The information given in this publication, unless otherwise stated, is accurate as of July 2024, and does not reflect any additions or alterations made after that date. Every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained in this Calendar is correct. Changes may be made from time to time and the University reserves the right to make amendments to any information contained in this Calendar without prior notice. For the latest updates, please refer to the websites/announcements of the respective Faculties/Departments/Offices.
In the event of inconsistency between information contained in this Calendar and any other published information of the University or where an interpretation of the Calendar is required, the decision of the University shall be final.
The logo of The Education University of Hong Kong is the visual representation of the University. The orange sun above five green leaves in the University logo is derived from the visual identity of the former Hong Kong Institute of Education and its five constituent colleges - the Grantham College of Education, the Hong Kong Technical Teachers’ College, the Institute of Language in Education, the Northcote College of Education and the Sir Robert Black College of Education. The sun symbolises a vital life-force, esprit de corps, and high standards and goals, achievements and success. The five luxuriant leaves symbolise the vigour, energy, and flourishing growth of youthful aspirations.
Our Vision
We will further enhance our role as a leading university in the Asia-Pacific region and beyond, with a focus on educational research, development and innovation. We will continue to raise our profile and impact locally, regionally and internationally through our high-quality research and scholarship. We are committed to nurturing outstanding and caring educators and professionals who contribute constructively to sustainable social and economic development in Hong Kong and beyond.
Our Mission
Committed to the Education-plus approach, our primary mission is to lead educational innovation, and to promote and support the strategic development of teaching, teacher education and disciplines complementary to education by preparing outstanding and morally responsible educators and professionals while supporting their lifelong learning.
We will:
- provide a multidisciplinary learning and research environment beyond education that is conducive to intellectual pursuits, free thinking and speech, advocacy of policy and practice, and the promotion of collaboration and diversity;
- enhance professional teacher and teaching education programmes and programmes in disciplines complementary to education with innovative curricula which will enrich students’ experiences and enable them to realise their personal potential as well as their educational and career goals;
- prepare our students to become educators and professionals who can integrate theory and practice, and who are creative, innovative, intellectually active, entrepreneurial, socially caring and globally aware;
- foster a vibrant research culture and environment which contributes to the advancement of knowledge, scholarship and innovation, with a sustainable impact on social progress and human betterment; and
- engage in knowledge transfer activities which contribute to the development of the University and the wider community while serving the needs of educational and social development locally, regionally and internationally.
Our Core Values
- Professionalism
- Innovation
- Moral responsibility
- Societal caring
- Global awareness
The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) is a local university dedicated to teacher education and complementary disciplines. Funded by the University Grants Committee (UGC), the University offers programmes leading to the award of doctoral, master’s and bachelor’s degrees, as well as postgraduate diploma and higher diploma. As part of its mission, the University also conducts in-service training programmes for teachers. The total number of students to-date is about 11,780.
The University’s history can be traced back to 1881, when the first Government Normal School was established in Wan Chai, albeit for a brief period. As the first full-time, single-purposed teacher training institute in Hong Kong, it can be seen as the historical origin of EdUHK, which has emerged after the evolvement and development of local teacher education at different stages. With increasing interest in and demand for teacher education from the government and the public, the Northcote College of Education (1939), Grantham College of Education (1951), Sir Robert Black College of Education (1960), Hong Kong Technical Teachers’ College (1974) and Institute of Language in Education (1982) were founded to provide formal teacher education in Hong Kong.
In April 1994, pursuant to the recommendation of Education Commission Report No. 5, The Hong Kong Institute of Education (HKIEd) was established by amalgamating the four Colleges of Education and the Institute of Language in Education to enhance teacher education and upgrade professional development programmes.
The Institute came under the aegis of the UGC in July 1996 and moved to the Tai Po campus the following year. In 2004, it was granted self-accrediting status for education programmes following a review by the UGC. In mid-2007, the Institute promulgated a Development Blueprint for the coming decade, outlining its aspiration to become an education university and to extend its scope of educational and research activities, footprint and academic impact within the Asia-Pacific region. In 2009, the Institute promulgated, for the first time, its “Education-plus” approach under its Strategic Plan 2009–12 and Beyond, embarking on a transformation journey to an education-focused, multidisciplinary, research-strong university of education.
This was followed by the publication of the Strategic Plan 2013–16. Entitled Shaping the Future: Excellence in Learning, Teaching and Scholarship, it provided direction, strategies and milestones to guide the Institute’s development, enabling it to further enhance its academic capacity, improve its research infrastructure, and promote its research culture and impact in the areas of education studies, humanities, social sciences, and creative arts and culture.
In September 2015, the UGC submitted its review report to the Education Bureau, recommending that the Institute be awarded the title of university, which the Chief Executive in Council approved in January 2016. Following the passage of the HKIEd (Amendment) Bill at the Legislative Council in mid-May 2016 and upon the publication in the Government Gazette of the HKIEd (Amendment) Ordinance 2016, HKIEd was officially renamed The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) on 27 May 2016. EdUHK was granted full self-accrediting status for all its programmes on 1 April 2018.
EdUHK promulgated its Strategic Plan 2016–2025, which articulates its vision, mission, core values and strategies to guide the University’s development under the Education-plus approach. Representing the collective wisdom of the entire University community, it reflects the University’s strong commitment to making continuous enhancements in learning, teaching, research and knowledge transfer, and its aspiration to have a positive impact on social progress and human development in the local, regional and global contexts.
As the largest teacher education provider in Hong Kong, EdUHK offers teacher education programmes at different levels and in various study modes. Initial teacher education programmes such as the Bachelor of Education (Honours) programmes and Higher Diploma programmes are offered to prepare beginning teachers to teach in kindergartens, and primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong. Postgraduate Diplomas in Education programmes are offered for university graduates aspiring to become professional teachers.
In 2023/24, the University offered 44 undergraduate programmes for over 6,000 students and two sub-degree programmes for over 650 students. Building upon its widening academic scope and knowledge base, the University has been expanding its programme offerings to cover more subject disciplines and cross-faculty major courses. During the 2022-25 triennium, the University has launched a variety of new undergraduate programmes covering artificial intelligence and educational technology, sports science and coaching, environmental management, and heritage education and arts management. There are also new Senior-year Entry Programmes specialising in early childhood and family studies, English studies and digital communication, sociology and community studies, social entrepreneurship and development studies, and executive management.
At the postgraduate level, the University offers professional doctorate programmes, research postgraduate programmes and a wide array of self-financed taught postgraduate programmes for educators and professionals in education settings who seek professional advancement. In the 2023/24 academic year, about 350 students were enrolled in four professional doctorate programmes, some 140 students were enrolled in three research postgraduate programmes and 45 taught postgraduate programmes were offered for around 2,900 students. In the past year, the University also offered 51 full-time and part-time professional development programmes for about 1,700 students to cater for the development needs of in-service teachers.
Since 2019/20, the University has implemented a revamped curriculum structure for all undergraduate programmes. Under the revamped common core curriculum, new elements such as credit-bearing experiential learning courses, General Education Interdisciplinary Courses, Breadth Courses and a Capstone Project have been introduced, enabling students to interact academically and professionally across disciplines.
In parallel, since 2019, Professional Excellence, Ethical Responsibility and Innovation (“PEER&I”) has become the framework articulating the attributes of our university graduates. The framework is applicable to sub-degree, undergraduate and postgraduate students with specific descriptions for each level.
As testimony to its educational leadership, the University ranked 20th in the world in education in the QS World University Rankings 2024. As for individual faculty members, 38 EdUHK scholars were named among the top 2% most-cited scientists in the world, in the latest annual list released by Stanford University.
EdUHK boasts the largest critical mass of scholars and experts in education and related disciplines in Hong Kong, with academic and teaching staff from 26 countries or places on five continents and an increasingly internationalised profile of research postgraduate students from different parts of the world. EdUHK had entered into partnerships with over 200 universities and institutions in more than 39 countries or places, together with dual doctoral or master’s degree programmes launched with six partner universities.
The University is dedicated to contributing to the teacher and talent development and supporting the strategic plans of nurturing future teachers and talents through diverse initiatives and collaborations, considering societal development in local, national and global aspects. For example, the University has incorporated Greater Bay Area (GBA) elements in the undergraduate curriculum and required students to visit the GBA to equip students with the most updated knowledge of the development in the mainland. To strengthen students’ understanding of the rule of law and of the importance of National Security, the University has also enriched the undergraduate curriculum by making “Basic Law and National Security Education” a common core course and embedding this element in other existing courses. Outside Hong Kong, the University has contributed to ongoing educational reform in the Belt and Road countries to enhance their higher education capacity, through nationwide projects. Over the years, EdUHK has also partnered with the World Bank, UNESCO, UNEVOC, the Asian Development Bank and the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization to drive educational change.
Leveraging its established niche in education and growing capacity in multidisciplinary fields, the University has advanced boundaries of knowledge through research and knowledge transfer. As of June 2024, with newly funded projects and those previously awarded, senior academics and emerging young scholars at the University were undertaking 188 ongoing projects funded by the Research Grants Council (RGC) and other funding bodies*, with a total amount of HK$169.89 million awarded, in a wide array of disciplines and subjects, including education, social sciences, psychology and linguistics, and humanities and arts, among others.
The University also excels in research performance and impact, as evidenced by the results in the UGC’s Research Assessment Exercise (RAE), in which an array of the University’s research projects was judged to be “world leading” or “internationally excellent”. Apart from the traditional education field, the University’s research was recognised in other Units of Assessment, covering earth sciences, geography, Chinese language & literature, psychology, computer studies and linguistics & language studies.
With its enhanced research capacity, the University established the Knowledge Transfer Sub-office in 2016 to actively make our innovations more impactful through the development and commercialisation of intellectual property, entrepreneurship talent development, and start-up incubation. In the previous triennium, the Sub-office supported 40 translational research and knowledge transfer projects, received over 60 international awards and filed 12 patent applications. Under its Education And Social Entrepreneurs (EASE) Fund scheme, the University has trained 97 start-up teams over the years, 20 of which were funded. These start-up teams received 15 external awards or sizeable funding.
The purpose-built campus, surrounded by the lush greenery of a mountain range, is divided by a central spine road, with student hostels and staff quarters in the upper zone and academic and sports facilities in the lower zone. It also links the main entrance at the south end to the Amenities and Sports Complex at the north end of the campus.
The Main Complex comprises eight blocks of academic buildings, which house the academic staff offices and teaching facilities. The Central Facilities Building, which is located in the centre of the main complex, houses the Library, the IT Help Desk, lecture theatres, the Learning Commons area, a convenience store, student activity rooms and canteens. The covered Central Plaza is the hub of the University, where university-wide events and student activities are held. Designed for 21st century educational trends, eight “Future Classrooms” located in the Library have been operational since 2021, alongside the AI Education Lab and other new research facilities.
The Amenities and Sports Complex at the north end of the campus consists of a Conference Centre, departmental offices and sports facilities, including an Olympic-standard outdoor swimming pool, an indoor training pool, a sports hall, a practice gymnasium, a climbing gymnasium, two fitness rooms, three squash courts and two sports laboratories. The five-hectare off-campus sports complex at Pak Shek Kok houses outdoor facilities including an athletics track, two full-sized football pitches and five tennis courts for students, staff and their dependents, sports club members and partnership schools. In addition to the existing Tseung Kwan O Study Centre, the University’s second downtown study centre in North Point, renovated from a former primary school building, has been open since September 2023. The new North Point Study Centre is well furnished with 12 classrooms of various sizes, an AI Education Laboratory, a Lecture Theatre of capacity accommodating 130 people, a Learning Common and some Discussion Rooms for teaching and learning purposes.
The University has also commenced the construction of a new Academic Building on the Tai Po campus, which will be put into service in 2025. With a net operating floor area of 7,600 square metres, the eight-storey building will support the University’s teaching and research through the application of educational technology, pedagogy and interactive learning.
An Ordinance to establish a body corporate known as The Education University of Hong Kong to provide teacher education and facilities for research into and the development of education, and to provide for related matters.
