources  of  information  relevant  to
                  your inquiry.

               Evidence-based practice means that school leaders collect and examine data
               and look at student records and results over time in order to identify trends
               and take appropriate actions.  At its simplest level, this is about examining the
               evidence to ensure that every learner is improving – it is about accountability.
               At  a  more  complex  level,  it  is  about  embracing  the  new  and  different
               pedagogies and innovations that result from on-going research generated as
               part of the information age.

               Evidence-based practice is the conscientious, explicit, and judicious use of data
               or other evidence to make decisions about one’s role as a school leader (or, for
               that matter, teacher) and then the adoption of practices to ensure that daily
               efforts  focus  on  achieving  outcomes.  The  evidence  needs  to  be  meaningful
               and systematic, valued by the school and its community, and to demonstrate
               clearly  that  learning  outcomes  continuously  improve.    Effective  schools  have
               professional leadership teams that regularly evaluate school performance and
               regularly use their findings to plan for improvement. They have high expectations
               of students and a belief that every student has the ability to learn.

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