Dr LAW Kim Fai Eric
Senior Lecturer II
Contact Info
Self Introduction
Eric obtained his DBA degree at the University of South Australia and MBA degree at the University of Strathclyde. His teacher training was received from the Hong Kong Baptist University and obtained a postgraduate diploma in education major in Economics. Before joining the Hong Kong Institute of Education in 2004, he was an instructor in the Hong Kong Baptist University teaching business subjects. He has many years of working experience in the business sector and would like to contribute his experience and knowledge to the Institute. In addition, he is also member of professional bodies in accounting, marketing and management.
Teaching Areas
- Business Studies
- Management
- Knowledge Management and Learning Community
- Marketing
- Entrepreneurship
- Career Education
- Personal Finance
- Accounting
- Finance
- Pedagogy of Accounting and Finance
- Research Methods
Research Areas
- Knowledge Management
- Learning Community
- Personal Financial Management
- Educational Leadership
Selected Publications
Doctoral Thesis
Law, E.K.F. (2010) “Determinants of knowledge sharing of secondary school teachers in Hong Kong”, DBA thesis, University of South Australia, Australia.
Law, E.K.F. (2011). Knowledge repository as an online platform for knowledge sharing among secondary school teachers in Hong Kong. Hong Kong Teachers’ Centre Journal, 10, 21-26.
Reference Book
Book chapter
羅劍輝 ( 2004 ) :思維教學隨想,輯於胡飄等編《創意與批判思維教學資源選集》頁 129 - 130 ,香港,香港浸會大學教學發展中心思維工程。
Research Report
Yu, C.W.M. and Law, E.K.F. (2016). Hong Kong Financial Competency Framework. Hong Kong: Investment Education Centre.
Other Publication
羅劍輝、莊允遜 (2016) 各「師」各法 --- 商科教師師資培訓。 香港電台教育網站eTVonline「這一科,學什麼」專欄。http://utalks.etvonline.hk/article151.php
Conference presentations/ proceeding
Law, E.K.F. (2012). Human resource management: Its roles and strategic choices in the challenging knowledge economy. In C.K. Li, & T.W. Hung (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference on e-Commerce, e-Administration, e-Society, e-Education, and e-Technology (pp. 531-542). Taipei, Taiwan: Knowledge Association of Taiwan.
Law, E.K.F. (2011). Development of industrial community of practices for small and medium enterprises to meet the challenging knowledge economy. In K.Tang (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Business and Information: Vol. 8, No. 1, paper 8242. Taipei, Taiwan: International Business Academics Consortium.
Wu, W.Y., Ng, L.F.Y. and Law, E.K.F. (2011). Building organizational learning and knowledge management: web-based project work and action research initiatives in Hong Kong Educational Reform. In C.K. Li, & T.W. Hung (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference on e-Commerce, e-Administration, e-Society, e-Education, and e-Technology (pp.2377-2389). Taipei, Taiwan: Knowledge Association of Taiwan.
Wu, W.Y., Chan, D.W.K., Tan, C., Soh, K.C., Cheung, P.C. and Law, K.F. (2009). Sustaining school network leadership through project work and action research initiatives in Hong Kong education reform. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of American Educational Research Association. San Diego, USA: American Educational Research Association.
Presentation in Seminars
Law, E.K.F. and Cheng W.S.V. (2016 May) “Using Moodle as a Constructivism Tool in learning Marketing Knowledge”, presented at the Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong.
Law, E.K.F. (2015 August) “Personal wealth management”, presented at Well-being Seminar, Faculty of Education and Health Development, the Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong.
Law, E.K.F. (2015 April) “From personal finance to retirement planning”, presented at Well-being Seminar, Faculty of Education and Health Development, the Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong.
Law E.K.F. (2011, November) “Managing personal finance to enrich the future”, presented at the CCL Seminar, Student Affairs Office, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong.
Law, E.K.F. (2010) “Teaching and learning of logistics and marketing specialization”, presented at the Seventh Secondary School Business Education Seminar: Business Education in Hong Kong and Guangdong Province – Putting Theory into Practice, the Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong.
Community Involvement
- Member of Taskforce for Hong Kong Government Budget 2013, Institute of Financial Accountants (2012-2013)
- Subject Committee Member (Subjects: CE Accounts & Commerce), Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority (2010-2011)
- Member of the Advisory Committee, HSBC Living Finance – Young Financial Planner Competition(2007-2010)
- Fire Safety Ambassador, Fire Services Department (2009-present)
- Project Coordinator of Thinking Qualities Initiative, Centre for Educational Development, Hong Kong Baptist University (2000-2010)
- Subject External Examiner (Module: Sales & Services Skills): Project Yi Jin – Community College Preparatory Programme, School of Continuing and Professional Education, HKIEd (2007-2008)
- Honorary Treasurer of Hong Kong Society for the Advancement of Learning and Teaching of Thinking (HKSALT) (2004-2005)