(Amended 6 of 2016 s. 3)
[25 April 1994] L.N. 237 of 1994
1. | Short title
2. | Interpretation In this Ordinance, unless the context otherwise requires – "Academic Board"(教務委員會)means the Academic Board of the University established under section 13; (Amended 6 of 2016 s. 5) "Chairman"(主席)and "Deputy Chairman"(副主席)mean respectively the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Council appointed under section 8(2); "Chancellor"(校監)means the Chancellor of the University provided for under section 6; (Added 23 of 2002 s. 44. Amended 6 of 2016 s. 5) "committee"(委員會)means a committee of the Council established under section 9; "Council"(校董會)means the Council of the University established under section 7; (Amended 6 of 2016 s. 5) "financial year"(財政年度)means the period fixed by the Council under section 17(2); (Replaced 65 of 1996 s. 2) "functions"(職能)includes powers and duties; "President"(校長)and "Vice President"(副校長)mean respectively the President and a Vice President of the University appointed under section 11(1); (Added 23 of 2002 s. 44. Amended 6 of 2016 s. 5) University(大學)means the body corporate known as The Education University of Hong Kong by the operation of section 3(1). (Added 6 of 2016 s. 5) (Amended 23 of 2002 s. 44; 6 of 2016 s. 5) |
(Amended 6 of 2016 s. 6)
3. | Title and objects of University (Replaced 6 of 2016 s. 7)
4. | Powers of University (Amended 6 of 2016 s. 8) The University may, in furtherance of its objects– (Amended 6 of 2016 s. 8)
5. | Directions of the Chief Executive in Council
(Amended 23 of 2002 s. 45)
6. | The Chancellor
7. | The Council and its functions There shall be a Council of the University which, subject to this Ordinance– (Amended 6 of 2016 s. 11)
8. | Membership of the Council
9. | Committees of the Council
10. | Meetings and procedures of the Council
(Replaced 23 of 2002 s. 49)
11. | Appointment of President and Vice President
12. | Power of the Council to delegate to the President The Council may in writing, with such restrictions or conditions as it thinks fit, delegate to the President any of its functions which under section 9(3) it may delegate to a committee, except the appointment of an acting President or acting Vice President. (Amended 23 of 2002 s. 51) |
13. | Academic Board of University (Amended 6 of 2016 s. 9)
14. | Accounts
15. | Auditors
16. | Statements and reports
17. | Estimates and financial year
18. | (Repealed 65 of 1996 s. 8) | ||||||||||||
19. | (Repealed 65 of 1996 s. 9) | ||||||||||||
20. | Director of Audit's examination
21. | Unauthorized use of title of University (Amended 6 of 2016 s. 10)
22. | Power of the Council to make rules
23. | Admissibility of documents
24. | Power of the Chief Executive in Council to make regulations The Chief Executive in Council may make regulations for the better carrying out of the provisions of this Ordinance and in particular, but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, may provide for- (Amended 53 of 2000 s. 3)
25-27. | (Omitted as spent) |
1. | Meetings of the Council shall be held at such times and places as may be appointed by the person for the time being acting as Chairman, who shall preside at all such meetings. | ||||||||||
2. | The Deputy Chairman shall act as Chairman if the Chairman is absent from Hong Kong or is, for any other reason, unable to act as Chairman, or if the office of Chairman is vacant. | ||||||||||
3. | If for any period both the Chairman and the Deputy Chairman are absent from Hong Kong or are, for any other reason, unable to act as Chairman, or if the offices of Chairman and Deputy Chairman are vacant, the members of the Council may elect one of their numbers appointed under section 8(1) (f)(i) of this Ordinance to act as Chairman for that period. (Amended 65 of 1996 s. 11) | ||||||||||
4. | At any meeting of the Council 1/2 of the members for the time being shall constitute a quorum. | ||||||||||
5. | A meeting of the Council may be adjourned by the person presiding or, if the meeting so resolves, by a decision of the meeting. | ||||||||||
6. | At meetings of the Council on any matter on which a decision is taken by vote–
7. | If the Chairman so decides in respect of a particular meeting, any member of the Council who is an employee, adviser, consultant or full-time student of the University may be excluded from the whole or part of that meeting. (Amended 6 of 2016 s. 11) | ||||||||||
8. | If a member present at a meeting of the Council has any pecuniary or other personal interest in any matter to be considered at that meeting, he shall–
9. | The Council may transact any of its business by circulation of papers and for that purpose a resolution in writing which is approved in writing by a majority of the members for the time being shall be as valid and effectual as if it had been passed at a meeting of the Council, but a person to whom section 8 of this Schedule applies shall not vote and shall not be counted in calculating the majority for approval of such a resolution. | ||||||||||
10. | The powers of the Council shall not be affected by–
11. | The exercise of any power by the Council may be signified by the person presiding at the meeting or other deliberation at which such power was exercised, or by any person from time to time authorized by the Council to signify the exercise of such power. | ||||||||||
12. | The fixing of the seal of the University shall be– (Amended 6 of 2016 s. 11)
Chancellor 校監
The Honourable Mr John LEE Ka-chiu 李家超, GBM, SBS, PDSM, PMSM
Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Chairman of the Council 校董會主席
Dr David WONG Yau-kar 黃友嘉, GBS, JP
Deputy Chairman of the Council 校董會副主席
Professor Terence CHAN Ho-wah 陳浩華
Treasurer of the Council 校董會司庫
Ms Imma LING Kit-sum 凌潔心
President and Chair Professor of Curriculum and Instruction
Professor John LEE Chi-Kin 李子建, BA(Hons) HKU; MSc Oxon; DipEd (Dist.), MA (Ed), PhD CUHK; JP
Vice President (Academic) and Chair Professor of Teacher Education
Professor May CHENG May-hung 鄭美紅, BSc(Hons), CertEd, MEd HKU; PhD Waikato; CBiol; FRSB
Vice President (Research and Development) and Peter T. C. Lee Chair Professor of Psychology
Professor Chetwyn CHAN Che-hin 陳智軒, BSc, PhD University of Alberta; MSc University of Hull; FAPA
Vice President (Administration) and Secretary to Council
Dr Tom FONG Wing-ho 方永豪, DBA University of Newcastle; MEd University of Leicester; BA(Hons) HKU
Associate Vice President (Internationalization) and Chair Professor of Social Research
Professor LO Sing-kai 盧成皆, BSc(Hons) Macquarie; PhD UC Berkeley
Associate Vice President (Quality Assurance)
Professor YEUNG Siu-sze 楊少詩, BSocSc HKU; MPhil HKU; EdD HKU
Associate Vice President (Research)
Professor Ken YUNG Kin-lam 翁建霖, BSc HK Baptist College (now HKBU), MPhil HKU, DPhil University of Oxford
Associate Vice President (Mainland Engagement and Development)
Ms Helen GAI Huixia 蓋會霞, EMBA Tsinghua University
Emeritus President | |
Professor Ruth HAYHOE, SBS | 許美德 |
Emeritus Professors | |
Professor CHENG Yin-cheong Emeritus Professor (Education) |
鄭燕祥 |
Professor Kerry KENNEDY Emeritus Professor (Education) |
甘國臻 |
Chair Professors | |
Professor Chetwyn CHAN Che-hin Chair Professor of Psychology |
陳智軒 |
Professor Dennis CHENG Kat Hung Chair Professor of Cultural History |
鄭吉雄 |
Professor May CHENG May-hung Chair Professor of Teacher Education |
鄭美紅 |
Professor CHENG Sheung-Tak Chair Professor of Psychology and Gerontology |
鄭相德 |
Professor CHEUNG Him Chair Professor of Cognition |
張謙 |
Professor CHIU Ming-ming Chair Professor of Analytics and Diversity |
趙明明 |
Professor Stephen CHIU Wing-kai Chair Professor of Sociology |
趙永佳 |
Professor CHOU Kee-lee Chair Professor of Social Policy |
周基利 |
Professor Daniel CHOW Hung-kay Chair Professor of Health and Sports Science |
周鴻奇 |
Professor Anne Mette HJORT Chair Professor of Film and Media Studies |
Professor Kevin CHUNG Kien-hoa Chair Professor of Child Development and Special Education |
鍾杰華 |
Professor John N. ERNI Chair Professor of Cultural Studies |
陳錦榮 |
Professor Paul Gordon HARRIS Chair Professor of Global and Environmental Studies |
Professor KONG Siu-cheung Research Chair Professor of E-Learning and Digital Competency |
江紹祥 |
Professor John LEE Chi-Kin Chair Professor of Curriculum and Instruction |
李子建 |
Professor LIM Cher-ping Chair Professor of Learning Technologies and Innovation |
林質彬 |
Professor LI Wai-keung Research Chair Professor of Data Science |
李偉強 |
Professor LI Hui Chair Professor of Early Childhood Education |
李輝 |
Professor LIN Mei-yi Chair Professor of Language, Literacy, and Social Semiotics |
練美兒 |
Professor LO Sing-kai Research Chair Professor of Social Research |
盧成皆 |
Professor LOOI Chee-kit Research Chair Professor of the Learning Sciences |
呂賜杰 |
Professor Bruce John MACFARLANE Chair Professor of Educational Leadership |
麥博思 |
Professor WANG Minjuan Chair Professor of Emerging Technologies and Future Education |
王敏娟 |
Professor XU Guandong Chair Professor of Artificial Intelligence |
徐貫東 |
Professor Ken YUNG Kin Lam Chair Professor of Biology and Neuroscience |
翁建霖 |
Doctor of Education 榮譽教育學博士 | |
GU Mingyuan 顧明遠 | 2001 |
John ELLIOTT 艾約翰 | 2002 |
Ruth HAYHOE 許美德, SBS (also Emeritus President) |
2002 |
TIN Ka-ping 田家炳, GBM, MBE | 2003 |
Simon IP Sik-on 葉錫安, CBE, JP | 2003 |
Arthur HINTON 韓敦 | 2004 |
William TAYLOR 威廉泰勒, CBE | 2004 |
Angela CHEUNG WONG Wan-yiu 張黃韻瑤, MBE, JP | 2005 |
LI Yuet-ting 李越挺, CBE, JP | 2005 |
Stewart SUTHERLAND 宋達能, KT, FBA, FRSE | 2006 |
Linda DARLING HAMMOND 韓戴蓮達 | 2006 |
Peter NEWBERY 李文烈, MH | 2006 |
CHUNG Chi-yung 鍾期榮, GBS, BH | 2007 |
Ference MARTON 馬飛龍 | 2007 |
HU Hung-lick 胡鴻烈, BM, GBS, OBE, JP | 2007 |
XU Jialu 許嘉璐 | 2007 |
Alfred J. DEIGNAN 狄恆, S.J. | 2008 |
Michael A.K. HALLIDAY 韓禮德 | 2008 |
LU Jie 魯潔 | 2008 |
Max van MANEN 范梅南 | 2008 |
Kwong Chiu LEE DOW 李光昭 | 2009 |
Sharon Lynn KAGAN 祈雪蓮 | 2010 |
Colin Nelson POWER 包國倫, AM | 2011 |
Brian CALDWELL 郭本彬 | 2012 |
Geoff WHITTY 傑夫.惠迪, CBE | 2012 |
ZHONG Binglin 鍾秉林 | 2012 |
Michael FULLAN 邁克富蘭, OC | 2013 |
Lee SHULMAN 滿書理 | 2013 |
Howard E. GARDNER 霍華德.加德納 | 2014 |
SHEN Jinkang 沈金康, BBS, MH | 2014 |
Jerome BRUNER 傑羅姆.布魯納 | 2015 |
Dolores GALLAGHER-THOMPSON 多樂莉絲.加拉赫–湯臣 | 2015 |
Michael W. APPLE 艾彌高, FAERA | 2016 |
Anthony CHEUNG Bing-leung 張炳良, GBS, JP | 2017 |
Andy HARGREAVES 夏啟安 | 2017 |
Thomas LEUNG Kwok-fai 梁國輝, BBS, JP | 2017 |
Edward CHEN Kwan-yiu 陳坤耀, GBS, CBE, JP | 2018 |
Christopher W. DAY 戴傑思, FAcSS | 2018 |
PANG Yiu-kai 彭耀佳, GBS, JP | 2018 |
Harold ABELSON 安百師 | 2021 |
Michael CONNELLY 麥克爾.康納利 | 2021 |
Charles CHEN Yidan 陳一丹 | 2022 |
KAWATA Teiichi 河田悌一 | 2023 |
Stephen RAUDENBUSH | 2023 |
Doctor of Humanities 榮譽人文學博士 | |
YAN Liangkun 嚴良堃 | 2009 |
Ann HUI On-wah 許鞍華, BBS | 2010 |
Victor Henry MAIR 梅維恒 | 2010 |
TING Pang-hsin 丁邦新 | 2011 |
Rebecca LEE Lok-sze 李樂詩, MH | 2012 |
Christina NOBLE 姬絲汀娜盧保, OBE | 2013 |
Joseph KOO Ka-fai 顧嘉煇, MBE, BBS | 2014 |
Elizabeth WANG Ming-chun 汪明荃, SBS | 2015 |
THICH Nhat Hanh 釋一行 | 2017 |
TAN Dun 譚盾 | 2021 |
GE Zhaoguang 葛兆光 | 2022 |
ZHANG Yimou 張藝謀 | 2022 |
Doctor of Social Sciences 榮譽社會科學博士 | |
Rosanna WONG Yick-ming 王䓪鳴, DBE, JP | 2004 |
Ela Ramesh BHATT 白綺娜 | 2010 |
FONG Yun-wah 方潤華, SBS, MBE, JP | 2011 |
Sheila PURVES 貝維斯, MBE | 2011 |
Edwin LEONG Siu-hung 梁紹鴻 | 2012 |
Gordon WU Ying-sheung 胡應湘, GBS, KCMG, FICE | 2013 |
LAU Ming-wai 劉鳴煒, BBS, JP | 2014 |
Daniel TSE Chi-wai 謝志偉, GBS, CBE, OBE, JP | 2015 |
Eric LI Ka-cheung 李家祥, GBS, JP | 2016 |
Rita FAN HSU Lai-tai 范徐麗泰, GBM, GBS, JP | 2017 |
LAM Woon-kwong 林煥光, GBS, JP | 2018 |
Joseph C. TSAI 蔡崇信 | 2018 |
CHAN Shuk-leung 陳淑良, GBS | 2020 |
Joseph LEE Chung-tak 李宗德, GBS, OStJ, JP | 2021 |
Carlson TONG Ka-shing 唐家成, GBS, JP | 2023 |
2009 | CHU Pu-sun (A Nong) | 朱溥生[阿濃] |
Stephen HUI Chin-yim, MH | 許俊炎 | |
Peter LEE Ting-chang | 利定昌 | |
Leo LU Kwong-fai | 盧光輝 | |
