Fees for the Academic Year 2024/25
1. Tuition Fees
UGC-funded Programmes
Self-financed Programmes
2. Caution Money
All students (with the exception of students of professional development programmes) are required to pay, upon enrolment, HK$350 as caution money as a deposit to make good any outstanding debts to the University incurred in, for example, damage to the University property. Should there be no outstanding fees/fines/charges at the end of the study, the caution money will be used to cover graduation fee (including the cost of an award certificate).
If a student fails to settle any outstanding University fees, a collective term which refers to fees charged by the University covering tuition fees, caution money, hall fees, etc., he/she will not be allowed to attend the graduation ceremony nor receive any academic documents (including award of certificates) until the sum is cleared.
Caution money is non-refundable except to those students who withdraw from the programmes during the course of study and have completed the withdrawal procedures or those who are required to discontinue studies by the University. The remaining balance after deducting any fees/fines/charges that the student owes to the University will be refunded to the student within three months after withdrawal or discontinuation of studies.
The Committee on Scholarships and Prizes formulates and reviews policies relating to scholarships and awards for students. The Student Affairs Office is the secretariat of the Committee serving as the central coordinating unit for the administration of scholarships and awards.
1. Scholarships
Scholarships are awarded based on academic merit (satisfactory academic performance with a minimum GPA of 3.0 normally). Contribution to the community, participation in extra-curricular activities, leadership abilities and other criteria as stipulated by the donors are also considered. Academic units and other offices of the University are invited to put forward recommendations for scholarships while some scholarships are open for application. The scholarships are normally presented either at the University’s functions or occasions organised by the donors.
Dr Adam Lee Field Experience Scholarship
- Two scholarships ($10,000 each) are donated by Dr Adam Lee Yat-keung (annual amount: $20,000).
- Full-time Year 3 BEd (Physical Education) local students are eligible.
AIA Scholarships
- Scholarships ($50,000 each and renewable) are donated by AIA Foundation. There shall be 100 awards for undergraduate students from local universities.
- Full-time local students who are pursuing their first undergraduate degree immediately succeeding completion of their senior secondary school education are eligible.
AIA Success PB District Outstanding Performance Scholarship
- Five scholarships ($16,000 each and one-off) are donated by AIA Success PB District (annual amount: $80,000).
- Students in the Master of Arts in Personal Finance Education are eligible.
Au Bak Ling Charity Trust Scholarship
- A number of scholarships ($10,000 each and one-off) are donated by Au Bak Ling Charity Trust.
- Full-time BEd students are eligible.
Bank of China (Hong Kong) Scholarship
- Five scholarships ($10,000 each) are donated by Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited (annual amount: $50,000).
- Full-time BEd (Business, Accounting and Financial Studies) students who are HK permanent residents are eligible.
The Bank of East Asia Scholarship
- One scholarship ($10,000) is donated by The Bank of East Asia Charitable Foundation.
- Full-time BEd (Business, Accounting and Financial Studies) local students are eligible.
BEAM Society Scholarship in Green Building Excellence
- One scholarship ($20,000) is donated by BEAM Society Limited, owner of the Building Environmental Assessment Method.
- Full-time Year 3 and Year 4 BSocSc (Global and Environmental Studies) local students are eligible.
C-for-Chinese@JC Scholarship
- Scholarships ($15,040 each and renewable) are donated by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust.
- First-year full-time students of Higher Diploma (Early Childhood Education) who are graduates of Diploma (Early Childhood Education) are eligible.
Chan Chen Shu An Scholarship
- One scholarship ($10,000) is donated in memory of the late Mrs Chan Chen Shu An.
- Full-time final year BEd (Early Childhood Education) students are eligible.
CityLinkers Group Limited Scholarship
- One scholarship ($10,000) is donated by CityLinkers Group Limited.
- Year 4 students of BSc (Executive Management) are eligible.
Dr Chan Shuk Ching Memorial Scholarship
- Two scholarships ($10,000 each) are donated by Ms Chan Suk-kuen (annual amount: $20,000).
- Full-time undergraduate local students majoring in Chinese Language are eligible.
Cheung Wan Memorial Scholarship for Art
- Four scholarships ($10,000 each) are donated by the family of the late Mr Cheung Wan (annual amount: $40,000).
- Full-time undergraduate students majoring in Visual Arts are eligible.
Cheung’s Family Charity Fund Scholarship
- Four scholarships (around $10,000 each) are available from an endowment donated by Cheung’s Family Charity Fund (annual amount: around $40,000).
- Full-time first-year BEd (Physical Education) students who are HK permanent residents are eligible.
- Achievements in sports activities will be considered.
Chiang Chen Industrial Charity Foundation Scholarship
- Two scholarships ($22,500 each) are donated by the Chiang Chen Industrial Charity Foundation (Hong Kong) Limited (annual amount: $45,000).
- Full-time BEd (Secondary)-Information and Communication Technology students who are HK permanent residents are eligible.
Christina Ting Yuk-chee Scholarship
- Three scholarships ($10,000 each) are donated by Ms Christina Ting Yuk-chee (annual amount: $30,000).
