Page 5 - Phase 3 - Embedding entrepreneurial actions into school plans
P. 5

Practising vision and planning

            Practising vision and planning

            School middle leaders face numerous and difficult changes. They inevitably need to respond to
            different challenges and changes presented by the world. Planning is a tool to help organisations
            and communities to deal with their changed circumstances. It helps them to formulate strategies

            by taking advantage of their strengths to maximise their opportunities and minimise weaknesses
            and serious challenges (Bryson 2017). The reason for planning well includes—

                    To set direction and priorities
                    To get everyone on the same page
                    To simplify decision-making
                    To drive alignment
                    To communicate the message

            We suggest the following steps for planning:
               step  The first step of practising vision and planning is to state the vision in aims.
                01   The aims need to be school-based, personalised and simple.

               step  The second step is to conduct a SWOT analysis.
               02    The analysis needs to be concise, school-based, and subject-based.

               step  The third step is to frame the major concern, i.e. the major themes.
               03    It is essential that the major concerns are simple and straightforward.

               step  The  nal step is to fulfil the plan, expanding the major concerns into a concrete plan,
               04    which then need to align with the major concerns and theme of the school.
                     The strategies, measurement of success criteria, methods and resource allocation need to
                     be precise and practical. In addition, the time scale and responsibility need to be

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