2010 | Anthony CHOW Wing-kin, SBS, JP | 周永健 |
Barbara FEI, SBS | 費明儀 | |
HO Siu-lun | 何兆倫 | |
Joseph KWONG Kai-to, MH | 鄺啟濤 | |
Chien LEE | 利乾 | |
MAK CHEN Wen-ning, BBS | 麥陳尹玲 | |
Rita MANSUKHANI AU Hay-lun, MH | 文區熙倫 | |
WONG Kam-po, BBS, MH | 黃金寶 | |
2011 | Daniel CHAN Wing-kwong, MH | 陳榮光 |
FUNG Hon-man | 馮翰文 | |
HO Pui-hung | 何沛雄 | |
NG Hong-mun, GBM | 吳康民 | |
Jeannie SUN Fong-chung, BBS, JP | 孫方中 | |
Ada WONG Ying-kay, JP | 黃英琦 | |
2012 | CHAN CHEN Shu-an | 陳陳淑安 |
Darwin CHEN, SBS | 陳達文 | |
Eddie NG Hak-kim, SBS, JP | 吳克儉 | |
Joseph TING Sun-pao | 丁新豹 | |
Cecilia WONG Yeuk-han | 黃若嫻 | |
YUEN Siu-fai, BH | 阮兆輝 | |
2013 | Andrew CHAN Au-ming | 陳謳明 |
FUNG Sau-chung | 馮壽松 | |
Leona LAM Wai-ling, JP | 林惠玲 | |
Frank LEE King-ting | 李敬天 | |
TAI Hay-lap, BBS, JP | 戴希立 | |
Christina TING Yuk-chee, GBS, JP | 丁毓珠 | |
2014 | Betty CHAN Po-king | 陳保琼 |
CHENG Kok-kong | 鄭國江 | |
Rowena CHEUNG Po-man | 張寶雯 | |
Francis CHEUNG Wing-ming, MH | 張永明 | |
CHU TANG Lai-kuen | 朱鄧麗娟 | |
KWAN Kee | 關祺 | |
LEE Park-keong | 李百強 | |
Laura LING LAU Yuet-fun, BBS, MH | 凌劉月芬 | |
2015 | CHU King-yuen, BBS, MH, JP | 朱景玄 |
Maggie KOONG May-kay, BBS | 孔美琪 | |
LEE Yue-hong | 李汝匡 | |
LEUNG Kee-cheong | 梁紀昌 | |
Carlson TONG, SBS, JP | 唐家成 | |
George WONG Yui-lam | 黃銳林 | |
2016 | Alman CHAN Siu-cheuk | 陳兆焯 |
Alfred CHAN Wing-kin, BBS | 陳永堅 | |
CHUNG Po-yang, SBS, OBE, JP | 鍾普洋 | |
Lillian LUI Lai-hung | 呂麗紅 | |
MA Siu-leung, BBS, MH | 馬紹良 | |
Andrew TSE Chung-yee | 謝宗義 | |
2017 | CHAN Hung | 陳葒 |
Anissa CHAN WONG Lai-kuen, BBS, MH, JP | 陳黃麗娟 | |
FUNG Sun-kwan | 馮燊均 | |
LAM Tai-fai, SBS, JP | 林大輝 | |
2018 | CHEUNG Man-kwong | 張文光 |
Sanly KAM Shau-wan, MH | 甘秀雲 | |
Michael MAK Hoi-hung, SBS, JP | 麥海雄 | |
Francis NGAI Wah-sing | 魏華星 | |
Abraham SHEK Lai-him, GBS, JP | 石禮謙 | |
2019 | Amy CHAN Lim-chee, BEM, JP | 陳念慈 |
CHU Tsz-wing | 朱子穎 | |
FOK Woo-ping | 霍和平 | |
Sarah LEE Wai-sze, BBS, MH | 李慧詩 | |
2020 | Ada HO How-sim | 何巧嬋 |
Shirley LOO, BBS, MH, JP | 羅乃萱 | |
2022 | LEE Yiu-fai (Yee Kok), MH | 李耀輝(義覺)道長 |
MA Kai-yum | 馬介欽 | |
NG Oi-shum | 鮑吳愛岑 | |
Allen SHI Lop-tak, BBS, MH, JP | 史立德 | |
SO Wa-wai, BBS, MH | 蘇樺偉 | |
2023 | PAU Chun-ping | 鮑俊萍 |
Dieter YIH, JP | 葉禮德 | |
2024 | CHUNG Chi-kwong | 鍾志光 |
Pauline NGAN Po-ling, BBS, JP | 顏寶鈴 |
Professor LUI Tai-lok 呂大樂 Department of Social Sciences and Policy Studies |
1 July 2023 – 30 June 2026 |
Professor Allan David WALKER 汪雅量 Department of Education Policy and Leadership |
1 July 2024 – 30 June 2025 |
Professor Francis BOND Department of Linguistics and Modern Language Studies |
1 February 2024 – 31 December 2025 |
Professor Liora BRESLER Department of Cultural and Creative Arts |
18 July 2024 – 31 July 2026 |
Dr Darren BRYANT 白達仁 Department of Education Policy and Leadership |
5 June 2023 – 30 June 2025 |
Professor Lewis CHEUNG Ting-on 張定安 Department of Social Sciences and Policy Studies |
16 June 2023 – 30 June 2025 |
Professor David CONIAM 龔大胃 Department of Curriculum and Instruction |
1 July 2020 – 30 June 2026 |
Professor Andy KIRKPATRICK Department of Linguistics and Modern Language Studies |
1 February 2024 – 31 December 2025 |
Professor Edmond LAW Hau-fai 羅厚輝 Department of Curriculum and Instruction |
1 July 2017 – 30 June 2026 |
Professor LEUNG Bo-wah 梁寶華 Department of Cultural and Creative Arts |
1 July 2024 – 30 June 2025 |
Dr LI Chung 李宗 Department of Health and Physical Education |
1 September 2015 – 30 September 2025 |
Professor Mark MASON Department of International Education |
1 January 2024 – 30 June 2026 |
Professor Andrew PRZYBYLSKI Centre for Psychosocial Health |
1 April 2024 – 31 March 2026 |
Professor Randi REPPEN Department of Linguistics and Modern Language Studies |
1 February 2024 – 31 December 2025 |
Professor Robert SAVAGE Department of Psychology |
1 June 2024 – 31 May 2026 |
Professor Richard TSANG Yip-fat 曾葉發 Department of Cultural and Creative Arts |
1 October 2021 – 30 September 2025 |
Professor TSENG Sun-man 鄭新文 Department of Cultural and Creative Arts |
1 September 2017 – 30 September 2025 |
Professor Sylvia TANG Yee-fan 鄧怡勳 Department of Education Policy and Leadership |
19 August 2023 – 31 August 2025 |
Professor MENG Lin 孟琳 Department of Science and Environmental Studies |
1 March 2024 – 28 February 2027 |
Dr CHEANG Chi-chiu 蔣志超 Department of Science and Environmental Studies |
2 July 2024 – 1 July 2025 |
Dr Eric CHENG Chi-keung 鄭志強 Department of Curriculum and Instruction |
4 March 2024 – 30 June 2026 |
Dr CHOI Tae-hee 崔太僖 Department of Education Policy and Leadership |
1 April 2023 – 31 March 2025 |
Dr Shirley FONG Siu-ming 方少萌 Department of Health and Physical Education |
1 January 2021 – 31 December 2024 |
Professor KO Po-yuk 高寶玉 Department of Curriculum and Instruction |
1 July 2024 – 30 June 2025 |
Dr James KO Yue-on 高裕安 Department of Education Policy and Leadership |
1 August 2023 – 31 July 2025 |
Dr LAM Bick-har 林碧霞 Department of Curriculum and Instruction |
1 July 2023 – 30 June 2025 |
Professor Jackie LEE Fung-king 李鳳琼 Department of Linguistics and Modern Language Studies |
1 July 2024 – 30 June 2026 |
Dr Joe LO Tin-yau 羅天佑 Department of Curriculum and Instruction |
1 August 2023 – 30 June 2025 |
Dr MA Kwai-shun 馬桂順 Department of Cultural and Creative Arts |
1 March 2014 – 31 July 2026 |
Professor SI Chung-mou 施仲謀 Department of Chinese Language Studies |
1 July 2023 – 30 June 2025 |
Dr TAM Cheung-on 譚祥安 Department of Cultural and Creative Arts |
1 July 2024 – 30 June 2025 |
Dr TSE Ka-ho 謝家浩 Department of Chinese Language Studies |
12 November 2023 – 11 November 2025 |
Professor TSUI Kwok-tung 徐國棟 Department of Curriculum and Instruction |
1 July 2024 – 30 June 2025 |
Dr Paul CHAN Kam-wing 陳錦榮 Department of Curriculum and Instruction |
22 November 2014 – 31 December 2024 |
Dr Tikky CHAN Sing-pui 陳聲珮 Department of Early Childhood Education |
2 December 2019 – 1 December 2024 |
Ms Patricia CHING 程棣妍 Department of Health and Physical Education |
1 November 2012 – 31 December 2024 |
Dr FOK Ping-kwan 霍秉坤 Department of Curriculum and Instruction |
1 July 2023 – 30 June 2025 |
Dr FUNG Suk-chun 馮淑珍 Department of Special Education and Counselling |
1 July 2023 – 30 June 2025 |
Dr HO Fuk-chuen 何福全 Department of Special Education and Counselling |
1 July 2014 – 30 June 2025 |
Dr Lina CHOW Pui-yu 周佩瑜 Department of Health and Physical Education |
25 August 2015 – 31 December 2024 |
Dr Alberto CRUZ 高達倫 Department of Health and Physical Education |
1 October 2018 – 31 December 2024 |
Dr John LAM Tak-shing 林德城 Department of Curriculum and Instruction |
4 April 2014 – 30 June 2026 |
Dr Eddie LEUNG Chi-keung 梁志強 Department of Mathematics and Information Technology |
1 October 2019 – 30 September 2024 |
Dr POON Kei-yan 潘紀恩 Department of Special Education and Counselling |
1 October 2022 – 31 September 2024 |
Dr SO Ming-chuen 蘇明村 Department of Cultural and Creative Arts |
1 October 2021 – 30 September 2025 |
Mr TSANG Kee-kung 曾其鞏, MH Department of Health and Physical Education |
1 November 2016 – 31 December 2024 |
Dr WONG Tak-wah 黃德華 Department of Mathematics and Information Technology |
1 December 2017 – 30 November 2024 |
The Chancellor
The Honourable Mr John LEE Ka-chiu 李家超, GBM, SBS, PDSM, PMSM
Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Dr David WONG Yau-kar 黃友嘉, GBS, JP
Deputy Chairman
Professor Terence CHAN Ho-wah 陳浩華
Ms Imma LING Kit-sum 凌潔心
Members under Section 8(1) of the Ordinance
(a) | The President Professor John LEE Chi-Kin 李子建, JP |
(b) | The Vice Presidents Professor May CHENG May Hung 鄭美紅, Vice President (Academic) Professor Chetwyn CHAN Che-hin 陳智軒, Vice President (Research and Development) Dr Tom FONG Wing-ho 方永豪, Vice President (Administration) |
(c) | At least one but not more than 3 public officers appointed by the Chief Executive Ms Louise SO Yuen-yi 蘇婉儀 |
(d) | At least one but not more than 3 persons nominated by the Academic Board from among its number and appointed by the Council Professor Eric TSANG Po-keung 曾寶強 Professor Susanna YEUNG Siu-sze 楊少詩 |
(e) | 3 members elected from among their number by (i) the full-time teaching staff; and (ii) the administrative staff whose rank or grade is equivalent to that of full- time teaching staff Dr Maxwell HO Chun-sing 何振聲 Dr Sarah LEE Hoi-man 李凱雯 Ms Teresa POON Sin-yi 潘倩儀 |
(f) | Not more than 14 other persons appointed by the Chief Executive, who shall be neither public officers nor employees of the University Mr CHOY Sai-hung 蔡世鴻, MH Dr Henry HO Kin-chung 何建宗 Mr KWOK Wing-keung 郭永強, BBS, MH, JP Mr Armstrong LEE Hon-cheung 李漢祥 Mrs Joanna LI LAU Lai-hing 李劉麗卿, MH Mr Kennedy LIU Tat-yin 廖達賢 Mr Willie LUI Pok-shek 呂博碩, JP Ms Winnie NG 伍穎梅, JP Professor Eric YEUNG Chuen-sing 楊全盛, JP Ms Jennifer YEUNG 楊燕芝, JP Professor Ben YOUNG 楊立偉 |
(g) | A full-time student of the University appointed by the Council Ms Gemma Cunanan SITCHON |
Terms of Reference
1. | To consider and recommend to the Council the appointment or re-appointment of internal and external auditors, the audit fee, the resignation or dismissal of auditors, and any related issues. |
2. | To discuss with the external auditor the nature and scope of the audit and ensure co-ordination between external and internal auditors. |
3. | To review the annual financial statements, focusing on the adequacy and fairness of disclosure, before submission to the Council. |
4. | To discuss problems and reservations arising from the audits, and any matters the external auditor may wish to discuss (in the absence of management when necessary). |
5. | To review the external auditor’s management letter and management’s response. |
6. | To approve the internal audit plan and to review the reports of the internal auditor and management’s response to ensure that appropriate action is taken to address major issues raised. |
7. | To oversee the internal auditor’s reviews on governance, internal controls and risk management issues, including the adequacy and effectiveness of control and risk management systems. |
8. | To consider the major findings of reviews to improve cost effectiveness and efficiency in University operation. |
9. | To perform any function laid upon it by the Council, including matters raised under the Whistleblowing Policy. |
10. | With the agreement of the Council, to co-opt such additional members to the Audit Committee as may be required. |
Composition and Membership
Terms of Reference
1. | To advise and make recommendations to the Council on matters related to:
2. | To advise and make recommendations to the Council on the physical development and planning of the University campuses including but not limited to the Campus Master Development Plan. | ||||||||
3. | To decide on the annual submissions to the University Grants Committee for the Alterations, Additions, Repairs and Improvements (“AA&I”) Block Allocation and Major Capital Works Projects. | ||||||||
4. | To approve the initial proposals of works projects more than $2,000,000 per project other than those set out in 3 above. | ||||||||
5. | To approve, in accordance with the prevailing purchasing policies and procedures, the appointment of consultants and contractors for:
6. | To oversee the expenditure status and the progress of the projects set out under 5(a), (b) and (c) above. | ||||||||
7. | To formulate and review policies relating to estates development and management. | ||||||||
8. | To perform any function laid upon it by the Council. | ||||||||
9. | With the agreement of the Council, to co-opt up to two additional members to the Campus Development Committee as may be required for a term of three years at a maximum length of service of not more than six years. |
- AA&I Projects and Major Capital Works Projects to be submitted to the University Grants Committee are projects with individual value of not more than $50,000,000 and those with individual value of more than $50,000,000 respectively.