- Full-time BEd (Early Childhood Education) local students are eligible.
Education Scholarships Fund Awards – Leung Fung-ki Memorial Scholarship
- One scholarship ($2,000) is donated by the son and daughters of Mr Leung Fung-ki.
- Full-time BEd students promoting to final year are eligible.
- Performance in teaching practice will be considered.
Elaine Mak So Man Yee Memorial Scholarship
- One scholarship ($10,000) is donated by her daughter Ms Jodhy Mak Suk-ying.
- Full-time undergraduate local students are eligible.
Elizabeth Frankland Moore Awards
- Two scholarships ($5,000 each) are donated by the Hong Kong Sino-British Fellowship Trust Scholars’ Foundation (annual amount: $10,000).
- Local undergraduate students studying a Special Needs/ Special Education programme or Early Childhood Education programme are eligible.
Emperor Foundation Scholarship
- One scholarship ($10,000) is donated by the Emperor Foundation.
- Full-time BEd (Business, Accounting and Financial Studies) students who are HK permanent residents are eligible.
Entrance Scholarships (for Undergraduate Students)
Entrance Scholarships for undergraduate students are funded by the University and private donors to award outstanding local and non-local applicants to the University’s undergraduate programmes. Academic merits, interview performance (if applicable) and/or non-academic achievements will be considered. These scholarships are by nomination.
– EdUHK-Church of Christ in China Entrance Scholarship
- Two scholarships ($20,000 each and one-off) are donated by the Church of Christ in China and the University.
- First-year full-time UGC-funded undergraduate local students who have obtained excellent results in HKDSE are eligible.
- Students must be S6 graduates from a secondary school sponsored by the Hong Kong Council of the Church of Christ in China.
– EdUHK Entrance Scholarship for Higher Diploma in Early Childhood Education
- Tuition scholarship ($15,040 each p.a. and renewable).
- First-year full-time HD(ECE) students who have obtained excellent academic results are eligible.
- Funded by the University.
– EdUHK Entrance Scholarship for Local Students
- Full Scholarship ($90,000 each p.a. and renewable)
- Tuition Scholarship ($42,100 each p.a. and renewable)
- First-year full-time UGC-funded undergraduate local students who have obtained excellent academic results are eligible.
- Funded by the University.
– EdUHK Entrance Scholarship for Non-Chinese Speaking Local Students
- Half Tuition Scholarship ($21,050 each p.a. and renewable)
- First-year full-time UGC-funded undergraduate non-Chinese speaking local students who have obtained good results in HKDSE are eligible.
- Funded by the University.
– EdUHK Entrance Scholarship for Non-local Students
- Full Scholarship ($185,000 each p.a. and renewable)
- Tuition Scholarship ($140,000 each p.a. and renewable)
- Half Tuition Scholarship ($70,000 p.a. and renewable)
- First-year full-time UGC-funded undergraduate non-local students who have obtained excellent academic results are eligible.
- Funded by the University.
– EdUHK Entrance Scholarship for Senior Year Entry Students
- Scholarships are $10,000 each p.a. and renewable.
- Senior entry students admitted to full-time UGC-funded undergraduate programmes are eligible.
- Funded by the University.
– EdUHK Sun Hung Kai Properties Scholarship Scheme
- One scholarship ($42,100 p.a. and renewable) is donated by Sun Hung Kai Properties Charitable Fund and the University.
- First-year full-time UGC-funded undergraduate local students who have obtained excellent academic results are eligible.
– EdUHK-Yan Oi Tong & HK General Tai Shan Clansmen Association Charitable Foundation Entrance Scholarship
- 10 scholarships ($20,000 each and one-off) are donated by Yan Oi Tong and the University.
- First-year full-time UGC-funded undergraduate local students who have obtained excellent results in HKDSE are eligible.
- Students must be S6 graduates from a secondary school sponsored by Yan Oi Tong.
– The Hong Kong Jockey Club Chairman’s Scholarship
- This Scholarship aims to attract undergraduate students with exceptional academic achievements to pursue their undergraduate studies in Hong Kong. The Chairman’s Scholarship is open to students in Hong Kong as well as students from Mainland China and other countries and regions. Interested students should apply for this Scholarship before they enter university and in their last year of secondary school, and students currently studying in secondary schools in Hong Kong should apply through principal nomination.
- The Scholarship supports students to pursue their undergraduate studies in Hong Kong by offering a one-off cash award, full tuition fees, academic and living allowance, overseas learning subsidies and participation in The Hong Kong Jockey Club overseas leadership programme.
- Applicants have to apply online to The Hong Kong Jockey Club in March/ April. Please refer to the Jockey Club’s website for more details.
– The Hong Kong Jockey Club Striding On Scholarship
- This Scholarship aims to recognise undergraduate students who have achieved excellence while demonstrating resilience and strength of mind to overcome adversities or challenges in life, and support these students' undergraduate studies in Hong Kong. Interested students should apply for such Scholarship before they enter university and in their last year of secondary school through principal nomination.
- The Scholarship supports students to pursue their undergraduate studies in Hong Kong by offering full tuition fee, academic and living allowance, overseas learning subsidies and participation in The Hong Kong Jockey Club overseas leadership programme and other leadership support programmes.
- Applicants must be HK permanent residents studying in a secondary school in HK at the time of application. They have to apply online to The Hong Kong Jockey Club in March/ April. Please refer to the Jockey Club’s website for more details.
– Rising Star of 21st Century – Dr Joseph Yeung Entrance Scholarship
- Eight scholarships ($10,000 for four local students and $20,000 for four Mainland students) are offered by Dr Joseph Yeung (annual amount: $120,000).
- First-year full-time UGC-funded undergraduate students of the following programmes are eligible: Visual Arts major, BA in Heritage Education and Arts Management, and BEd (BAFS).
– Scholarship for Prospective English Teachers
- Scholarships ($50,000 per year for local students and $80,000 per year for non-local students) are offered by the HKSAR Government.
- Applicants who wish to pursue a full-time English major degree or a full-time PGDE programme majoring in English are eligible.
- The scholarship is tenable for the normal duration of the study programme.
- Awardees have to fulfil teaching obligation after graduation.
Sik Sik Yuen Entrance Scholarship
- Two scholarships ($50,000 each and one-off) are offered by Sik Sik Yuen (annual amount: $100,000).
- First-year full-time UGC-funded undergraduate local students are eligible.
Evelyn Yee-fun Man Scholarships
- Two scholarships ($10,000 each) are donated by Professor Evelyn Yee-fun Man (annual amount: $20,000).
- Full-time undergraduate students majoring in Chinese or English are eligible.
For Our Future Scholarship
- Scholarships ($50,000 each) are donated by the Greater Bay Area Homeland Youth Community Foundation. There shall be 15 awards for students from local tertiary institutions.
- Full-time local students studying a bachelor’s or master’s degree with personal development (sport, art, music, etc) and participation in social services are eligible.
Professor Frank Fu Scholarship
- One scholarship ($10,000) is donated by Professor Frank Fu Hoo-kin.
- Full-time BEd (Physical Education) local students are eligible.
Dr Frankie Yeung Wai Shing Scholarship
- One scholarship ($10,000) is donated by Dr Frankie Yeung Wai-shing.
- Final year undergraduate and master students studying business/ finance-related programmes are eligible.
Fung Scholarships
- At least eight annual scholarships (range from $10,000 to $20,000 each) are available from a scholarship endowment donated by the Victor and William Fung Foundation Limited.
- Full-time undergraduate students who will be attending the overseas English Language immersion programme or outgoing student exchange programme and who are HK permanent residents are eligible.
Hong Kong & Kowloon Electrical Appliances Merchants Association Scholarship
- One scholarship ($10,000) is donated by the Hong Kong & Kowloon Electrical Appliances Merchants Association.
- Full-time BA (Language Studies)-Chinese local students are eligible.
Hong Kong Association of University Women Undergraduate and Postgraduate Scholarships
- Scholarships ($5,000 each for undergraduates and $20,000 each for postgraduates) are offered by the Hong Kong Association of University Women. The number of recipients varies each year.
- Full-time second-year undergraduate and master/ doctoral female students are eligible.
The Hong Kong Children’s Choir Music Scholarship
- Two scholarships ($10,000 each) are donated by the Hong Kong Children’s Choir (annual amount: $20,000).
- Full-time undergraduate local students majoring in Music are eligible.
Hong Kong Chiu Chow Chamber of Commerce Scholarship
- Three scholarships ($10,000 each) are donated by the Hong Kong Chiu Chow Chamber of Commerce (annual amount: $30,000).
- Full-time undergraduate students majoring in Music are eligible.
The Hong Kong International Institute of Educational Leadership Scholarship
- Around 12 scholarships (worth $4,500 each) are donated by the Hong Kong International Institute of Educational Leadership as full sponsorship to attend a certificate course on values education.
- Students attending full-time or part-time programmes with a duration of one year or above are eligible.
The Hong Kong Jockey Club Scholarships – Undergraduate Scholarship
- Full scholarships are offered by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust.
- There shall be three scholarship for first-year undergraduate local students who are studying for a first undergraduate degree.
- The amount is subject to annual review, renewable annually and is tenable for the entire normal length of study, subject to fulfillment of specified criteria.
Hong Kong Language Campaign Scholarship for English
- Five scholarships ($10,000 each) are available annually from a donation by the Sino Group (annual amount: $50,000).
- Final year full-time BEd (English) students are eligible.
HKSAR Government Scholarship Scheme
Scholarships are offered by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government Fund to award full-time UGC-funded students with outstanding academic results and non-academic achievements:
a) | Outstanding Performance Scholarship – $20,000 each per year for local sub-degree students, $40,000 each per year for undergraduate local students and $80,000 each per year for undergraduate non-local students. For undergraduate students, the scholarship is tenable for the normal duration of the programme concerned and renewable annually subject to satisfactory performance. |
b) | Reaching Out Award – $10,000 each for local/ non-local students to participate in activities outside Hong Kong. |
c) | Talent Development Scholarship – $10,000 each to recognise local/ non-local students’ talents or potential in non-academic areas: sports & games; music & performing arts; culture, arts & design; innovation, science & technology. |
d) | Endeavour Merit Award – $15,000 each for students with special educational needs. |
e) | Targeted Scholarship Scheme: Belt and Road Scholarship – Up to annual tuition for undergraduate and research postgraduate non-local students from designated countries. This scholarship is tenable for the normal duration of the programme concerned and renewable annually subject to satisfactory performance. |
HSBC Greater Bay Area (Hong Kong) Scholarship
- Scholarships ($80,000 each) are offered by the Hongkong Bank Foundation. There shall be around 30 awards for students from local tertiary institutions.
- Full-time undergraduate students who are HK permanent residents are eligible.
- Commitment to pursue employment, entrepreneurship or advanced academic opportunities in GBA.
HSBC Hong Kong Scholarship
- Four scholarships ($50,000 each) are offered by the Hongkong Bank Foundation (annual amount: $200,000).
- Full-time UGC-funded undergraduate students who are HK permanent residents are eligible.
- Final selection by the HSBC.
HSBC Overseas Scholarship Scheme
- One scholarship up to $300,000 is offered by the Hongkong Bank Foundation to support a student to spend up to a year to study at a selected overseas university.
- Non-final year UGC-funded undergraduate students who are HK permanent residents are eligible.
HSBC Vocational Education Scholarship
- One scholarship ($20,000) is offered by the Hongkong Bank Foundation.
- Full-time sub-degree local students who are permanent residents are eligible.
Innovation and Technology Scholarship
- This Scholarship is sponsored and supported by the Innovation and Technology Commission and powered by HSBC.
- 25 undergraduates from local universities will each be awarded a scholarship (up to $150,000) for a series of learning programmes.
- The components of the scholarship include: a) overseas/ Mainland attachment programme, b) mentorship programme, c) service project programme, and d) local internship programme (optional).
- Applicants should be HK permanent residents who are undertaking a science-related degree or curricula that are approved by the donor.
Koo Hok Chun Scholarship
- One scholarship ($10,000) is donated by Mr Dennis Koo Hok-chun.
- Full-time BEd (Primary/ Secondary)-Mathematics students who are HK permanent residents are eligible.
Lady Ivy Wu Scholarship
- One scholarship covering tuition, hall and other institutional fees is available from an endowment donated by Sir Gordon and Lady Ivy Wu of Hopewell Holdings Limited (annual amount: around $170,000).
- A teacher from Huadu, Guangzhou of Mainland China is selected to pursue the full-time Postgraduate Diploma in Education Programme.
Leung Che Kwong and Lai Shim Memorial Scholarship
- One scholarship ($10,000) is donated by the Leung’s family.
- Full-time BA & BEd (Music) students who are HK permanent residents are eligible.
Mr Leung Che Kwong Memorial Scholarship
- One scholarship ($10,000) is donated by the Leung’s family.
- Full-time BEd students majoring in Mathematics who are HK permanent residents are eligible.
Leung Sau Memorial Scholarship
- One scholarship ($10,000) is donated by Mr Cheng Pok-yan.
- Full-time BEd (Science) final-year local students are eligible.
Dr Li Dak Sum Experiential Learning Scholarships
- 40 scholarships ($21,250 each) are donated by Dr Li Dak-sum and Mrs Li Yip Yio-chin (annual amount: $850,000).
- Full-time BEd students who will conduct experiential learning activities in the Mainland are eligible.
Dr Li Dak Sum Language Immersion Scholarships
- 15 scholarships ($10,000 each) are donated by Dr Li Dak-sum and Mrs Li Yip Yio-chin (annual amount: $150,000)
- Full-time undergraduate students majoring in Chinese or English who are HK permanent residents are eligible.
Li Ka Shing Foundation Scholarship Scheme
Scholarships are offered by the Li Ka Shing Foundation to award full-time UGC-funded students with outstanding academic results and non-academic achievements. These scholarships are by nomination:
(a) | Entrance Scholarship for Students with Outstanding Achievements in i) Sports, ii) Music and iii) Visual Arts – There shall be a total of three scholarships at $50,000 each per year (annual amount: $150,000). The scholarship is tenable for the normal duration of the programme concerned and renewable annually subject to satisfactory performance. |
(b) | Entrance Scholarship for Graduates from the Mainland Universities to Pursue Taught Master Programmes at EdUHK – There shall be two scholarships at $250,000 each (annual amount: $500,000). Preference will be given to applicants from Shantou University. |
(c) | Scholarship for Field Experience – There shall be 17 scholarships at $10,000 each for final-year BEd students (annual amount: $170,000). |
Li Po Chun Charitable Trust Fund Scholarship
- Four undergraduate scholarships ($5,000 each) are donated by the Li Po Chun Charitable Trust Fund (annual amount: $20,000).
- Full-time first-year undergraduate students who are HK permanent residents are eligible.
