Page 11 - Mini-Module 7
P. 11


                          1.   What does teacher leadership  mean to teachers in Hong Kong
                              secondary schools?

                              This study supported the notion that teacher leadership can
                              contribute to secondary school revitalisation in Hong Kong. Most
                              teachers involved in the study recognised the leadership roles of
                              teachers. They agreed that teachers have an impact on their stu-
                              dents in the classrooms, and on the panel and committee mem-
                              bers under their charge. However, their perceptions of leadership
                              roles were mainly shaped by the school’s hierarchical structure
                              and confined to their particular school context. They found it diffi-
                              cult to be leaders beyond their formal positions and responsibili-
                              ties in the school. Overall, their  perceptions were influenced by
                              both societal and school culture.  In such cultures, the traditional
                              roles of teachers relate mainly to improving teaching and learning
                              in the classrooms, and at managing people and resources in order
                              to build a smooth-functioning subject department or committee.

                              First and foremost, school leaders were considered to be formal
                              leaders in the school structure. Responses from all the teachers in
                              this study identified the principal, vice-principals, and senior
                              teachers such as subject department chairs and committee chairs,
                              as the school leaders. They were regarded as leaders because of
                              their authority in terms of decision-making or policy-making in

                                  The principal, vice-principals, and subject  department  chairs
                                  are  the  school  leaders  for  they  have  the  power  of
                                  policy-making and implementation. (Mary)
                                  In the school organisational structures, the administrative
                                  posts  covering  the   principal,  vice-principals,  subject
                                  department chairs, and committee leaders are the school lead-
                                  ers. (Robert)

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