- Works projects which are general repairs and maintenance in nature, irrespective of value, shall not be submitted to the Campus Development Committee for consideration.
- Co-opted members should observe the Guidelines and Code of Conduct / Practice for Council / Committee Members to the extent that are applicable to Council Members to ensure highest level of governance.
Terms of Reference
1. | To consider and make recommendations to the Council on all matters which have important financial implications, which include but not limited to the
2. | To consider and approve, with the delegated authority of the Council, on all matters relating to the
3. | To perform any function laid upon it by the Council. | ||||||||||||
4. | With the agreement of the Council, to co-opt such additional members to the Finance Committee as may be required. | ||||||||||||
5. | To form any ad hoc working groups as considered necessary. |
Matters currently delegated to the Management
- Approval of fees and charges (other than tuition fee of UGC-funded programmes) for courses of study, use of facilities, etc.;
- Approval of accounting procedures; and
- Approval of purchasing procedures
Terms of Reference
1. | To work with the trustee(s) or service provider(s) of the Superannuation and Mandatory Provident Fund (“MPF”) Schemes to consider and, with the delegated authority of the Council, approve all matters relating to the Superannuation Schemes and the MPF Scheme, including the
2. | To perform any function laid upon it by the Finance Committee. | ||||||||||||||||||
3. | With the agreement of the Finance Committee, to co-opt such additional members to the Superannuation and Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Management Sub-committee as may be required. | ||||||||||||||||||
4. | To form any ad hoc working groups as considered necessary. |
Terms of Reference
1. | To advise the Finance Committee on
2. | To make decisions on investments of the University’s portfolio under the approved policy guidelines. | ||||||
3. | To appoint investment managers and financial consultants under delegation of the Finance Committee. | ||||||
4. | To monitor and review the performance of the investment managers, financial consultants and the University’s portfolio. |
Composition and Membership
The primary objects of The Education University of Hong Kong Foundation are
(a) | to solicit, procure and accept donations, financial support and gifts of property of all kinds from individuals, organisations, corporations for the development of the University and/or promotion and advancement of science, social sciences, humanities, educational and cultural activities; |
(b) | to assist the University in promoting its vision and mission; |
(c) | to consolidate and dovetail the initiatives of fund-raising, alumni relations and community building for enhanced effectiveness and increased productivity of the University; and |
(d) | to provide a high-level platform to tie the garnering of public and institutional support with the strategic development of the University. |
Composition and Membership
Terms of Reference
1. | To consider and recommend to the Council the conferment of honorary degrees and honorary fellowships. |
2. | To consider any matter associated with the conferment of honorary degrees and honorary fellowships. |
Composition and Membership
Terms of Reference
1. | To advise the Council on establishment and conditions of service. |
2. | To advise the Council on staff recruitment, appointment, staff relations and staff development. |
3. | To review and adjudicate, through the Staff Appeal Sub-Committee, cases of complaints or appeals lodged by staff against the deliberation of the Staff Selection and Appointment Committee set up under the Management Board. |
4. | To review and adjudicate cases of complaints or appeals relating to misconduct, breach of contract or termination of appointment. |
5. | To perform any function laid upon it by the Council. |
6. | With agreement of the Council, to co-opt such additional members as may be required. |
7. | To form any working groups as considered necessary. |
Composition and Membership
Terms of Reference
To consider and make decisions on the following appeals on staffing matters in relation to but only on procedural grounds with the decisions by the SASC being final:
- Matters arising from personnel decisions such as re-appointment, advancement, promotion, and conversion to superannuation, etc.;
- Grievances still un-resolved after decision made by the President or appropriate authority according to the grievance procedures;
- Disciplinary matters involving termination of service/dismissal, and financial sanctions including suspension of benefits, fine, etc. under the disciplinary procedures;
- Complaints of discrimination/harassment acts where the Respondent is a staff member (other than the President or any of the Vice Presidents)* according to the Equal Opportunities Policy; and
- Any other appeals on the staffing matters referred by the President or as deemed appropriate by the Chairman of the SASC
Composition and Membership
The Academic Board is the chief academic forum of the University, with the President as the Chairperson. The Board comprises members from the Faculties, academic departments, and academic-support units as well as student members. The main function of the Academic Board is to formulate academic policies and oversee all academic matters of the University. To realise this function, an infrastructure of boards and committees is set up to deal with different academic decisions within the University.
1. | to direct, plan, co-ordinate, develop, oversee, regulate and promote all teaching, programmes of study, research and other academic work in the University, and to formulate policies accordingly; |
2. | to advise the Council on matters which are relevant to the academic and educational work of the University |
3. | to formulate and review procedures for monitoring the academic standards of the programmes; |
4. | to receive reports from, and to give guidance and directions to its Committees and other academic units/structures of the University; |
5. | to make recommendations to the Council on any major changes to the academic structure of the University; |
6. | to make regulations for the admission and registration of students; |
7. | to make regulations for examinations and assessments; |
8. | to approve the conferment of award of certificates, diplomas and degrees, except degrees of honoris causa; |
9. | to regulate the university, conditions and mode of scholarships, bursaries, prizes and other similar awards; |
10. | to make regulations for the welfare and discipline of students; |
11. | to terminate students on academic or disciplinary grounds; |
12. | to deprive, for reasons which the Academic Board shall deem to be good cause, persons of any academic awards conferred by the University, and/or to revoke any certification granted; |
13. | to co-opt such additional members to serve on the Academic Board as may be required; |
14. | to develop its rules and procedures for the conduct of its functions; |
15. | to advise the Council on matters referred to it; |
16. | to exercise such other powers and perform other duties as the Council may authorise or require; and |
17. | to report to the Council on a regular basis. |
(a) | President Professor John LEE Chi-Kin |
(b) | Vice President (Academic) Professor May CHENG May-hung |
(c) | Vice President (Administration) Dr Tom FONG Wing-ho |
(d) | Vice President (Research and Development) Professor Chetwyn CHAN Che-hin |
(e) | Associate Vice President (Internationalization) Professor LO Sing-kai Associate Vice President (Institutional Advancement) Dr CHOW Man-kong Associate Vice President (Quality Assurance) Professor Susanna YEUNG Siu-sze Associate Vice President (Research) Professor Ken YUNG Kin-lam |
(f) | Deans of Faculties / Dean of Graduate School
(g) | Heads of Academic Departments
(h) | All Chair Professors who are not otherwise members Professor Dennis CHENG Kat Hung Professor CHENG Sheung-Tak Professor CHIU Ming-ming Professor Stephen CHIU Wing-kai Professor CHOU Kee-lee Professor Daniel CHOW Hung-kay Professor Kevin CHUNG Kien-hoa Professor Paul Gordon HARRIS Professor Philip LI Hui Professor LIM Cher-ping Professor Angel LIN Mei-yi Professor WANG Minjuan Professor XU Guandong |
(i) | Research Chair Professors Professor KONG Siu-cheung Professor LI Wai-keung Professor LOOI Chee-kit |
(j) | Librarian Dr Sidney CHENG Po-ying |
(k) | Registrar Professor Eric TSANG Po-keung |
(l) | Dean of Students Professor Bill Yeung Chi-ho |
(m) | Director of Student Affairs (vacant) |
(n) | Two staff members elected by and from among the full-time academic/teaching staff in each Faculty
(o) | Four student Academic Board members, one full-time student from each Faculty and the Higher Degree Programmes
Terms of Reference
1. | To be responsible for and to make recommendations to the Academic Board on matters, as deemed appropriate, pertaining to the planning, development, implementation and monitoring of programmes, academic collaboration and other teaching and learning activities of the academies. | ||||||||
2. | To report and/or make recommendations, as appropriate, on planning approval/approval of the new award-bearing programmes (for undergraduate, professional development and sub-degree programmes) and new courses offered by the academies to the Academic Planning and Development Committee. | ||||||||
3. | To make recommendations to the Board of Graduate Studies on the introduction of new award-bearing programmes (for postgraduate diploma (excluding Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDEs) and higher degrees programmes) by the academies for planning approval. | ||||||||
4. | To be responsible for the development, maintenance and monitoring of the academic/professional standards of the academies through
5. | To provide a forum to facilitate and stimulate exchanges between the academies and their affiliated centres/institutes, as well as initiatives and collaboration within and between the academies, their affiliated centres/institutes and other units/departments in the University. | ||||||||
6. | To oversee assessments and progression of students through the establishment of Boards of Examiners for postgraduate (except for research postgraduate programmes, Doctor of Education and Master of Education programmes), undergraduate, professional development and sub-degree programmes under the academies. | ||||||||
7. | To endorse and recommend the lists of graduates for the award of postgraduate (except for research postgraduate programmes, Doctor of Education and Master of Education programmes), undergraduate, professional development and sub-degree programmes under the academies to the Academic Board for approval. | ||||||||
8. | To approve the appointment of External Examiners and other scholarly/honorary appointments, and report to the Academic Board the approved appointments for information for postgraduate (except for research postgraduate programmes, Doctor of Education and Master of Education programmes), undergraduate and sub-degree programmes under the academies. | ||||||||
9. | To review and advise on the development, implementation and evaluation of courses offered by units/centres* other than Faculties, General Education Office, Student Affairs Office, Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation Education, etc. and make recommendations to the Common Core Curricula Committee and other committees/parties as appropriate. | ||||||||
10. | To set up other sub-committees, task forces and working groups as appropriate#. | ||||||||
11. | To co-opt additional members including external members, as appropriate. |
# Remarks:
i. Only one Academic Committee will be set up to oversee academic matters under all academies.
ii. The Academic Committee will set up sub-groups for (1) monitoring and reporting of programmes at HKQF Level 3 and below, and non-award bearing programmes/courses, and (2) reviewing and advising on matters related to courses offered by units/centres other than Faculties, General Education Office, Student Affairs Office, Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation Education and etc.
