Page 11 - Agency Project
P. 11

Leadership as a process of inquiry:

                  >   is  collaborative  in  that  leaders  work  together  in  teams  in  which
                      information  is  shared,  and  knowledge  and  understanding  are
                      mutually agreed;
                  >   seeks to uncover information and not rely on known facts or past

                  >   questions assumptions, beliefs, and values;
                  >   seeks evidence of what works and what does not; and

                  >   is  experience-based  –  it  is  about  asking  questions,  carrying  out
                      inquiries, gathering information and making shared decisions; it is
                      based  on  hypothesising,  creating  scenarios,  practical  actions,  and
                      testing solutions.

                    Inquiry is not so much about seeking the right
                    answer, because often that does not exist. Rather,
                    it is about seeking the best possible answers to

                    questions, about how to improve student learning
                    and lives.

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