Page 4 - Phase 3 - Embedding entrepreneurial actions into school plans
P. 4

Shaping vision

            Shaping vision

            Vision is essential to any organisation and leader. With long-term thinking skills, a leader can set
            up  meaning-driven goals, which helps him/her become  inner-directed and able to make
            vision-based decisions. This cycle is known as the Balanced Cycle. A person in the balanced cycle
            sees the future positively. Instead of being reactive and resistant to changes, he/she is proactive

            and embraces change. As he/she is empowered by internal navigation, he/she is more resistant
            to the barriers.

                                 Vision-based                               Long-term
                              decision making                               thinking

                                                    Balance Cycle

                                Inner-directed                              Meaning-driven

            On the contrary, a person without vision could easily end up in the stress cycle. People in the stress
            cycle typically feel unsatisfied about their life. They have an uneasy feeling that something is
            missing, but can hardly pause to think about what it is, as they are 'too busy' to complete their next
            tasks. They often have a  short-term focus and look for short-term solutions. Their  direction
            comes from the outside and they make decisions only to react to external forces.

                               Wealth/power/                                Short-term solutions

                                                      Stress Cycle

                                      Reactive                              Direction from
                              decision making                               outside

            A leader needs to have the ability to find the right focus and avoid falling into the stress cycle. In
            this phase, we will explore different tactics and strategies to shape the vision of a person or an


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