Associate Vice President (Quality Assurance) and other relevant Associate Vice President(s)
Two Executive Directors of institutes/centres under the academies appointed by the Directors of the academies
One Associate Dean from each of the three faculties serving the Learning and Teaching Quality Committee OR the Common Core Curricula Committee for Undergraduate and Sub-degree programmes
Terms of Reference
1. | To advise the Academic Board on the formulation of academic development directions, strategies and policies including all matters related to the University’s overall academic planning such as the formulation of annual plans, triennial plans and long term academic development plans. |
2. | To undertake planning and preparation for submission of the triennial Planning Exercise Proposals to the University Grants Committee |
3. | To monitor student numbers against approved quotas and to consider requests for transfer of student numbers across programmes |
4. | To plan, oversee and give directives on the development of the new curriculum and curriculum-related initiatives. |
5. | To consider and give planning approval of new programme proposals from Faculty Boards and the Academic Committee for PGDE, undergraduate, professional development, and sub-degree programmes; and consider/approve programme-related proposals such as new Majors/Minor in line with the QA/planning mechanisms. |
6. | To oversee departmental review and benchmarking and all responses and follow-up actions by responsible parties; and consider/ endorse the departmental review and benchmarking reports and action plans. |
7. | To formulate and recommend to the Academic Board the overall directions, strategies and policies for building a mutually beneficial partnership between the University and schools at pre-primary, primary and secondary levels, and the community on matters which are relevant to the academic and educational work of the University. |
8. | To set up sub-committees as appropriate. |
9. | To co-opt additional member(s) as appropriate. |
Associate Professor from FEHD
Associate Dean (Quality Assurance and Enhancement) from FHM
Dean of Students
Terms of Reference
1. | To advise the Academic Board on the formulation of policies on academic quality assurance and quality enhancement for higher degree programmes (excluding Postgraduate Diplomas in Education (PGDEs)). |
2. | To formulate and review policies, guidelines and regulations of higher degree programmes (excluding PGDEs). |
3. | To oversee and monitor the implementation of the University’s quality assurance and quality enhancement frameworks and the associated guidelines, regulation and procedures on admissions and matters relating to academic regulations for higher degree programmes (excluding PGDEs). |
4. | To formulate strategic plan on higher degree programmes (excluding PGDEs) with concrete focus and directions as well as action plans on programme development, academic standards, quality assurance and enhancement, internationalisation, international benchmarking, learning and teaching, etc. |
5. | To advise and give planning approval of higher degree programmes (excluding PGDEs) as proposed by the Faculty Boards and the Academic Committee. |
6. | To endorse the annual offering plans on all self-financed higher degree programmes (excluding PGDEs) and monitor their sustainability. |
7. | To advise on the offering and development of new programmes and monitor the sunsetting of existing programmes at postgraduate level. |
8. | To ensure the academic standard of Research Postgraduate (RPg), Doctor of Education (EdD), Master of Education (MEd), and taught postgraduate programmes (excluding PGDEs). |
9. | To review and endorse annual programme reports of MEd, EdD and RPg programmes and give views on the annual programme reports (and other related reports if necessary) on higher degree programmes (excluding PGDEs), especially on market demand and sustainability of the programmes. |
10. | To approve the nomination of thesis supervisors for RPg programmes at the time of admission and cases other than the change of supervisors or nomination of additional supervisors meeting the appointment criteria as stated in the “General Academic Regulations for research components of the RPg and professional doctorate programmes”. |
11. | To determine the allocation of RPg places and monitor the quality assurance of RPg programmes. |
12. | To oversee assessments and progression of students of MEd, EdD and RPg programmes through the establishment of Board of Examiners, and to endorse and recommend the lists of graduates for the award of these programmes to the Academic Board (AB) for approval. |
13. | To approve major programme-related changes for MEd, EdD and RPg programmes except for changes to programme/award title, level of award, programme duration and mode of study which require the approval of the AB. |
14. | To approve the appointment of External Reviewers of MEd, EdD and RPg programmes and report to the AB the approved appointments. |
15. | To consider special cases on admissions, programme registration, assessment regulations and qualification recognition referred to it by the Faculties/ Programme Committees as appropriate. |
16. | To advise on any other major issues related to the programmes, including admission, intake quotas, nominations of candidates for studentships, studentships and prizes, tuition fees, etc. |
17. | To set up sub-committees as appropriate. |
Dean of Graduate School
Associate Dean/Assistant Dean of Graduate School nominated by the Dean of Graduate School
All Faculty Associate Deans (Research and Postgraduate Studies)
Two academic staff appointed by the President
One student member nominated by the Graduate School
Terms of Reference
1. | To formulate and review policies and strategies to support the University to become a leader in research and knowledge transfer in education, humanities and social sciences under the Education-plus vision. |
2. | To oversee the implementation of these policies and strategies across the University. |
3. | To monitor the progress and performance of the research and/or development centres at the university and faculty levels. |
4. | To develop a research culture supportive of both early career and experienced researchers in focusing research on strategic priorities of the University. |
5. | To initiate policies and practices to enhance the University’s performance in securing competitive research and/or development grants and producing high quality research output (particularly related to the Research Assessment Exercise) in areas relevant to strategic priorities. |
6. | To set up sub-committees as appropriate. |
Associate Vice President (Research)
Director of Knowledge Transfer
Dean of Graduate School or nominee
All Faculty Deans or nominees
One Director of University-level Research Centres appointed by the President
Three AB Members appointed by the President, two of whom are Chair Professors
Terms of Reference
1. | To formulate and review policies relating to scholarships/awards/prizes for students involving academic result as a selection criterion. |
2. | To establish procedures and methods for setting up proposals and selection of recipients for scholarships/awards/prizes. |
3. | For external scholarships/awards/prizes, to establish and delegate to the selection committees for making nominations if necessary, and to endorse the nominations. |
4. | For internal scholarships/awards/prizes, to comment on the proposal and maintain a record of the recipients. |
5. | To set up sub-committees as appropriate. |
Registrar or nominee
Dean of Students or nominee
Director of Global Affairs or nominee
Director of Alumni Affairs and Development Office or nominee
Terms of Reference
1. | To be responsible for and to make recommendations to the Academic Board on matters, as deemed appropriate, pertaining to the strategic planning, development, implementation and monitoring of the academic, teaching and learning and research work of the Faculty. | ||||||
2. | To make recommendations to Academic Planning and Development Committee on the introduction of new programmes (for PGDEs, undergraduate, professional development and sub-degree programmes) for planning approval. | ||||||
3. | To make recommendations to Board of Graduate Studies on the introduction of new programmes (for postgraduate diploma (excluding PGDEs) and higher degrees programmes) for planning approval. | ||||||
4. | To be responsible for the development, maintenance and monitoring of the academic/professional standards of the Faculty through
5. | To provide a forum to facilitate and stimulate departmental exchanges and initiatives and collaboration both within and between Faculties. | ||||||
6. | To oversee assessments and progression of students through the establishment of Boards of Examiners for postgraduate (except for research postgraduate programmes, Doctor of Education and Master of Education programmes), undergraduate, professional development and sub-degree programmes. | ||||||
7. | To endorse and recommend the lists of graduates for the award of postgraduate (except for research postgraduate programmes, Doctor of Education and Master of Education programmes), undergraduate, professional development and sub-degree programmes to the Academic Board for approval. | ||||||
8. | To approve the appointment of External Examiners and other scholarly/honorary appointments, and report to the Academic Board the approved appointments for information for postgraduate (except for research postgraduate programmes, Doctor of Education and Master of Education programmes), undergraduate, professional development and sub-degree programmes. | ||||||
9. | To set up sub-committees, task forces and working groups as appropriate. | ||||||
10. | To co-opt additional members including external members as appropriate. |
All Heads and Associate Heads of Constituent Academic Departments/Centre
Up to five elected Full-time Academic/Teaching Staff of the Faculty
Up to five Student Member(s) of the Faculty
Chairs of Departmental Research and Development Committee, if applicable
Chairs of Departmental Learning and Teaching Committee, if applicable
Terms of Reference
1. | To advise the Academic Board on the formulation of policies at university level on academic quality assurance and quality enhancement for postgraduate, undergraduate and sub-degree programmes. |
2. | To foster a culture of quality enhancement for learning and teaching in the University and to advise the Academic Board on the formulation of policies at university level on learning and teaching for postgraduate, undergraduate and sub-degree programmes. |
3. | To oversee and monitor the implementation of the University’s quality assurance and quality enhancement frameworks and the associated guidelines, regulations and procedures on admissions and matters relating to academic regulations for Postgraduate Diploma in Education, undergraduate, professional development and sub-degree programmes. |
4. | To oversee and monitor the implementation of the mechanisms and support structures for enhancement of learning and teaching for Postgraduate Diploma in Education, undergraduate, professional development and sub-degree programmes. |
5. | To advise on and monitor the financial and other supports for teaching development and learning support activities including to approve funding support for Teaching Development Grants projects. |
6. | To set up sub-committee(s)/ working group(s) as appropriate. |
7. | To co-opt additional member(s) as appropriate. |
Associate Vice President (Quality Assurance)
Deans of Faculty/Graduate School or nominees
Dean of Students or nominee
Director of Centre for Learning, Teaching and Technology (LTTC) or nominee
One staff member elected by and from among the full-time academic/teaching staff in each Faculty
Two full-time student members, one from undergraduate programmes and one from research and postgraduate programmes
Assistant Dean (Quality Assurance and Programmes)
Director of School Partnership and Field Experience
Associate Registrar
Terms of Reference
1. | To advise and recommend to the Academic Board policies and strategic plans to facilitate students’ whole person development through the advancement of campus environment, student services and learning opportunities. |
2. | To oversee the implementation of policies, strategies and quality assurance/ enhancement pertaining to the non-formal learning of students, their personal development, welfare, advising and guidance. |
3. | To foster a culture of promoting and facilitating students’ whole person development in collaboration with other academic and administrative units of the University. |
4. | To inquire into any student complaints or grievances referred by the President and to report the findings to the President/Academic Board as appropriate. |
5. | To set up sub-committees or work-groups as appropriate. |
6. | To co-opt additional members as appropriate. |
Dean of Graduate School or nominee
All Associate Deans responsible for student development
Director of Global Affairs
Director of Student Affairs
A warden on rotation
Registrar or nominee
Director of Estates or nominee
One student member nominated by each Faculty
One student member nominated by the Graduate School
Terms of Reference
1. | To advise the Academic Board on policies and procedures relating to student conduct and discipline. |
2. | To hear and decide on cases of violations by students according to the General Code of Student Conduct, University’s policies and regulations, and guidelines and established procedures governing student conduct and discipline. |
3. | To order the imposition of appropriate penalties upon any student found to be guilty of committing any offences or misconduct. |
4. | To report to the Academic Board at such intervals as the Academic Board may decide. |
Dean of Students or nominee
One from a panel of eight student members with two from programmes of the same Faculty and two from Higher Degree programmes not involved in the case
An academic staff nominated from the Graduate School, who is not involved in the case(s)
** In case the Chairperson has been involved in the student case in the earlier stage of investigation, the Registrar will automatically take up the chairmanship of that particular case(s)/ meeting.
*** If any member has been involved in the earlier stage of investigation of the case under consideration, that member will be excused from the hearing of the student case and will not participate in the Committee’s decision on that particular case.
Professor GU Mingyue Michelle
Associate Dean (Academic Development and Support):
Professor LEE Kwai-sang
Assistant Dean:
Dr TSANG Yiu-fai
The Graduate School is an academic platform for postgraduate training. The School manages the research postgraduate programmes of Doctor of Philosophy and Master of Philosophy funded by the University Grants Committee. It also oversees postgraduate professional programmes including Doctor of Education and Master of Education; and assists the Board of Graduate Studies in ensuring the quality of all postgraduate programmes.
Professor Bruce MACFARLANE
Associate Dean (International Engagement):
Dr Emma Ellen Kathrina BUCHTEL
Associate Dean (Research and Postgraduate Studies):
Dr CHEN Junjun
Associate Dean (Learning and Teaching):
Dr Rebecca CHENG Wing-yi
Associate Dean (Quality Assurance and Enhancement):
Dr CHEUNG Sum-kwing
Assistant Dean (Learning and Teaching):
Dr Ricci FONG Wai-tsz
Assistant Dean (International Engagement):
Dr Jan Christian C GUBE
Assistant Dean (Research and Postgraduate Studies):
Assistant Dean (Quality Assurance and Enhancement):
Dr Liman LI Man-wai
The Faculty stands at the forefront of research in education and psychology. It boasts one of the largest groups of educational researchers, teacher educators, and pioneers in early childhood education in Hong Kong.
The Faculty has internationally recognised expertise in the more traditional areas of education, including curriculum and instruction, educational leadership, special education and early years education, as well as in psychology and international education. It has established new interdisciplinary research themes in capacity building in the teaching workforce, parent and community engagement, equity, ethics and inclusion, and child/youth mental health and wellbeing.
The Faculty of Education and Human Development consists of the following departments/ centres:
- Department of Curriculum and Instruction
- Department of Early Childhood Education
- Department of Education Policy and Leadership
- Department of International Education
- Department of Psychology
- Department of Special Education and Counselling
- Centre for Child and Family Science
- Centre for Educational and Developmental Sciences
- Centre for Psychosocial Health
- Integrated Centre for Wellbeing
Professor John ERNI
Associate Dean (International Engagement):
Dr WANG Lixun
Associate Dean (Quality Assurance and Enhancement):
Professor Pamela LEUNG Pui-wan
Associate Dean (Research and Postgraduate Studies):
Dr MA Qing Angel
Acting Associate Dean (Undergraduate Studies):
Dr YIP Cheuk-wai
Assistant Dean (Quality Assurance and Programmes):
Dr FUNG Chi-wang
Assistant Dean (Undergraduate Studies):
Dr Prudence Lau Leung-kwok
The Faculty of Humanities aspires to be a leading faculty in humanities education by contributing to the advancement and dissemination of knowledge. We promote the pursuit of academic knowledge, cross-cultural awareness and intercultural competencies, with a view to nurturing our graduates in a wide spectrum of the humanities. We strive for excellence in research and academic development in order to address issues from a global perspective, to advocate the understanding of human nature, and to impact positively on the well-being of Hong Kong society and beyond.
We are committed to:
- building upon our traditional strengths in Language, Literature and Culture to offer high quality humanities education and interdisciplinary programmes that respond to the demand of humanities disciplines in Hong Kong and beyond;
- providing a comprehensive, humanistic research environment to conduct cutting-edge research, with significant impact in the academic arena locally, regionally and internationally;
- nurturing professionally excellent, ethically responsible and innovative graduates with effective communication skills and multicultural awareness;
- offering students an educational experience that will equip them with the capacity to analyse, synthesise and critically reflect on the knowledge across a wide range of disciplines in the humanities in order to resolve complex problems and to meet future challenges;
- disseminating ideas within the humanities through knowledge transfer and inspiring students intellectually through the offering of a broad range of interdisciplinary courses/programmes; and
- forging stronger partnerships and links within the local community as well as in the regional and international arenas.
The Faculty of Humanities has the following departmental/centre placements:
- Department of Chinese Language Studies
- Department of Cultural and Creative Arts
- Department of English Language Education
- Department of Linguistics and Modern Language Studies
- Department of Literature and Cultural Studies
- Centre for Language in Education
- Arthur Samy Language Learning Centre - Centre for Research on Chinese Language and Education
- Centre for Research on Linguistics and Language Studies
- International Research Centre for Cultural Studies
- Research Centre for Chinese Literature and Literary Culture
Professor LI Wai-keung
Associate Dean (Research and Postgraduate Studies):
Professor Daniel CHOW Hung-kay
Assistant Dean (Research and Postgraduate Studies):
Dr Anthony SUEN Chun-kit
Associate Dean (Undergraduate Studies and Student Learning):
Dr CHAN Man-ho
Associate Dean (Quality Assurance and Enhancement):
Professor Bill YEUNG Chi-ho
Assistant Dean (Quality Assurance and Enhancement):
Dr Dennis HUI Lai-hang
Associate Dean (International Engagement):
Professor Stephen CHIU Wing-kai
The Faculty of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences (FLASS) is the faculty with the widest range of academic disciplines at The Education University of Hong Kong. We offer courses in Science and Environmental Studies, Social Sciences, Mathematics, Information Technology, Policy Studies, and Health and Physical Education. In addition, the Faculty offers undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in fields including Geography, Therapeutic Play and Well-being, Business, Accounting and Financial Studies, Artificial Intelligence and Educational Technology, and Sports Science and Coaching.
Apart from programmes designed for first-year entry, we also offer social sciences undergraduate programmes in Social Entrepreneurship and Development Studies, and Sociology and Community Studies designed for direct admissions to senior year. Prospective students may also take the Postgraduate Diploma in Education programmes for both primary and secondary school education.
The faculty adopts a holistic approach to help our students to reach their full potential. To meet the needs of our society and beyond, FLASS provides our students with a comprehensive education, equipping them with the necessary academic knowledge and soft skills for the teaching profession and other career opportunities. We endeavour to build our students’ character and broaden their horizons through exchange programmes, internships and overseas study trips.
FLASS strives to conduct impactful research that will enhance the wellbeing of humankind and support our teaching needs. Through our knowledge transfer initiatives, we share our innovative ideas and turn research findings into practical applications that address real-world needs. With the efforts of our dedicated staff and students, the Faculty will continue to do its best to serve our society and beyond.
