NASPAA Membership – A New Milestone of APS
The APS department is proud and excited to announce that it has achieved a major milestone by becoming a member of Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs, and Administration (NASPAA) since January 2019. (Membership 2019 to 2024). NASPAA ( ) is an international membership organization of graduate education programs in public policy, public affairs, public administration, and public & nonprofit management. Its members award MPA, MPP, MPAff, and similar degrees. It has over 300+ member schools all over the world, including top-notch institutions, Harvard University, University of Chicago, Princeton University, University of California, Berkeley, Tsinghua University, etc. Our students would have access to NASPAA resources and opportunities in many areas including networking and professional learning. Becoming NASPAA members not only represents a new chapter of APS’ development but also a rise of global visibility and recognition.