Professor Christopher Hood shares views on New Public Management

March 2023
In collaboration with The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong, the Department of Asian and Policy Studies and the Department of Social Sciences co-organised a seminar, ‘Is New Public Management Dead? – An academic dialogue with Professor Hood’, on 16 March. The event was attended by nearly 50 scholars in the field of public policy.
Professor Christopher Hood is the Emeritus Professor of Government and a Fellow with All Souls College of the University of Oxford. He recently received the Doctor of Social Science honoris causa from The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong. During the seminar, he shared when and why the term was coined and reflected on whether New Public Management (NPM) is still alive and what the idea aimed to achieve.
Following the keynote speech, a discussion was held with a panel consisted of Professor Anthony B.L. Cheung, EdUHK Advisor (Public Administration); Professor John Burns, Emeritus Professor, The University of Hong Kong; Professor Alfred Ho Tat-kei, Head of the Department of Public and International Affairs at The City University of Hong Kong, and Dr Lucille Ngan Lok-sun, Associate Head of Department of Social Science at The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong.