Page 13 - Overview Booklet
P. 13

Sponsors, Head Sponsors and Advisory Sponsors

                           A blue skies Sponsor  is a successful principal who formally
                           agrees to ‘Sponsor’ one or more Beginning Principals for the
                           duration of the programme. A Sponsor agrees to take shared
                           responsibility  for  a  Beginning   Principal’s  learning  and
                           professional  welfare  during  the  first   years  of  their
                           principalship. A Sponsor has three interrelated roles. These
                           are peer mentor, principal coach and professional counsel.
                           These are explained more fully in another booklet.

                           Head Sponsors  are experienced and successful principals
                           who are responsible for overseeing a number of Learning
                           Squares.  They are also heavily involved in designing and
                           developing blue skies.  Their role is to facilitate learning and
                           offer  additional  support  to  Sponsors  and  Beginning

                           Advisory Sponsors are principals who have been involved in
                           various forms of leadership  development throughout their
                           distinguished careers.  They will be involved in all facets of
                           the programme and  are available to offer individual (or
                           group) support and advice for colleagues facing specific or
                           urgent issues.

                         Learning Square
                           A Learning Square is made up of a Sponsor and up to three
                           Beginning Principals. We call the relationship a Learning
                           Square  because  it   encourages  ‘four-way’  support  for
                           effective school leadership. That is, the support provided by
                           the Sponsor for each Beginning Principal and the support
                           that principals provide each other.  It is expected that the
                           Sponsor will also benefit from the relationship.

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