Page 14 - Overview Booklet
P. 14

What is involved?

                            Blue  skies   is  about  ongoing  collaborative  learning   and
                            support.  It seeks to build a unique and flexible learning partnership
                            between three Beginning Principals and a Sponsor. The partnership
                            also draws on other expertise, opinion and research as necessary.

                            The blue skies programme moves through an ongoing partnership
                            scheme with Pre-scheduled and Self-scheduled (must do and free
                            choice) learning components over approximately ten to eleven
                            months. The latter will be scheduled in consultation with a Sponsor.
                            Those wishing to be involved in  blue skies  must commit to both
                            Pre-scheduled and Self-scheduled learning components.

                            In designing the programme we recognise that principals are busy
                            people who face severe time limitations which can restrict formal
                            professional learning.  On the other hand, if a concerted effort is
                            not made to design or structure professional learning, then it simply
                            will not  happen. As a result, Beginning Principals may find
                            themselves professionally isolated.

                            The programme is a mixture of structure and flexibility.  In other
                            words, there are some components which all blue skies participants
                            do together, and others which they do in Learning Squares where
                            they can decide the how, the why, the where and the when.  The
                            programme is ‘kick started’ with the components explored  in
                            pre-scheduled and self-scheduled learning but is expected to evolve
                            through individual/contexualized  learning  agendas.  The key to
                            making the programme work are the relationships formed within
                            the Learning Square between the Sponsor and the Beginning

                            This  involvement  does  not  exclude  involvement  in  other
                            professional learning  opportunities or more formal courses.  Blue
                            skies is designed to work with, not against other learning forums.

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