Page 14 - Mini-Module 7
P. 14

Actually, I am not very familiar with  what leadership is, but  to me,
                            leaders are ones that have an influence on others to work with them
                            toward shared goals. (Peter)

                            I like sharing with other teachers about our work in this school. There-
                            fore, I  take  time to have professional dialogue with another form-
                            teacher of my class in supporting student development, and join the
                            learning team of teachers this year. (Robert)

                          However, the teachers involved in the study did not realise that they
                          were teacher leaders who could influence school development and
                          improvement. Without realising that mutual support and collaborative
                          learning can have a positive influence on organisational learning and
                          school improvement, the teachers stated that it was hard for them to
                          build collaborative relationships.  Obstacles included the balkanized
                          teacher culture, micropolitics, and a low sense of self-efficacy:
                            It is very difficult to be a leader beyond the classrooms as others may
                            be suspicious of my intention and gossip about me. (Mary)

                            I lack the experience and training about leading a team. (Peter)

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