Page 67 - Mini-Module 9
P. 67

Notes and References

                           1.   [1937] LCT 303
                           2.   s.3(1) Cap. 279
                           3.   The time requirement may differ from school to school depending
                                on whether it is a DSS school, when it commenced operation and
                                subject to any Legislative Council resolution that may be passed to
                                extend the time up to 2 July 2011.
                           4.   S. 39 of the Education Ordinance
                           5.   Section 40AE(2) of the Education Ordinance.
                           6.   S. 40AF (1) of the Education Ordinance.
                           7.   Cap. 57 of the Laws of Hong Kong.
                           8.   See Codes of Aid.
                           9.   Guidelines and Forms related to Codes of Aid for Primary,
                                Secondary and Special Schools
                           10. ibid.
                           11.  [1964]1 WLR 358
                           12.  (1947)63 TLR 546CA
                           13. [1910]1 KB 736
                           14. [1910]1 KB 858
                           15.  (1893) 10 TLR 41
                           16.  (1980) CA 646 The Times 11 July
                           17.  Jeffrey v London County Council  (1954) 52 LGR 521
                           18.  (1968) 66LGR 580
                           19.  (1959) The Times 13 February
                           20. (1969) Unreported.
                           21.  [1952] 2 All ER 505

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