Page 15 - Mini-Module 7
P. 15
However, one participant suggested an extension of teacher
leadership beyond such formal roles. He defined it with regard to
teacher influence on others beyond the classroom and formal
management duties. Teacher leadership, in his opinion, was to
influence and develop others to enhance their capacities. Two
other participants also recognised that as leaders of subject
panels/committees, they had actually taken on leadership roles
beyond operational matters in order to develop teachers in terms
of their professional capacities:
I share professional knowledge with my colleague through
peer observation. (Angela)
Since some teachers in my panel did not take this subject as
their major study in the university, I usually take much time to
develop them with the subject knowledge and the pedagogical
skills, and provide them with support throughout the year.
Besides, I also promote professional learning within my subject
panel through peer observation. In the current year, I got more
opportunities to work and learn with teachers of other
subjects through collaborative curriculum development. All
teachers involved can learn from each other through the
common planning time. (Mary)
As such, while their perceptions of leadership roles were bound by
administrative position, role preferences had indeed gone beyond
these formal roles by extending positive influence outside their
official designation in the school. Such positive influence included
mutual support and collaboration, professional networking, and a
collegial culture. This study showed that teacher leaders learnt
together with other teachers and enjoyed very much their
collaborative experiences in the school. This notion of mutual
influence and support was also identified by two other teachers in
the study: