Symposium: Grassroots Financial Education in the Greater Bay Area

The poster for the Symposium
On May 16 (Tue), 2023, the symposium on "Grassroots Financial Education in the Greater Bay Area (GBA)" was successfully held at the Tai Po Campus, EdUHK with a hybrid mode of on-site and online.
Agenda of the Symposium
The symposium was funded by the Jiangsu-Hong Kong-Macao University Alliance and the Central Reserve Allocation Committee of EdUHK.
Prof LI Wai Keung delivered a welcome speech
Prof LI Wai Keung, Dean of the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences (FLASS), delivered a welcome speech. Prof LI affirmed the significance of the financial education for the grassroots, and reviewed the Faculty’s breakthrough in the interdisciplinary development in recent years. For example, the Faculty launched the programme of Master of Arts in Personal Finance Education [MA(PFE)]. The Financial Education Team of EdUHK was recognized by the industry, winning Gold Award for Corporate Finance Education Leadership in IFPHK 2022 Award.
The speakers of the symposium. From left to right were Dr TAN Weiqiang (EdUHK), Ms SZE Lai Shan (SoCO), Prof LI Wai Keung (Dean of FLASS, EdUHK), Ms CHOI Suk Man Anny (IFEC), and Prof YU Wai Mui Christina (EdUHK) respectively
The symposium featured two sections: "Financial Education for the Grassroots in Hong Kong" and "Financial Literacy among the GBA Rural Residents and Rural Revitalization".
Professionals from the fields of Education, Business and Social Welfare shared their latest outcomes on the financial education and financial literacy enhancement. The professionals from Hong Kong, GBA mainland cities and the Yangtze River Delta Region were involved in the symposium.
Dr TAN Weiqiang, Associate Professor of SSC and the Programme Leader of MA(PFE), released two survey reports
Dr TAN Weiqiang, Associate Professor of SSC and the Programme Leader of MA(PFE), released two survey reports at the symposium, including “the Survey Report on the Financial Literacy among the Grassroots in Hong Kong”, and “the Survey Report on the Financial Literacy among the GBA Rural Residents”.
Ms SZE Lai Shan (SoCO) shared her insight on ”Poverty Alleviation Policy in Hong Kong”
Ms CHOI Suk Man Anny (IFEC) shared the Financial Education Programme for Vulnerable Groups implemented by IFEC
Prof YU Wai Mui Christina (EdUHK) delivered a report on "Financial Literacy among the Single Women in Hong Kong"
In the section of "Financial Education for the Grassroots in Hong Kong", Ms SZE Lai Shan, Member of Commission on Poverty, Deputy Director of The Society for Community Organization (SoCO), shared her insight on ”Poverty Alleviation Policy in Hong Kong”. Ms CHOI Suk Man Anny, The Investor and Financial Education Council (IFEC), shared the Financial Education Programme for Vulnerable Groups implemented by IFEC. Prof YU Wai Mui Christina, SSC, EdUHK, delivered a report on "Financial Literacy among the Single Women in Hong Kong".
Prof XIE Zhiju (Guangzhou University) delivered a qualitative report on the cultivation path of “New Farmers”
Research Fellow QIAN Yuting (Soochow University) presented the research outcomes on “Financial Literacy and Entrepreneurship among the GBA Rural Residents”
In the section of "Financial Literacy among the GBA Rural Residents and Rural Revitalization", Prof XIE Zhiju, Institute for Rural Revitalization Research of Guangdong Province (GZU), Professor at School of Public Administration, Guangzhou University, delivered a qualitative report on the cultivation path of “New Farmers”. Research Fellow QIAN Yuting, Business School of Soochow University, presented the research outcomes on “Financial Literacy and Entrepreneurship among the GBA Rural Residents”.
Audience at the symposium
Topics of the speakers’ presentations covered a wide range of grassroots groups, including low-income families, ethnic minorities, single women, rural residents, etc., echoing the UN philosophy of Financial Inclusion: the universal access to a wide range of reasonable and sustainable financial services. With the promotion of the Inclusive Finance Initiative, the potential for personal finance and financial education, plus a more inclusive financial system, would be tapped in a society.
Some staff members and the students at EdUHK also attended the symposium.