Page 20 - Mini-Module 7
P. 20

4.  Would teachers like more opportunities to exercise teacher
                              Teachers in general would like more opportunities to exercise
                              teacher leadership. All displayed an eagerness to improve teaching
                              and learning for improved student learning. They demonstrated
                              their enthusiasm toward learning and reflection.  Three had taken
                              steps to enhance their professional learning and relationship
                              building through mutual support and collaboration. As such, there
                              had been some transformations in the school’s organisational
                              capacity.  For example the formation of an informal voluntary,
                              learning team by teachers became an effective change vehicle:
                                 As a panel head, I have tried to build shared vision and commit-
                                 ment with  my panel members.  Thus, I  empower  my member
                                 with shard decision-making  power. She is then willing to talk
                                 and share with me for mutual understanding. The peer observa-
                                 tion we conducted these few years have proved that both of us
                                 could learn  from each other through sharing and reflection.
                                 I am willing to take on this role as a teacher leader because I
                                 enjoy learning together with other teachers. Sometimes, I take
                                 lunch together with some teachers for professional sharing.

                              Even  though  teachers  agreed  that  they  would  like  more
                              opportunities to exercise teacher leadership, they considered it a
                              difficult process. According to the teachers, several significant
                              factors determining the extent of leadership exercised by teachers,
                              encompassing personality factors and contextual factors both
                              inside and outside the educational context.  The personality factors
                              included personal core values and beliefs, positive attitudes,
                              self-confidence, courage, resilience, and an ability to improve
                              through reflection:

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