Dr Li Wai Shing Memorial Scholarship
- Two scholarships ($10,000 each) are donated by Mrs Gladys Li (annual amount: $20,000).
- Full-time Year 2 and Year 3 BEd local students with outstanding performance in Curriculum and Instruction are eligible.
Link University Scholarship
- Scholarships ($20,000 each) are donated by Link Asset Management Limited.
- Full-time Year 2 to Year 4 undergraduate students who are the first university student amongst three generations in the family are eligible.
Multi-faceted Excellence Scholarship
- Scholarships are granted by the government’s Home Affairs Bureau to award students who excel in sports, arts and/or community service.
- Target students are HKDSE graduates who have met all the basic requirements of university admission.
- There shall be around 20 awardees per year. The awardees will not be required to pay tuition fees during the whole undergraduate study period.
- Nomination is made by secondary schools and shortlisted candidates are required to attend selection interview.
Mr Ng Chung Visual Arts Teaching Practice Scholarship
- One scholarship ($10,000) is donated by Dr Ng Heung-sang.
- Full-time final-year undergraduate students majoring in Visual Arts are eligible.
Ng Hong Man Educational Foundation Outstanding Student Scholarship
- Two scholarships ($10,000 each) are donated by Ng Hong Man Educational Foundation (annual amount: $20,000).
- Full-time undergraduate students majoring in Chinese are eligible.
Ng Siu Yue Memorial Scholarship
- One scholarship ($10,000) is donated by Mr Ng Hing-wo.
- Full-time students majoring in Visual Arts are eligible.
Nissin Foods Scholarships for Elite Athletes (PGDE Programme)
- Three scholarships ($42,100 each) are donated by Nissin Foods (Hong Kong) Charity Fund.
- Full-time and part-time students who (i) are admitted to the PGDE programme with Physical Education as the Teaching/ Major Subject Studies; (ii) are elite athlete representatives; (iii) and have participated in national/ regional/ international competitions are eligible.
Parsons Music Outstanding Music Teaching Scholarship
- Five scholarships ($42,100 each) are donated by Parsons Music (annual amount: $210,500).
- Full-time final-year BEd music major students, PGDE music major students and Master of Arts in Music Education students are eligible.
Rural Training College Alumni Association Scholarship
- Three scholarships ($10,000 each) are donated by the Rural Training College Alumni Association (annual amount: $30,000).
- Full-time BEd (Primary)-General Studies students who are HK permanent residents are eligible.
Undergraduate and Postgraduate Scholarships offered by Graduate School/ Faculties/ Departments
(Please refer to the website of the relevant programmes)
Self-financing Post-secondary Scholarship Scheme
Scholarships are offered by the Self-financing Post-secondary Education Fund to award full-time self-financed undergraduate local and non-local students with outstanding academic results and non-academic achievements:
a) | Outstanding Performance Scholarship – $40,000 each for undergraduate local students and $80,000 each for undergraduate non-local students. |
b) | Best Progress Award – $10,000 each for local and non-local students. |
c) | Reaching Out Award – $10,000 each for local and non-local students to participate in activities outside Hong Kong. |
d) | Talent Development Scholarship – $10,000 each to recognise local and non-local students’ talents or potential in non-academic areas: sports & games; music & performing arts; culture, arts & design; innovation, science & technology. |
e) | Endeavour Scholarship - $15,000 each for a student with special educational needs. |
Shanghai Commercial Bank Scholarship
- 10 scholarships ($10,000 each) are donated by the Shanghai Commercial Bank Limited (annual amount: $100,000).
- Local students of the following full-time UGC-funded undergraduate programmes are eligible: BA (Language Studies), BEd (Business, Accounting and Financial Studies), BEd (Mathematics), BEd (History) and BSocSc in Psychology.
Shun Hing Chinese Language Scholarship
- Two scholarships ($10,000 each) are donated by the Shun Hing Education and Charity Fund (annual amount: $20,000).
- Full-time final-year undergraduate local students majoring in Chinese are eligible.
Sik Sik Yuen Field Experience Scholarship
- 10 scholarships ($10,000 each) are donated by Sik Sik Yuen (annual amount: $100,000).
- Full-time final-year BEd students are eligible.
Simon K.Y. Lee Foundation Award/ Medal/ Scholarship
- Five scholarships ($5,000/ $10,000 each) are donated by the Simon K.Y. Lee Foundation (annual amount: $45,000).
- Full-time undergraduate, part-time undergraduate and Higher Diploma students studying Early Childhood Education who are HK permanent residents are eligible.
Dr Stella Chong Suk Ching Memorial Scholarship
- Two scholarships ($50,000 each for full-time students/ $30,000 each for part-time students) are donated by Mr Frederic Lau Suet-chiu (annual amount: $60,000 to $100,000).
- Non-first-year local students of the BA in Special Education and BEd (Special Needs) programmes are eligible.
Sir Edward Youde Memorial Scholarships (for Undergraduate and Higher Diploma Students)
- Scholarships ($40,000 each) are available from the Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fund to recognise and encourage the academic achievements of full-time undergraduate and diploma students at post-secondary and tertiary levels in Hong Kong.