The Faculty is currently housing a total of four departments and three centres, they are:
- Department of Health and Physical Education
- Department of Mathematics and Information Technology
- Department of Science and Environmental Studies
- Department of Social Sciences and Policy Studies
- Centre for Environment and Sustainable Development
- Resource Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies and Experiential Learning
- EdUHK Christian Faith and Development Centre
Academy for Applied Policy Studies and Education Futures (AAPSEF)
Professor John LEE Chi-Kin
Executive Co-Directors:
Professor May CHENG May-hung
Dr Mark CHOW Man-kong
Professor Eric TSANG Po-keung
Associate Co-Directors:
Professor GU Minkang
Professor WANG Minjuan
Institute/Centres under AAPSEF
- Applied Economics and Manpower Policy Research Centre (AEMPRC)
- Artificial Intelligence and Digital Competency Education Centre (AIDCEC)
- Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation Education (CEIE)
- Centre for Higher Education Leadership and Policy Studies (CHELPS)
- Global Institute for Emerging Technologies (GIET)
- National Security and Legal Education Research Centre (NSLERC)
- STEAM Education Centre (STEAMEC)
Academy for Educational Development and Innovation (AEDI)
Professor John LEE Chi-Kin
Executive Co-Directors:
Professor Pamela LEUNG Pui-wan
Professor Kenneth SIN Kuen-fung
Professor Susanna YEUNG Siu-sze
Associate Co-Directors:
Dr Maxwell HO Chun-sing
Professor Philip Li Hui
Dr Kevin YUNG Wai-ho
Institutes/Centres under AEDI
- Centre for Chinese Classical Education (CCCE)
- Centre for Chinese and Multilingual Education Development (CCMED)
- Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT)
- CKC TechCulture Innovation Centre (CKCTIC)
- Centre for Religious and Spirituality Education (CRSE)
- Global Research Institute for Finnish Education (GRIFE)
- Institute of Professional and Vocational Education and Lifelong Learning (IPVELL)
- Institute of Special Needs and Inclusive Education (ISNIE)
- Xiqu and Intangible Cultural Heritage Centre (XICH)
Programme Code | Programme Title |
UGC-funded Research Postgraduate Programmes | |
A3D054/ A4D056 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Three or Four-year Full-time) |
A2M053 | Master of Philosophy (Two-year Full-time) |
Self-financed Research Postgraduate Programmes | |
A4D058* | Doctor of Philosophy (Three or Four-year Full-time) |
Professional Doctorate Degree Programmes | |
A3D045* | Doctor of Education (Three-year Full-time) |
A3D055* | Doctor of Education (Chinese) (Three-year Full-time) |
C4D001* | Doctor of Education (Four-year Part-time) |
C4D004* | Doctor of Education (Chinese) (Four-year Part-time) |
Master's Degree Programmes | |
A1M043* | Master of Education (One-year Full-time) |
C2M001* | Master of Education (Two-year Part-time) |
Programme Code | Programme Title |
Master's Degree Programmes | |
A1M083* | Master of Social Sciences in Psychology (Schools and Community Settings) (One-year Full-time) |
A1M087* | Master of Teaching (One-year Full-time) |
A1M089* | Master of Arts in Child and Family Education (One-year Full-time) |
A1M094* | Master of Arts in Educational Counselling (One-year Full-time) |
A1M099* | Master of Arts in Leading Innovative Learning Organizations (One-year Full-time) |
A1M100* | Master of Arts in Positive Psychology in Education (One-year Full-time) |
A1M102* | Master of Arts in Leading Experiential Learning Activities (One-year Full-time) |
A1M107* | Master of Arts in Global Studies in Education (One-year Full-time) |
A1M108* | Master of Arts in Digital Learning and Technology (One-year Full-time) |
A2M080* | Master of Science in Educational Speech-Language Pathology and Learning Disabilities (Two-year Full-time) |
C2M004* | Executive Master of Arts in International Educational Leadership and Change (Two-year Part-time) |
C2M013* | Master of Arts in Educational Counselling (Two-year Part-time) |
C2M017* | Master of Social Sciences in Psychology (Schools and Community Settings) (Two-year Part-time) |
C2M019* | Master of Teaching (Two-year Part-time) |
C2M021* | Master of Arts in Child and Family Education (Two-year Part-time) |
C2M030* | Master of Arts in Leading Innovative Learning Organizations (Two-year Part-time) |
C2M031* | Master of Arts in Positive Psychology in Education (Two-year Part-time) |
C2M033* | Master of Arts in Leading Experiential Learning Activities (Two-year Part-time) |
C2M038* | Master of Arts in Digital Learning and Technology (Two-year Part-time) |
Postgraduate Diploma Programmes | |
A1P018 | Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Early Childhood Education) (One-year Full-time) |
C2P040 | Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Early Childhood Education) (Two-year Part-time) |
C2P041 | Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Professional and Vocational Education) (Two-year Part-time) |
Bachelor's Degree Programmes | |
A2B102 | Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Early Childhood and Family Studies (Two-year Full-time) (Senior Year Entry only) |
A2B104 | Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Executive Management (Two-year Full-time) (Senior Year Entry only) |
A4B075 | Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) in Psychology (Four-year Full-time) |
A4B086 | Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Special Education (Four-year Full-time) |
A4B097 | Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Heritage Education and Arts Management (Four-year Full-time) |
A5B061 | Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Early Childhood Education) (Five-year Full-time) |
C3B001 | Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Early Childhood Education) (Three-year Part-time) |
C3B002 | Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Special Needs) (Three-year Part-time) |
C3B003 | Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Professional and Vocational Education) (Three-year Part-time) |
C4B006 | Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Early Childhood Education) in Leadership and Non-Chinese Speaking Children (Four-year Part-time) |
C4B007 | Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Early Childhood Education) in Leadership and Special Needs (Four-year Part-time) |
Professional Development Programmes | |
BWP067 | Certificate in Professional Development Programme for Middle Leaders in Schools (Five weeks) |
BWP088 | Certificate in Professional Development Programme on Prevention and Handling of Unruly and Delinquent Behaviours in Schools (Five weeks) |
BWP090 | Certificate in Professional Development Programme on Knowledge Management for Enhancing School Development (Five weeks) |
BWP104 | Certificate in Professional Development Programme for Deputy Heads in Primary Schools (Five weeks) |
BWP118 | Certificate in Professional Development Programme on Life Planning Education and Career Guidance (Five weeks) |
BWP120 | Certificate in Professional Development Programme on Communication, Mediation and Complaint Management (Five weeks) |
BWP122 | Certificate in Professional Development Programme on School Improvement and Leadership (Five weeks) |
BWP124 | Certificate in Professional Development Programme on Integrating Self-directed Learning in Classroom Pedagogy (Five weeks) |
BWP127 | Certificate in Professional Development Programme on Positive Psychology in School Settings: Promoting Mental Health and Creating Positive Learning Environment (Five weeks) |
BWP130 | Certificate in Professional Development Programme on Organization and Management of Life-wide Learning Activities (Five weeks) |
BWP135 | Certificate in Professional Development Programme for Kindergarten Middle Leaders (Five weeks) |
BWP139 | Certificate in Professional Development Programme on Assessment Literacy and Effective Use of Assessment Data in Digital Era (Five weeks) |
BWP141 | Certificate in Professional Development Programme for Deputy Heads in Secondary Schools (Five weeks) |
CHA043 | Certificate in Professional Development Programme on Core Training for Promotion of Deputy School Heads in Primary and Secondary Schools - School Administration and Management (18 hours) |
CWP001 | Certificate in Professional Development Programme for Teachers (Catering for Diverse Learning Needs) - Basic Level (Three months) |
CWP002 | Certificate in Professional Development Programme for Teachers (Catering for Diverse Learning Needs) - Advanced Level (One year) |
CWP005 | Certificate in Professional Development Programme on Catering for Diverse Needs of Young Children (Five full days) |
CWP006 | Certificate in Professional Development Programme on Transformational Leadership for Team Innovation and School Improvement (Five full days) |
CWP009 | Certificate in Professional Development Programme on the Teaching of Chinese Language for Non-Chinese Speaking Children (Five full days) |
CWP010 | Certificate in Professional Development Programme on Promoting Socioemotional Competence: Family and School Practices (Five full days) |
CWP014 | Certificate in Professional Development Programme on Induction for Novice Functional/Subject Heads (Five full days) |
CWP016 | Certificate in Professional Development Programme on Complaint Management for Kindergartens: Communication and Mediation (Six full days) |
CWP017 | Certificate in Professional Development Programme on Rebuilding Children’s Power of Play (Five full days) |
CWP018 | Certificate in Professional Development Programme on School Improvement and Leadership for Principals (Five full days) |
CWP020 | Certificate in Professional Development Programme on Connecting Young Children to Nature (Five full days) |
CWP022 | Certificate in Professional Development Programme on Promoting Chinese Culture to Young Children Through Chinese Visual Arts (Five full days) |
CWP023 | Certificate in Professional Development Programme on Implementing Patriotic Education in Hong Kong Schools (Ten weekday evenings) |
Sub-degree Programmes | |
A1E001 | Diploma in Early Childhood Education (Supporting Learning and Teaching for Non-Chinese Speaking Children) (One-year Full-time) |
A2H049 | Higher Diploma in Early Childhood Education (Two-year Full-time) |
Programme Code | Programme Title |
Master's Degree Programmes | |
A1M046* | Master of Arts in Teaching Chinese as an International Language (One-year Full-time) |
A1M052* | Master of Arts in Chinese Studies (Language Education) (One-year Full-time) |
A1M057* | Master of Arts in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (One-year Full-time) |
A1M106* | Master of Arts in Global Histories of Education (One-year Full-time) |
A1M109* | Master of Arts in Digital Humanities for Cultural Professionals (One-year Full-time) |
Bachelor's Degree Programmes | |
A4B067 | Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Language Studies (Chinese Major / English Major) (Four-year Full-time) |
A4B087 | Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language (Four-year Full-time) (Senior Year Entry Only) |
A4B093 | Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in English Studies and Digital Communication (Four-year Full-time) |
A5B059 | Bachelor of Education (Honours) (English Language) (Five-year Full-time) |
A5B060 | Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Chinese Language) (Five-year Full-time) |
A5B077 | Bachelor of Education (Honours) (History) (Five-year Full-time) |
A5B082 | Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Language Studies and Bachelor of Education (Honours) (English Language) (Five-year Full-time) (Co-terminal Double Degree) |
A5B083 | Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Chinese History) (Five-year Full-time) |
Professional Development Programmes | |
BWP048 | Certificate in Professional Development Programme for Primary Teachers of English (One week) |
BWP082 | Certificate in Professional Development Programme on the Teaching of Chinese Language for Non-Chinese Speaking Students (Five weeks) |
BWP083 | Certificate in Professional Development Programme on Optimizing Chinese Language Teaching (Five weeks) |
BWP085 | Certificate in Professional Development Programme for Teachers Using English as the Medium of Instruction in Secondary Schools (One week) |
BWP116 | Certificate in Professional Development Programme for Interpretation of Classical Chinese Literature for Secondary Teachers of Chinese Language (Five weeks) |
BWP125 | Certificate in Professional Development Programme for Teachers of English (One week) |
CWP004 | Certificate in Professional Development Programme for English Teachers (Saturday mode) |
Programme Code | Programme Title |
Master's Degree Programmes | |
A1M054* | Master of Arts in Music Education (One-year Full-time) |
A1M061* | Master of Arts in Education for Sustainability (One-year Full-time) |
A1M082* | Master of Public Policy and Management (One-year Full-time) |
A1M085* | Master of Arts in Mathematics and Pedagogy (One-year Full-time) |
A1M095* | Master of Arts in STEM Education (One-year Full-time) |
A1M097* | Master of Social Sciences in Sports Coaching and Management (One-year Full-time) |
A1M098* | Master of Arts in Visual Arts Education and Creative Practice (One-year Full-time) |
A1M101* | Master of Arts in Personal Finance Education (One-year Full-time) |
A1M103* | Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence and Educational Technology (One-year Full-time) |
A1M111* | Master of Social Sciences in Therapeutic Play and Well-Being (One-and-a-half-year Full-time) |
C2M005* | Master of Arts in Music Education (Two-year Part-time) |
C2M028* | Master of Arts in STEM Education (Two-year Part-time) |
C2M029* | Master of Social Sciences in Sports Coaching and Management (Two-year Part-time) |
C2M032* | Master of Arts in Personal Finance Education (Two-year Part-time) |
C2M034* | Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence and Educational Technology (Two-year Part-time) |
C2M041* | Master of Social Sciences in Therapeutic Play and Well-Being (2-year Part-time) |
Postgraduate Diploma Programmes | |
A1P014 | Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Primary) (One-year Full-time) |
A1P015 | Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Secondary) (One-year Full-time) |
C2P035 | Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Primary) (Two-year Part-time) |
C2P037 | Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Secondary) (Two-year Part-time) |
Bachelor's Degree Programmes | |
A2B016* | Bachelor of Health Education (Honours) (Two-year Full-time) |
A2B101 | Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) in Sociology and Community Studies (Two-year Full-time) (Senior Year Entry only) |
A2B103 | Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) in Social Entrepreneurship and Development Studies (Two-year Full-time) (Senior Year Entry only) |
A4B068 | Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Creative Arts and Culture (Four-year Full-time) |
A4B069 | Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) in Global and Environmental Studies (Four-year Full-time) |
A4B071* | Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Liberal Studies Education (Four-year Full-time) |
A4B091* | Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) in Greater China Studies (Four-year Full-time) |
A4B092 | Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Integrated Environmental Management (Four-year Full-time) |
A4B095 | Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Artificial Intelligence and Educational Technology (Four-year Full-time) |
A4B096 | Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Sports Science and Coaching (Four-year Full-time) |
A5B057 | Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Secondary) – Information and Communication Technology (Five-year Full-time) |
A5B058 | Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Primary) – General Studies (Humanities and Science) / Mathematics+ (Five-year Full-time) |
A5B062 | Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Physical Education) (Five-year Full-time) |
A5B078 | Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Secondary) in Mathematics (Five-year Full-time) |
A5B079 | Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Business, Accounting and Financial Studies) (Five-year Full-time) |
A5B080 | Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Creative Arts and Culture and Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Music) (Five-year Full-time) (Co-terminal Double Degree) |
A5B081 | Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Creative Arts and Culture and Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Visual Arts) (Five-year Full-time) (Co-terminal Double Degree) |
A5B084 | Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Geography) (Five-year Full-time) |
A5B085 | Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Science) (Five-year Full-time) |
C3B004* | Bachelor of Health Education (Honours) (Three-year Part-time) |
Professional Development Programmes | |
BWP003 | Certificate in Professional Development Programme for Primary School Teachers (Mathematics Teaching) (Five weeks) |
BWP012 | Certificate in Professional Development Programme for Secondary School Teachers (Mathematics Teaching) (Five weeks) |
BWP021 | Certificate in Professional Development Programme on e-Learning in Primary Schools(Five weeks) |
BWP086 | Certificate in Professional Development Programme on Development of School-based Mathematics Learning and Curriculum (Five weeks) |
BWP092 | Certificate in Professional Development Programme on New Paradigm of Learning and Teaching in Physical Education (Five weeks) |
BWP112 | Certificate in Professional Development Programme on e-Learning in Primary English (Five weeks) (Jointly offered with FHM) |
BWP113 | Certificate in Professional Development Programme on e-Learning in Secondary English (Five weeks) (Jointly offered with FHM) |
BWP123 | Certificate in Professional Development Programme on Coding Mobile Apps for Computational Thinking Development (Five weeks) |
BWP131 | Certificate in Professional Development Programme on STEAM in Physical Education (Five weeks) |
BWP134 | Certificate in Professional Development Programme in Visual Arts Teaching in Primary Schools (Five weeks) |
BWP136 | Certificate in Professional Development Programme on Teaching Geography of China elements in the Geography Curricula (Five Full Days) |
BWP137 | Certificate in Professional Development Programme on Mathematical Modelling in Secondary School STEAM Education (Five weeks) |
BWP147 | Certificate in Professional Development Programme on Emerging Technologies in Primary Chinese Language (Five weeks) (Jointly offered with FHM) |
BWP148 | Certificate in Professional Development Programme on Emerging Technologies in Secondary Chinese Language (Five weeks) (Jointly offered with FHM) |
BWP151 | Certificate in Professional Development Programme in Music e-Learning, Cantonese Opera and Popular Music (Five weeks) |
CWP008 | Certificate in Professional Development Programme on Integrating Technology in Scientific Inquiry and STEAM Education (Six full days (Saturdays) over a three-month period) |
CWP019 | Certificate in Professional Development Programme on Learning and Teaching in Home Economics/Technology and Living (Ten full days (Saturdays) over a three-month period) |
+ Starting from 2024/25 cohort, the title of this programme is changed from Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Primary) – General Studies / Mathematics to Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Primary) – General Studies (Humanities and Science) / Mathematics.
