Prof LUI Tai-lok, JP
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Professor Lui Tai-lok is the Adjunct Research Chair Professor at The Education University of Hong Kong.
Prior to joining the University (the then Hong Kong Institute of Education), he was Professor at The University of Hong Kong (HKU) where he also took up the position of Associate Dean at the Faculty of Social Sciences (2010-2011) and the headship of the Department of Sociology (2011-2014). He has taught at Hong Kong City Polytechnic (1986-88) and The Chinese University of Hong Kong (1988-2009). Professor Lui obtained his B.A. and M.Phil. in Sociology at the HKU and then a Master of Philosophy and a Doctor of Philosophy from Oxford University.
Professor Lui has widely researched and published in topics including class analysis, economic sociology, urban sociology, and Hong Kong society. He also actively contributes to the Hong Kong community by serving on various committees in governmental and professional bodies as well as those related to social services over the years.