- Full-time students in Year 2 or above are eligible to be nominated by the University.
Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fellowships/ Scholarships for Disabled Students
- The fellowships/ scholarships are available to full-time disabled students pursuing postgraduate studies by research and/or undergraduate and diploma programmes at post-secondary and tertiary levels in Hong Kong.
- Fellowships ($50,000 each) and scholarships ($40,000 each) are offered.
Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fellowships (for Postgraduate Research Students)
- The fellowships ($50,000 each) are available to full-time postgraduate research students undertaking UGC-funded/ publicly-funded programmes who have registered for a master's degree or a doctorate degree.
- Applicants must be HK permanent residents and have resided in HK for at least three years.
Student Exchange Scholarships
Student Exchange Scholarships are funded by the University and private donors to award local and non-local students who are selected to participate in the University’s one-semester Student Exchange in an overseas country or in the Greater China Region. The scholarship amounts range from $11,000 to $40,000 each (subject to annual review), depending on the destination and the donor’s wish.
- Chiang Chen Overseas Exchange Scholarship, donated by Chiang Chen Industrial Charity Foundation (Hong Kong) Limited
- Christina Ting Yuk-chee Student Exchange Scholarship, donated by Ms Christina Ting Yuk-chee
- CMB Wing Lung Bank Student Exchange Scholarship, donated by CMB Wing Lung Bank Limited
- The Confucian Academy Student Exchange Scholarship, donated by The Confucian Academy
- EdUHK Student Exchange Scholarship, funded by the University
- Fung Scholarships, donated by the Victor and William Fung Foundation Limited
- The Hong Kong Chinese Importers’ & Exporters’ Association Scholarship, donated by The Hong Kong Chinese Importers’ & Exporters’ Association
- Dr Ma Kai-yum Exchange Scholarship (The Belt and Road Initiative), donated by Carrianna Group Holdings Company Limited
- Sik Sik Yuen Language Immersion Scholarship, donated by Sik Sik Yuen
- Sik Sik Yuen Student Exchange Scholarship, donated by Sik Sik Yuen
- Stella Lo Scholarship, donated by Ms Stella Lo
Swire Scholarship
- One scholarship ($42,100) is donated by John Swire & Sons (Hong Kong) Limited.
- Full-time UGC-funded Year 2 or Year 3 undergraduate local students are eligible.
Tang Choi Chi Lan Scholarship
- One scholarship ($10,000) is donated by Ms Choi Chi Lan.
- Full-time undergraduate students majoring in Music who are HK permanent residents are eligible.
Techoy Construction Scholarship
- One scholarship ($10,000) is donated by Techoy Construction Company Limited.
- Full-time students studying BEd (Primary)-Mathematics are eligible.
Thomas Yeung Scholarship
- One scholarship ($50,000) is donated by Mr Thomas Yeung.
- Mainland students studying a full-time taught master’s programme are eligible. Preference will be given to those with household registration in Guizhou province.
Tse Family Scholarship
- Three scholarships ($10,000 each) are donated by the Tse Family (annual amount: $30,000).
- Full-time BEd/ Double Degree students studying Chinese, English or Early Childhood Education are eligible.
Warren Chan Best Academic Progress Award
- Nine scholarships ($10,000 each) are donated by Mr Warren Chan Chee-hoi (annual amount: $900,000).
- Full-time undergraduate Year 3, Year 4 and final year students are eligible.
2. EdUHK Student Awards
EdUHK Student Awards are granted to students by the University primarily on the basis of academic performance. The awardees will receive a certificate and a pin as a token of recognition and encouragement. There are two types of Awards with the major criteria detailed as follows:
- President’s Honour List
– For graduating undergraduate students (except for senior year entry) and research postgraduate/ professional doctorate students – Minimum Programme GPA 3.5 with no failed courses throughout the whole study programme – Minimum “Credit” in Field Experience – Good conduct – The student with the highest Programme GPA in a programme will be eligible – The awardee cannot receive Dean’s Honour List concurrently - Dean’s Honour List
– For students studying a one-year or above full-time programme, or a two-year or above part-time programme – Minimum Year GPA 3.5 with no failed courses throughout the academic year – Minimum “Credit” (if graded Distinction/ Credit) or “Pass” (if graded Pass/ Fail) – Minimum credit points obtained at EdUHK in the academic year are: 24 for full-time programmes, 12 for part-time programmes, 12 for students on semester-long exchange (except for TPg and EdD programmes which have their own credit points requirements) – Good conduct – The quota is capped at a maximum of 10% in a programme – The awardee cannot receive President’s Honour List concurrently
3. President’s Commendation Scheme
The President’s Commendation Scheme is established to provide university-level recognition of students’ non-academic achievements in arts and culture, community service, leadership, sports and innovation, science and technology. All full-time EdUHK students and student groups comprising full-time EdUHK students are eligible. The level of achievement, impact to the area, academic performance, the extent of commitment and recommendation by referees are considered in the assessment. A two-tier recognition structure is offered:
Name of Award | Selection Criteria | Max. No. of Awards | Award Amount |
President’s Commendation | Students with impactful non-academic achievements | 10 | $10,000 each |
President’s Appreciation | Students with exemplary non-academic achievements | 25 | $5,000 each |
4. Whole Person Development Award
To recognise achievements in non-formal learning, Whole Person Development Award will be granted to students with reference to their Experiential Learning and Achievements Transcript (ELAT) hours recorded.
Name of Award | Participation Hours in ELAT | Application | Quota | Award Amount |
Dean of Students’ List (highest level) |
200 hours >30 hours each in all 4 categories*, plus outstanding organising/ leading performance in non-formal learning activities | November/ December (eligible students will receive email invitation) | 10 | $3,000 each |
Whole Person Development Advanced Certificate | 100 hours >10 hours each in all 4 categories* | Automatically awarded | Unlimited | N/A |
Whole Person Development Certificate | 100 hours >10 hours each in any 3 categories* | Automatically awarded | Unlimited | N/A |
(Please note that the University has the final decision on granting of awards.)
There are also other scholarships and awards offered by the University’s departments, offices or external organisations. Details will be made available by the relevant unit at the time of application. The most updated information will be posted in The Portal. For matters regarding scholarships and awards, please contact the Student Affairs Office.
Note: The above information is subject to change without prior notice. Please note that each scholarship/ award has its own regulation/ agreement governing the eligibility criteria, nomination and approving procedures, terms and conditions, etc. The information listed above is only a brief introduction.
1. | Government Financial Assistance The Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency (WFSFAA) of the Government administers three financial assistance schemes: the means-tested Tertiary Student Finance Scheme - Publicly-funded Programmes (TSFS), Financial Assistance Scheme for Post-secondary Students (FASP) and the Non-means Tested Loan Scheme (NLS). Applicants must have the right of abode in Hong Kong or have resided or have their homes in Hong Kong continuously for three complete years prior to the commencement of their programmes. The above schemes do not cover students staying in Hong Kong holding student visas. |
1.1 | Tertiary Student Finance Scheme - Publicly-funded Programmes (TSFS) UGC-funded full-time students can apply for TSFS. Financial assistance under the TSFS is provided in the form of grant and/or loan. The grant is to cover tuition fees and academic expenses. The loan is for living expenses and is interest-bearing at the rate of 1.0% per annum, chargeable from the commencement of the repayment period which begins upon the student's graduation or leaving the University. The loan is repayable in 180 monthly instalments within 15 years after graduation or termination of the study. Students who are successful applicants of the TSFS, reside beyond than 10 minutes' walking distance from their normal place of study and need to travel to school by public transport may be eligible for a travel subsidy. Postgraduate students and hall residents are not eligible. The level of grant and/or loan offered in each case is determined by adjusted family income and net asset value per household member in relation to the tuition fees payable by the student and the academic expenses to be incurred on the student's particular programme of studies. Normally, applications are open to continuing students in May and new students in September. Applicants should refer to the updated information on the intranet. Additional financial assistance in the form of grant may be awarded to the successful applicants of TSFS if they are required to participate in compulsory overseas immersion programme or field trip (Training / Internship / Placement / Exchange Programme will not be considered) which constitutes the essential part of the programme. As the field trip/immersion programme is compulsory, it is presumed that all students of the same programme of study will be required to attend the field trip/immersion programme. Upon receiving further information on expenses of compulsory field trips of the TSFS applicants for the whole academic year from institutions, the WFSFAA will reassess the financial entitlements of all the relevant applicants and inform them of the revised financial entitlements accordingly. Therefore, applicants need not inform the WFSFAA of the compulsory immersion/field trip details individually or request a review of the application on the grounds of expenses incurred on an overseas compulsory field trip. Undergraduate students who have passed the means test of TSFS (i.e. with grant offered) and confirmed to have resided in student hostels provided by their institutions for at least 75% of the time during the semesters are eligible for the hostel subsidy. The subsidy is to be disbursed on a semester basis. Eligible students need not file separate applications for the hostel subsidy. In the 2024/25 academic year, the amount of subsidy will be equal to the actual hostel fee payable (after deducting any other hostel subsidies or waivers) or HK$10,420 per year / HK$5,210 per semester, whichever is lower. The actual amount of subsidy receivable by each eligible undergraduate is to be determined with respect to the student's level of assistance assessed in the means test. Additional academic expenses grant for students with special educational needs may be awarded to the successful applicants of TSFS if they are confirmed by a relevant professional as having at least one kind of special educational needs including Specific Learning Difficulties, Intellectual Disability, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder, Physical Disability, Visual Impairment, Hearing Impairment, Speech and Language Impairment and Mental Illness. Eligible applicants who wish to apply for the additional academic expenses grant should complete and return the request form to the WFSFAAby 31 March 2025. In the 2024/25 academic year, the amount of grant is up to HK$9,850. The actual amount of subsidy receivable by each eligible undergraduate is to be determined with respect to the student's level of assistance assessed in the means test. |