Programme Code | Programme Title |
Master's Degree Programmes | |
A1M110* | Master of Arts in Global Higher Education (One-year Full-time) |
A1M112* | Executive Master of Public Administration and Leadership (One-year Full-time) |
C2M040* | Master of Arts in Global Higher Education (Two-year Part-time) |
C2M042* | Executive Master of Public Administration and Leadership (Two-year Part-time) |
Programme Code | Programme Title |
Master's Degree Programmes | |
A1M113* | Master of Science in Educational Neuroscience (One-year Full-time) |
C2M043* | Master of Science in Educational Neuroscience (Two-year Part-time) |
Applied Economics and Manpower Policy Research Centre (AEMPRC)
Artificial Intelligence and Digital Competency Education Centre (AIDCEC)
Artificial Intelligence and Digital Competency Education Centre (AIDCEC) is a professional supporting unit at The Education University of Hong Kong. With dual focuses on AI and digital competency, AIDCEC aims to contribute to the growth and development of the digital economy in a way that is socially responsible and sustainable.
- Providing education and training: The centre offers courses and training programs to individuals, organisations, and businesses to help them develop their knowledge and skills in the field of AI and digital competency.
- Conducting research: The centre conducts research on AI and digital competency to advance the field and develop new technologies and applications.
- Promoting innovation: The centre encourages innovation by providing resources and support to entrepreneurs and startups working on AI and digital competence-related projects.
- Fostering collaboration: The centre facilitates collaboration between academic institutions, businesses, and government organizations working on AI and digital competency-related initiatives.
- Advocating for ethical and responsible use of AI and emerging digital technologies: The centre promotes ethical and responsible use of AI and emerging digital technologies by developing guidelines and best practices and advocating for their adoption.
Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation Education (CEIE)
Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation Education (CEIE) is responsible for planning, implementing and co-ordinating Entrepreneurship and Innovation (E&I) education activities for all EdUHK students.
To develop students with entrepreneurial and innovative minds who will:
- Understand the potential of applying entrepreneurial skills in education and other professions
- Be able to identify the steps for researching the potential of an innovative idea, as well as resources and steps required for introducing change in education and other professions
- Recognize the importance of creativity and innovation, and be able to carry out needs assessment for innovation in their future occupations
- Display the ability to manage resources needed for their university education and their future occupations
- Be able to communicate new ideas effectively using a variety of media
- Develop ethical and social competencies and capabilities
Centre for Higher Education Leadership and Policy Studies (CHELPS)
- Create a higher education centre for research, teaching and academic development that is recognised as a leading example of its type in East Asia and internationally;
- Bring together higher education researchers from across the institution creating a critical capacity that fosters greater collaboration among its members and results in high-quality publications;
- Develop global networks, conferences and other events that attract local, regional and international participants;
- Provide academic development and expert advice services to the University that are evaluated internally as high quality and value for time; and
- Build the wider global reputation of the University in respect to higher education leadership and policy studies.
Global Institute for Emerging Technologies (GIET)
National Security and Legal Education Research Centre (NSLERC)
- Effectively integrating national security and legal education into university courses.
- Inviting local or mainland experts and scholars to provide academic or professional advice or conduct evaluations of national security and legal education projects.
- Collaborating with relevant local or mainland experts or scholars to develop training materials for national security and legal education and provide self-financed courses for staff members of local schools or public institutions.
- Organising regular national security education sharing sessions or seminars.
- Hosting an annual "National Security Education Day" event.
- Developing and organising other legal courses or legal training programmes
STEAM Education Centre (STEAMEC)
Centre for Chinese Classical Education (CCCE)
- Seminar series on Chinese classical learning
Presenting a series of seminars on Chinese classical learning in collaboration with different academic departments at the University; and bringing together renowned academics from the four cross-strait regions. These seminars will be open to EdUHK staff and students, as well as members of the public, free of charge.
- Large-scale research project
Conducting a series of research projects led by EdUHK scholars under the theme “Life Education through Chinese Culture and Virtues” to investigate the relationship between Chinese virtues, character building and student learning. The objective is to establish an educational framework to promote Chinese culture and virtues among primary and secondary students.
- Teacher Development Scheme of Five Chinese Classics Core Curriculum in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area
Promoting Chinese cultural studies with an emphasis on classics, historical figures, etiquette, martial arts and calligraphy across the education sector. There will be a wide range of activities, including teacher-training classes, life education experience tours, study tutorials and inter-school Chinese classical learning competitions across the GBA.
Centre for Chinese and Multilingual Education Development (CCMED)
Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT)
CELT will have impact on local, regional and international contexts. Locally, it provides continuous consultancy services, professional development programmes and collaborative projects to schools that empower teachers and students to achieve excellence. Regionally, it develops an in-depth partnership with a large number of schools in the local context; and provides more channels for knowledge transfer activities and dissemination in other places of the Asia Pacific region. Internationally, it increases the level of scholarly activities and collaborations in research, professional training and publications between CELT and higher educational institutions in other countries. This will enhance the development of effective pedagogical practices in Hong Kong and contribute to University research outputs.
CKC TechCulture Innovation Centre (CKCTIC)
Centre for Religious and Spirituality Education (CRSE)
Mission and Tasks of the Centre
- To promote religious, spirituality, life values and holistic education (especially newly-emerged domains arising from changing social needs and circumstances) to education and related sectors through various programmes and projects, based on professional consolidation of good practices/research;
- To foster public awareness on the focused education areas, so as to establish critical mass and collaboration with different organisations and stakeholders for further development; and
- To enkindle policy advocacy through collaborating and synergising with various organisations, especially NGOs and think tanks, to convince both the public and government authorities that Life and Values Education is an essential component of the school curriculum, and eventually achieve related policy changes and support.
The provision of educational programmes, professional projects, and knowledge transfer activities based on existing frameworks and resource management strategies in the post-pandemic context; the optimisation of existing programmes and projects through professional consolidation of good practices in the existing domains; and to further develop a collaborative culture both within the university and beyond to draw on professional strengths and resources that can support the Centre's long term vision and mission.
The Centre also endeavours to promote awareness of and interest, and actions in religious, life education and spirituality issues across the campus and beyond through research and development projects, publications, academic conferences, seminars, and workshops.
The Quiet Room (B3-P-09A), Spiritual Activity Room (B4-P-01) and the Garden in front of the Centre are specially installed for members of the University to conduct spiritual practices or to rejoice in a moment of peace, serenity, and silence.
Global Research Institute for Finnish Education (GRIFE)
- Being at the global forefront in the study of Finnish education from comparative and international perspectives
- Enhancing its impact on education and policy worldwide
- Fostering global collaborations on Finnish education research
- Conducting high-quality comparative studies to tackle global educational challenges
- Advancing education in Hong Kong, Mainland China, and globally
- Supporting government policies to nurture future educators and leaders
Institute of Professional and Vocational Education and Lifelong Learning (IPVELL)
Institute of Special Needs and Inclusive Education (ISNIE)
ISNIE takes up the role of research and betterment of inclusion, on the basis of self-financing mode. In recent years, in achieving the aims of advancing inclusion and catering for diversity, we are proud of soliciting colleagues' support, building up the resource centre, supporting school-based staff development, conducting research projects and producing publications. We also build up partnership with international scholars for the diversified professional development, academic exchange, research and international conferences.
Through different enrichment programmes in special needs, we foster the caring attitude of our course participants. To strengthen the training for teachers and teaching assistants in mainstreaming schools and special schools, we support the Education Bureau by coordinating a wide range of special education courses. With external and internal funding, we offer consultancy and school based support; parent training and conduct research in inclusion in local and regional contexts. In these years, we successfully extend our training work to Macau and mainland China.
Xiqu and Intangible Cultural Heritage Centre (XICH)
In August 2023, the Centre expanded its research, pedagogy, and promotion scope and has been renamed “Xiqu and Intangible Cultural Heritage Centre”, and affiliated to the Academy for Educational Development and Innovation (AEDI) at the Education University of Hong Kong, hoping to promote Chinese culture and heritage more extensively locally and overseas. The Centre inherits the previous direction of promoting Cantonese opera and expands to other Xiqu genres and all intangible cultural heritage projects to promote Chinese traditional culture. Through research and knowledge transfer activities related to Xiqu and intangible cultural heritage inheritance and education, the Centre develops high-quality teaching materials, and promotes the sustainable development of the Xiqu and intangible cultural heritage industry in Hong Kong.
Mission and Vision:
- To actively serve as a hub of Xiqu and intangible cultural heritage in the national and international level, in response to the National “14th Five-Year Plan” for its clear support towards Hong Kong developing into an East-meets-West centre for international cultural exchange;
- To generate new self-financed programmes and activities, collaborated with external organisations;
- To empower schools to promote and transmit Chinese culture and intangible cultural heritage in the school curriculum.
University Research and Development Centres
The Joseph Lau Luen Hung Charitable Trust Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change
The Joseph Lau Luen Hung Charitable Trust Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change (APCLC) at The Education University of Hong Kong strives to be the priority partner for international researchers and agencies seeking to collaborate in the Region and to be the first choice for academics and school practitioners across Greater China as they seek cutting edge leadership knowledge and insights.
Through conducting research and facilitating productive partnerships, the APCLC aims to make an impact through four strategies. First, through building bridges between regional and international leadership understandings in order to create cross-culturally valid knowledge with global relevance. Second, through disseminating indigenous leadership knowledge across the Region and Greater China in the forms of formal research reports, professional development programmes and personal leadership stories to the international community. Third, through informing school leaders with up-to-date research via development programmes and Knowledge Transfer activities. Fourth, through nurturing and sustaining reciprocal relationships with regional and international researchers and school practitioners that enhance their ownership of the APCLC network.
The missions of the Centre are:
- Bridging – to build bridges between regional and international leadership understandings in order to create cross-culturally valid knowledge with global relevance;
- Spreading – to disseminate indigenous leadership knowledge through formal research reports, professional development programmes and personal leadership stories to the international community, and vice-versa;
- Opening minds – to inform and equip school leaders with up-to-date research through development programmes and Knowledge Transfer activities;
- Bonding – to form and sustain reciprocal relationships with regional researchers and school practitioners that enhance their ownership of the APCLC network.
The Centre's R&D agenda focuses on:
- Identifying indigenous characteristics of successful leadership and change in the Region;
- Understanding and describing how leaders at all levels contribute to successful school and student learning;
- Gaining insight into the ways in which societal culture and other features of context impact the practices of leaders;
- Increasing understanding of the methods, processes and outcomes of leadership preparation and development;
- Providing insight into education reform and change in local and regional contexts and in international schools;
- Developing knowledge-based tools that increase the impact of leadership development on learners;
- Fostering research and development on leadership and change through partnerships and global networks; and
- Contributing to the development of leadership capacity in schools and organisations in the Region.
Analytics\Assessment Research Centre (ARC) is a university-level research centre dedicated to analysing data to cultivate wisdom. Our mission encompasses leading and enhancing the development of statistics and automatic analyses; fostering and strengthening research partnerships for data analyses; advising practitioners and policymakers in education and related areas; and cultivating future generations of researchers to analyse data.
