
Congratulations to the Financial Education Team at SSPS for winning the Bronze prize (Teaching Division) of IFEA 2024
Congratulations to the Financial Education Team at SSPS (Prof. Christina Yu, Dr. Tan Weiqiang, Dr. Eric Law, Dr. Ray Lee) for winning the Bronze prize (Teaching Division) of IFEA 2024 by the Investor and Financial Education Council (IFEC) under the Security and Futures Commission (SFC).

香港教育大学社会科学与政策研究学系联同AspirE联合举办 “The challenges and future of transnational mobility”工作坊
香港教育大学社会科学与政策研究学系于2月27日至3月2日联同AspirE联合举办 “The challenges and future of transnational mobility”工作坊。工作坊吸引来自亚洲、欧洲、大洋洲及北美洲共14个国家,36位学者参与。

Congratulations to Dr Amanda Chu for awarded HMRF
I am thrilled to share with you all that Dr Amanda Chu's innovative project titled, "Using an Automatic Speech Analytics Program (ASAP) to Perform Early Detection of Psychosocial Distress in Young People: Acoustic and Linguistic Analysis," has been awarded by the Health and Medical Research Fund with a funded amount of HK$968,520.

金融业界专业认可: IFPHK豁免BA(PF)修读CFP认证课程
香港财务策划师学会 (IFPHK) 确认,个人理财荣誉文学士课程 [BA(PF)] 的学生和毕业生有资格申请豁免修读CFP资格认证教育课程。这一权威的专业认可及豁免措施,肯定了BA(PF)课程的高素质,并反映BA(PF)的课程结构符合香港金融业界对人才培养的期望。

Congratulations to Professor Chou Kee Lee
Professor Chou’s project “Alleviating Loneliness in Older Adults Living in Poverty: A Multi-level Intervention” received HK$5.3 million in funding from the RGC. In this four-year project, Professor Chou’s team seeks to conduct a single-blinded cluster, four-arm randomized controlled trial designed to test the effect and cost-effectiveness of a multi-level intervention to alleviate loneliness among Hong Kong Chinese older adults living in poverty. This study will lay a solid foundation for the large-scale implementation of such an effective, accessible, affordable, and scalable intervention shortly by capitalizing on community social capital.

Policy Dialogue Series | Think Asia, Think GBA: Hong Kong’s regional strategy and positioning
10:00 am - 12:00 noon

Department of Social Sciences and Policy Studies Regular Seminar Series 2024/25 April 2025 Session
3:00 – 4:00 pm

Intellectual Migration: Skilled migrants between China/India and North America
11:00 - 12:30

Policy Dialogue Series | Young People are the Future: Rebuilding their hope and stake in Hong Kong
10:00 am - 12:00 noon

Department of Social Sciences and Policy Studies Regular Seminar Series 2024/25
10:30 – 11:30 am