Page 21 - Mini-Module 7
P. 21

It depends on personal core values of being a teacher. To me,
                                  as a teacher, I have strong mission to help students learn. Then
                                  when my morale is affected by the negative force, I rejuvenate
                                  myself with my core values. (Angela)
                                  Courage. Behind such courage, I realise what I am doing.… An
                                  understanding of  what I  am doing — my goals.…  A sense of
                                  self-understanding, which involves accepting one’s weaknesses
                                  and  building  one’s  confidence.…   However,  I  lack  the
                                  experience and training as regards leading a group or team to
                                  work together. (Peter)
                              Some also sustained their work through failure and negativity by
                              making their work meaningful:

                                  Personally, I have a strong dedication to make my life meaning-
                                  ful by making contributions to society. (Angela)

                                  I will not forget my meaning in work. (Peter)
                              Supporting factors within the educational context included mutual
                              trust, support, and collaboration. These were seen as crucial
                              factors supporting teacher leadership. On the other hand,
                              however,  micropolitics  were  believed  to  impede  teacher

                                  When I started teaching  here, I worked alone, feeling unsup-
                                  ported. I also left the school right after school. Now, with the
                                  influence  of  my  friends  who  love  students  and  work
                                  enthusiastically here, I feel supported and become more vigor-
                                  ous in work. For instance, when I stayed at school with students
                                  very late after school every day in preparation for a school func-
                                  tion under  my charge, I felt  disappointed at first when my
                                  friends  discouraged me  by saying  that I should not have
                                  implemented this function that  had  made  me overloaded.
                                  Nevertheless, later I found  they were willing to give me
                                  voluntary help in the process. This sense of support  has
                                  encouraged me to work more vigorously. (Angela)

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