1.2 | Financial Assistance Scheme for Post-secondary Students (FASP) Students who are registered as full-time students, aged 30 or below and are pursuing full-time locally accredited self-financing post-secondary education programmes at sub-degree (i.e. associate degree or higher diploma) or bachelor’s degree level may apply for FASP. Financial assistance under the FASP is provided in the form of grant and/or loan. The grant is to cover tuition fees (subject to a ceiling amount) and academic expenses. The loan is for living expenses and is interest-bearing at the rate of 1.0% per annum, chargeable from the commencement of the repayment period which begins upon the student's graduation or leaving the University. The loan is repayable in 180 monthly instalments within 15 years after graduation or termination of the study. Students who are successful applicants of the FASP, reside beyond 10 minutes' walking distance away from their normal place of study and need to travel to school by public transport may be eligible for a travel subsidy. Hall residents are not eligible. The level of grant and/or loan offered in each case is determined by adjusted family income and net asset value per household member in relation to the tuition fees payable by the student and the academic expenses to be incurred on the student's particular programme of studies. Normally, applications are open to continuing students in May and to new students in September. Applicants should refer to the updated information on the intranet. Undergraduate students who have passed the means test of FASP (i.e. with grant offered) and confirmed to have resided in student hostels provided by their institutions for at least 75% of the time during the semesters are eligible for the hostel subsidy. The subsidy is to be disbursed on a semester basis. Eligible students need not file separate applications for the hostel subsidy. In the 2024/25 academic year, the amount of subsidy will be equal to the actual hostel fee payable (after deducting any other hostel subsidies or waivers) or HK$10,420 per year / HK$5,210 per semester, whichever is lower. The actual amount of subsidy receivable by each eligible undergraduate is to be determined with respect to the student's level of assistance assessed in the means test. Additional academic expenses grant for students with special educational needs may be awarded to the successful applicants of FASP if they are confirmed by a relevant professional as having at least one kind of special educational needs including Specific Learning Difficulties, Intellectual Disability, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder, Physical Disability, Visual Impairment, Hearing Impairment, Speech and Language Impairment and Mental Illness. Eligible applicants who wish to apply for the additional academic expenses grant should complete and return the request form to the WFSFAA by 31 March 2025. In the 2024/25 academic year, the amount of grant is up to HK$9,850. The actual amount of subsidy receivable by each eligible undergraduate is to be determined with respect to the student's level of assistance assessed in the means test. |
1.3 | Non-means Tested Loan Scheme (NLS) TThe NLS operates on a full-cost recovery basis. Interest rate is charged at the Government's no-gain-no-loss rate which will be reviewed by the end of each month and if adjustment is to be made, the adjusted rate will take effect from the first day of the following month. Interest is accrued at the prevailing NLS interest rate upon loan drawdown and throughout the study period until the NLS loan is repaid in full. An administration fee to cover the full costs of processing and administering the NLS loans is chargeable for each application and annually thereafter until the NLS loan(s) and the interests are fully repaid. The administration fee is subject to review annually. The NLS loan(s) and the interest accrued are repayable in 180 equal monthly instalments within 15 years after graduation or termination of the study. The NLS provides loans to students of eligible full-time and part-time programmes:
1.4 | Subsidy Schemes for Exchange Activities The Scheme for Subsidy on Exchange for Post-secondary Students (SSE) and the Scheme for Means-tested Subsidy on Exchange to "Belt and Road" Regions for Post-secondary Students (Means-tested SSEBR) are offered by Education Bureau (EDB) of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to support financially needy students to participate in outbound exchange activities. In addition, EDB offers two non-means-tested subsidy schemes for exchange activities, namely, Non-means-tested Mainland Experience Scheme for Post-Secondary Students (Non-means-tested MES) and Non-means-tested Subsidy on Exchange to "Belt and Road" Regions for Post-Secondary Students (Non-means-tested SSEBR) to encourage more post-secondary students in Hong Kong to pursue exchange activities in the Mainland and other B&R regions.
2. | University Financial Assistance The University also offers the following assistance to students who have financial difficulties: |
2.1. |
Regular Bursaries and Interest-free Loans • Angel Care ~ Students Assistantship Projects Hall Bursaries • The EdUHK Hall Bursary Language Immersion Bursaries • Evelyn Yee-fun Man Immersion Bursary Bursary for Students with Disabilities • The EdUHK Bursary for Students with Disabilities Interest-free Loan Full-time students who have dire financial needs may apply for an interest-free loan offered by external donors. The repayment period begins upon graduation. • Sing Tao Charitable Foundation Students' Loan |
2.2 | Special Support Bursary for Students with Difficult Family Situations This is an interim measure to support financially needy students who have not received any government financial aids due to precarious family situations. Such bursary is available throughout the year. |
2.3 |
Emergency Fund / Emergency Loan • Emergency fund |
3. | Travelling Discount Schemes Students can submit application forms for various travelling discount/ allowance schemes provided by the HKSAR Government/ public transport companies (e.g. MTR Student Travel Scheme). |
Note: The above information is only a brief introduction and subject to change without prior notice. Latest updates will be posted on the intranet or the respective websites. For matters relating to student financial assistance, please contact the Student Affairs Office.