SSC Scholars among World’s Top 2% Most-cited
The Department of Social Sciences is home to two most-cited scholars worldwide, according to the 2021 Stanford ranking of top 2% most-cited scientists. Professor Jim Chi-yung, Research Chair Professor of Geography and Environmental Science, is the 11th most-cited researcher in the Urban & Regional Planning category. Dr Eddie Cheng Wai-lun, Assistant Professor, is also on the list under the Building and Construction category.
The Department of Social Sciences is home to two most-cited scholars worldwide, according to the 2021 Stanford ranking of top 2% most-cited scientists. Professor Jim Chi-yung, Research Chair Professor of Geography and Environmental Science, is the 11th most-cited researcher in the Urban & Regional Planning category. Dr Eddie Cheng Wai-lun, Assistant Professor, is also on the list under the Building and Construction category.