
香港教育大学亚洲及政策研究学系自2012年创立以来,除提供一系列授课型学士及硕士课程外,并研究型博士(PhD)及硕士(MPhil)课程,来年亦会开办教育博士(Doctor of Education, EdD)专业学位的公共政策研究方向(有待大学最后批准)。教大的公共政策博士研究生培养致力于将系统的专业理论和前沿的研究方法相结合,在三至四年的时间里造就公共政策研究领域的后起之秀。学系师资强劲,在公共政策、社会保障、公共管理、国际关系、经济学、城市与土地资源管理等领域具有较强的研究实力。博士生不但由全额奖学金资助,更可以获得为本科生授课及参与硕士生教学的宝贵实践经验。
学系教授鼓励博士生积极参与到教授的众多研究课题中来,并不断有重量级的研究成果发表在国际著名学术期刊。博士生不但获得丰富的国际交流机会,还能得到学系和研究生院提供的研究经费,帮助他们开展科研工作。特别值得一提的是,目前在读的博士生中,有高达六成的学生是香港特区最高级别的Hong Kong PhD Fellowship及特区政府教育局一带一路奖学金的得主。这个比例在全港八所公立大学中都非常少见。
Zhu, A. Y. F. (2019). Financial risk tolerance of Hong Kong adolescents: a hierarchical model. Children and Youth Services Review, 102, 193-200 (SSCI Q1).
Zhu, A. Y. F., Chan, A. L. S., & Chou, K. L. (2019). Creative social media use and political participation in young people: The moderation and mediation role of online political expression. Journal of Adolescence, 77, 108-117 (SSCI Q2)
Zhu, A. Y. F., Yu, C. W. M., & Chou, K. L. (2019). Improving Financial Literacy in Secondary School Students: A Randomized Experiment. Youth and Society, (SSCI Q2).
Zhu, A. Y. F., & Chou, K. L. (2018). Development of Financial Capacity in Adolescents. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 35(3), 309-315 (SSCI Q2).
Zhu, A. Y. F., & Chou, K. L. (2018). Financial Literacy among Hong Kong’s Chinese Adolescents: Testing the Validity of a Scale and Evaluating Two Conceptual Models. Youth and Society, 52(4), 548-573 (SSCI Q2).
Zhu, A. Y. F., & Chou, K. L. (2018). Retirement goal clarity, needs estimation, and saving amount: Evidence from Hong Kong, China. Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, 29(2), 328-342.
Chou, K. L., Yu, K. M., Chan, W. S., Wu, A. M., Zhu, A. Y. F.*, & Lou, V. W. Q. (2015). Perceived retirement savings adequacy in Hong Kong: An interdisciplinary financial planning model. Ageing and Society, 35(8), 1565-1586 (SSCI Q2).
Chou, K. L., Yu, K. M., Chan, W. S., Chan, A. C. M., Lum, T. Y. S., & Zhu, A. Y. F. (2014). Social and psychological barriers to private retirement savings in Hong Kong. Journal of Aging and Social Policy, 26(4), 308-323 (SSCI Q3).
Zhu, A. Y. F. (2018). Validating the scale measuring dysfunctional parenting with Hong Kong adolescents. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 35(5), 489-498 (SSCI Q3).
Zhu, A. Y. F. (2018). Parental socialization and financial capability among Chinese adolescents in Hong Kong. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 39(4), 566-576 (SSCI Q3).
Zhu, A. Y. F., Chan, A. L. S., & Chou, K. L. (2020). The Pathway toward Radical Political Participation among Young People in Hong Kong: A Communication Mediation Approach. East Asia, 37(1), 45-62.
Zhu, A. Y. F., & Chou, K. L. (2020). Hong Kong’s Transition toward a Knowledge
Economy: Analyzing Effect of Overeducation on Wages between 1991 and 2011. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 11, 103-113.
He, J., & Huang, G. (2015) Fighting for Migrant Labour Rights in the World’s Factory: legitimacy, resource constraints and strategies of grassroots migrant labour NGOs in South China, Journal of Contemporary China, 24:93, 471-492 (SSCI Q1)
Ngok, K. L., & Huang, G. (2014). Policy paradigm shift and the changing role of the state: The development of social policy in China since 2003. Social Policy and Society, 13(2), 251-261 (SSCI Q1).
Mok, K. H., Kuhner, S., & Huang, G. (2017). The productivist construction of selective welfare pragmatism in China. Social Policy and Administration, 51(6), 876-897 (SSCI Q1).
Mok, K. H., & Huang, G. (2013). Resident evaluation and expectation of social services in Guangzhou. Journal of Current Chinese Affairs, 42(3), 7-28.
Mok, K. H., & Huang, G. (2014). Asserting the “public” in welfare provision: a study of resident evaluation and expectation of social services in Guangzhou, China. In Managing social change and social policy in greater China: Welfare regimes in transition (pp. 111-125). Routledge.
Mok, K.H. and Wu, X.F. * (2013) Dual Decentralization in China’s Transitional Economy: Welfare Regionalism and Policy Implications for Central-Local Relationship, Policy & Society, Vol. 32, pp. 61-75. (SSCI Q1)
吴小芳:“分权、发展与社会保险‘扩面’”,《上海交通大学学报》(哲学社会科学版), 2013年第1期。
吴小芳:“农村福利供给研究—以华东一个村庄为例”,《华中农业大学学报》(哲学社会 科学版),2013 年第 2 期。
Zhang, Y. H. (Forthcoming). Engendering Migration Journey: Identity and Belonging of Middle-Class Thai Migrant Women in Hong Kong. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Ng, I., and Zhang, Y. H. (Forthcoming). Navigating the Ethnic Boundary: From ‘In-Between’ to Plural Ethnicities among Thai Middle-Class Migrant Women in Hong Kong, Journal of Sociology (SSCI Q1).
Zhang, Y. H. (2021). “From Thailand to Hong Kong: The Engendering Journey for Thai Migrant Women to Reinvent Womanhood”, South East Asia Research.
Zhang, Y. H. (2020). “Identity Negotiation of Thai Female Migrants in Hong Kong: Under the Gaze of Buddhism”, Journal of the Siam Society, 108(1), 113-126.
Zhang, Y. H. (2020). “«Redéfinition de la masculinité des hommes indonésiens restés au pays dans les cas de mobilités et migrations transnationales de la femme», Moussons: Recherche en sciences humaines sur l’Asie du Sud-Est, n°35, 187-211.
He, J., Shi, Y.*, and Liu, H. (2020). Crisis governance, Chinese style: Distinctive features of China’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic. Policy Design and Practice, (online first).
香港教育大学现正开放2021至2022年度研究型博士入学申请,申请者可同时申请大学教育资助委员会辖下资研局于2009年起颁授予研究课程学生的旗舰奖学金计划(Hong Kong PhD Fellowship),2021/22学年全港共有300个名额。获奖的博士研究生每年可获得港币319,200的奖学金及港币13,300的会议及研究活动交通津贴,为期三年。同时,亚洲及政策研究学系预计2021年开设教育博士的公共政策研究方向,亦欢迎垂询。 详情可浏览香港教育大学亚洲及政策研究学系官网(。