Page 8 - Phase 3 - Embedding entrepreneurial actions into school plans
P. 8

Selling ideas and Sustainable innovation

            Selling ideas

            As we suggested in the first phase, salesmanship is a critical skill for all edupreneurs. It is one of
            the skills often overlooked in strategic planning. An edupreneur needs to  gain support from
            his/her team when formulating and implementing the plan, thus salesmanship is the crucial skill
            needed by any edupreneur. According to Kotter (2012), when a leader needs to sell ideas to his

            team members, he/she needs to comply with the following four principles––

              Principle                                 Description

                                                        Showing the team the need to make changes with a
                                                        compelling object that they can see, touch and feel. This
              Seeing, touching, and feeling
                                                        can  be  a  sharing  from  a  student,  a  colleague,  or  the
                                                        edupreneur himself.

                                                        Showing  the  team  solid and  dramatic  evidence  (e.g.
                                                        charts,  figures, visualised  data,  etc.)  that  conveys the
                                                        necessity for  change.  In the  context  of education,  this
              Showing valid and dramatic evidence
                                                        can be a drastic change in students' performance, the
                                                        data of other schools, a decline in student intake, or a
                                                        decline of outstanding students' performance.

                                                        Complacency is one of the root reasons that colleagues
              Looking for cheap and easy ways           refuse to adapt to changes. Reducing the complacency
              to reduce complacency
                                                        of colleagues could increase their urgency for change.

                                                        No matter if a team is in good spirit or not, complacency,
              Never underestimate the existence of      fear, and anger exist. An edupreneur needs to be able to
              complacency, fear, and anger
                                                        help the team overcome these obstacles.

            Sustainable innovation

            Sustainable innovation is essential for any organisation to growth and sustain its vitality. According
            to Garud et al. (2011), the following four factors should be considered to make an organisation stay

              Factor                 Action                               Effect

                                     Constructing  a  blueprint  for  school   Creating an extrinsic motivation for
              Manifest structure
                                     development                          teachers

                                     Constructing Interaction opportunities
              Relational processes                                        Generating an innovative idea
                                     for people within & across stakeholders

                                                                          Reflecting and modifying the
              Temporal dynamics      Giving a moment of serendipity
                                                                          innovative initiative

              Regulative guidelines  Compiling a clear instruction for work  Actualising the innovative initiative

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