Under the governance of Prof CHIU Ming-ming (Director), Prof LO Sing-kai (Co-Director), and Associate Directors Dr YAN Zi and Dr Joyce KWAN Lok-yin, ARC thrives with the support of 16 senior fellows with diverse expertise. Throughout the years, ARC has conducted over 140 funded/awarded research and development programmes. Recent grants include (in alphabetical order):
- Automatic Assessment Score Analysis
- Detecting COVID-19 Fake News on Social Media across Four Languages: Followers, Emotions, Relationships, and Uncertainty
- Online Social Network Influence on Policy Effectiveness & Educational Equity: School Marketing, Educational Outsourcing
- Parental Inclusion in Language and Research (Project PILAR)
The World Education Research Association (WERA) recognised ARC for its key International Research Network (IRN) on Social Metacognition and Big Data. The IRN’s 36 researchers from 22 universities in 10 countries/regions collaborate on 7 research projects involving large data sets regarding how groups’ executive thinking influences its members’ actions.
Centre for Child and Family Science
To become the centre of excellence for child and family science in the Greater China and Asia Pacific Region.
- To embark on high-quality, innovative interdisciplinary research that makes a meaningful difference to children, families, and the community;
- To translate research findings into practice and a source of useful information to improve systems and policies pertinent to child and family wellbeing;
- To provide professional support to families, schools, and the community;
- To organise knowledge exchange activities to bring research and skills to the public sphere, particularly with respect to childhood and family issues; and
- To forge dialogues, engagement and partnerships among academia, community-based organisations and the government, for insights into the dynamics of child, family and the community.
Our Work
The Centre for Child and Family Science (CCFS) has a responsibility and unwavering commitment to provide applicable research outputs, knowledge and services that support and applaud the relationship between the child, family, school, and community. It draws on the interwoven expertise of academics within and beyond the University, and other professionals in the community, to achieve synergies and stimulate innovation. There are two major domains on which CCFS works, each with different foci and contributions that drive the Centre towards growth with excellence and diversity:
Research and Innovation
- CCFS's research places emphasis on innovative, interdisciplinary, and interactive initiatives at an international level including:
- Producing and disseminating scientifically-derived knowledge on child and family studies, particularly in Asian contexts, through the delivery of applied research;
- Designing quality and innovative research for securing funding from different sources;
- Establishing networks across borders and cultures for academic collaboration and exchange;
- Facilitating the publication of high-quality research outputs across platforms and formats; and
- Bridging or bringing scholars, practitioners and agencies from multiple disciplines together to address education, social and cultural issues for the healthy development of child and family functioning.
Professional Development and Support
CCFS also serves as a vehicle for moving research to practice and back, to have practice inform our research. It strives to provide quality professional development and support services to practitioners, agencies, systems, and communities to help children and their families thrive. Through these development and support services, the Centre may collect quantitative and qualitative data and evidence to support its research.
Typical knowledge transfer activities around child development and family dynamics include:
- Consultancy and training services for schools, government and non-government agencies, academics and practitioners to implement advanced practices, innovative initiatives, informed decisions and policies. Formats include partnership and commissioned projects, strategic consultancy and advisory, professional development programmes, etc.
- Community engagement activities to raise public awareness and foster positive changes in child and family well-being.
- Organisational and School-based quality improvement schemes to empower organisations and schools in policy-making, design and implementation of context-sensitive strategies, and effective deployment of resources to support positive development of children and families.
One in five people in Hong Kong lives in poverty. Both poverty and its associated effects on parental stress have negative impacts on children's development. Coupled with a rapidly greying population, the need to give our children the education, upbringing, and environment to be the best they can be is more urgent than ever. The Centre for Educational and Developmental Sciences conducts research that helps us understand the factors that contribute to individual differences in development. The Centre also designs interventions that help level the playing field, so that children with diverse needs and backgrounds have the opportunities for optimal development. Bringing together colleagues with different expertise (e.g., early childhood education, special education cognitive development, educational neuroscience, language development, and pedagogical content knowledge) and methodological orientations (e.g., phenomenological, physiological, and psychological), our work is driven by the belief that a thorough understanding of individual, social, and pedagogical factors are necessary to provide the knowledge needed for children to thrive in this ever-evolving society.
- To conduct world-class research that is recognised locally and internationally for the quality of its work, both academically and by societal impact.
- To conduct basic research that helps us understand factors that influence (a) the development of key outcomes in numeracy, literacy, cognitive and socio-emotional skills, and (b) physical and psychological well-being;
- To conduct translational research and develop novel interventions that improve children's developmental outcomes; and
- To provide data for evidence-based refinement to teaching practices. Using longitudinal data on the interplay between pedagogy and development, a goal of the Centre is to develop teacher professional training material that showcases and provides concrete examples of what effective pedagogy looks and feels like.
Vision and Mission
- Establish the evidence base for scalable interventions and education to enhance public mental health; and
- Conduct research and develop practice in school settings to the existing strength of CPH in health and community psychology.
Our Work
- Enhance community well-being;
- Elucidate social psychological processes for health promotion; and
- Promote positive health in schools.
Areas of Expertise
- Psychosocial Health
- Stress Adaptation and Resilience
- Positive Health in School and Community Settings
Psychological Assessment and Clinical Research Unit
The Unit operates as a service and a research unit. Apart from providing various specialised psychological services to the general public, the Unit also conducts research projects that are relevant to human cognitive, behavioural, and emotional functioning. Specialised services within the discipline of psychology are provided by registered clinical psychologists, educational psychologists, and/or counsellors.
- To be a research and resource hub supporting collaborative initiatives towards the development of holistic wellbeing for people of all ages at local and regional community.
- To educate the community about the importance of personal and family wellbeing;
- To coordinate applied research which addresses the diverse needs of individual, family and community wellness; to integrate research findings with clinical services and offer these to individuals with special needs, families, schools and communities;
- To provide professional training to individuals, groups and organisations; and to enhance people's individual potential, quality of life and wellbeing.
Our Key Services
Research Support
- Support research centres and colleagues in the University to conduct inter-discipline research in the areas of counselling, neuroscience, mental and physical health of students, and special education needs; and
- Collaborate with schools, community units, educational and social welfare organisations to implement applied research projects which address the diverse needs of children, adolescents and development of the community.
Professional Consultancy
- Provide outreach programmes and consultancy services to different community units, educational and social welfare organisations; and
- Provide professional educational programmes, seminars and workshops to frontline professionals
Community Education
- Educate the community about the importance of personal and family wellbeing, and maximise the potential of children and adolescents; and
- Equip frontline professionals with knowledge and skills to meet changes and demands in community services.
Parent and Family Education
- Provide different types of parent education, resources and support, to families of children and adolescents with special educational needs; and
- Provide seminars and workshops enhancing good parenting practices.
Bioanalytical Laboratory for Educational Sciences (BLESS)
- Facilitate interdisciplinary research across academic departments in EdUHK and beyond by providing support on experiments with biological analyses and giving both objective and scientific evidence to support researchers' studies; and
- Provide consultancy in bioanalytical equipment test for doing various bioanalytical testing and research experiments with a view to analyse biomarkers that infer treatment efficacy or to identify abnormal cases in mental disorders and selected Special Educational Needs (SEN).
International Research Centre for Cultural Studies
The International Research Centre for Cultural Studies (IRCCS, 文化研究國際中心) replaced the Centre for Popular Culture in the Humanities (which was established in 2016) in August 2022, as a new vibrant hub for cultural studies research and development under the Faculty of Humanities (FHM) at The Education University of Hong Kong.
With current research initiatives spanning two primary areas - Critical Migration Studies and Comparative Cultures of Care – alongside our community-driven "Once City One Book Hong Kong" Program, and with members across the Humanities and Social Science faculties, IRCCS is dedicated to developing interdisciplinary Cultural Studies. Areas of research include qualitative cultural research (e.g. ethnography, inter-textual studies, diary/memory studies, etc.), visual and digital media studies, cultural and creative industry research, advancing cultural theory such as postcolonial and new materialist theories, critical cultural pedagogy, cultural identity studies, and so on. Since the Centre is located in EdUHK, it will maintain a focus on the cultural studies of education.
Through the organization of international conferences, symposiums, webinars, research workshops, salons, as well as providing support for individual research projects, IRCCS has developed a wide international network and fostered vibrant intellectual communities, catalyzing dialogues in interdisciplinary fields encompassing care studies and critical migrant studies. IRCCS also serves as a "Cultural R&D" platform for the promotion of research activities in cultural studies at the University.
The pedagogical support for cultural studies comes from FHM’s Department of Literature and Cultural Studies, which saw the offering of key undergraduate courses such as Gender and Popular Culture, Introduction to Film Studies and Postcolonial Literatures in English. In these courses and seminars, students are exposed to postcolonial theories, fandom studies, media and cultural theories, and feminist theories. More recently, digital humanities and environmental humanities methods and practices have been adopted.
The Centre is administered by a Management Committee, which reports to the Faculty of Humanities and the Office of the Vice President (Research and Development). The Management Committee consists of faculty members of FHM and EdUHK. An Advisory Board will be formed, consisting of international experts in cultural studies. Besides, the IRCCS will establish close links with various cultural studies research centres around Hong Kong for collaboration and intellectual exchange.
Established by the Faculty of Humanities of The Education University of Hong Kong, the Centre for Research on Chinese Language and Education (CRCLE) is an interdepartmental platform for research on Chinese language and education. Rooted in the multicultural and multilingual Hong Kong society, CRCLE brings together talents and research outputs on Chinese linguistics and teaching and learning Chinese as the first and a second language across the globe, to strengthen the theoretical advancement and the applied research of the Chinese language, as well as the interplay between language theory and application. CRCLE endeavours to not only echo the multifaceted needs of Chinese language education in the region, but also to advance the development of teaching Chinese as an international language around the world.
The CRCLE comprises three thematic groups:
(a) | Chinese Language Studies: Research of this group covers a variety of fields concerning ancient and contemporary Chinese language, such as historical linguistics, syntax, phonology, typology and philology. |
(b) | Chinese Language Education: Veteran teacher educators in this group initiate research on classical Chinese curriculum in Hong Kong, Chinese language development of non-Chinese speaking (NCS) students and interplay of STEM education and Chinese language education. |
(c) | Teaching Chinese as a Second Language: This group aims to explore how L2 learners acquire Chinese from a scientific perspective, with a particular emphasis on reading and writing development of L2 Chinese learners and Putonghua learning by Cantonese-speaking children. |
- To undertake scientific research in the areas of Chinese language and education, including L1 and L2 Chinese learning and teaching;
- To synergise research efforts and to create critical mass among colleagues within EdUHK and researchers in Greater China;
- To disseminate Chinese language and education research to regional academia through publications, seminars, conferences and workshops; and
- To provide an international platform for collaboration with global key players and for maintaining contacts with local partner schools and other end-users, within the ambit of Chinese language and education.
The Centre for Research on Linguistics and Language Studies (CRLLS) aims to take a broad and intellectually stimulating perspective into language and linguistics research at the University. While EdUHK has transformed to an education-focused, multidisciplinary, and research-strong university, the establishment of CRLLS is to foster the research capacity in and contribute to the areas of linguistics and language studies for the advancement of the humanities.
The Centre comprises of three thematic groups:
(a) | Corpus Linguistics and Language Technology: One of the major research areas is the use of cognitive linguisitics approach and corpus linguistics methods to investigate linguistics manifestations. |
(b) | Language Learning and Acquisition: This group will adopt a cross-linguistic approach to research into issues related to the cognitive aspects of language learning and language acquisition, language disorders, language learner variables, learner autonomy, language assessment, and their applications in language teaching. |
(c) | Language in Society: To conduct research on language-contact and cross-cultural phenomena in the Hong Kong society. The use of Cantonese in Hong Kong Society and schools since the post-war period is unique among Chinese Society. |
- To undertake scientific research in the areas of linguistics and language studies for the advancement of the humanities and the sciences involving language, and of education;
- To promote the development of new methodology and technology to enhance language learning and teaching, and research;
- To synergise research efforts and to create critical mass among colleagues within EdUHK and researchers in Hong Kong; and
- To promote international collaboration through networking with other key players in selected fields within the ambit of “Linguistics and Language Studies”.
The Research Centre for Chinese Literature and Literary Culture (RCCLLC) is established in response to the development of the EdUHK, the knowledge production trends over time, and the needs of our learning society.
To echo the strategic plan of transforming into a multi-disciplinary university of education focusing on education and complementary areas of study, "Chinese language and literature" is recognised as one of the potential subject areas to be developed at the University. The RCCLLC can combine the critical mass and resources in the Faculty of Humanities to launch all-rounded studies on Chinese literature and literary culture. The establishment of the RCCLLC is an effective development strategy for the University to foster its research capacity and make significant impact on the field of Chinese studies regionally and internationally.
The concept of "literary culture" is an extension of the more traditional idea of "literature". Apart from researches on literary works and their authors, literary thoughts and schools, genres and styles, and literary influences – the areas regarded as "literature proper", the study of literary culture also includes explorations of the generation and dissemination of literary texts and literary knowledge. In this regard, the publication and marketing of literary works, literature education, literary historiography, filmic and television adaptations of literature, graphic novels and lyrics of pop songs will be among the legitimate study areas. By the same token, Hong Kong literature and children's literature which have long been marginalised in the research of Chinese literature will be an indispensable part of literary culture.
Aims and Objectives of the RCCLLC
- In accordance with the new direction of transforming the EdUHK into a multi-disciplinary university, the RCCLLC aims at enhancing the quality of subject knowledge research so as to create a favourable environment for the development of discipline-based postgraduate research degree programmes;
- The RCCLLC promotes the culture of collaboration in research, by teaming experienced academics with juniors to work on projects and explore the possibilities of obtaining outside funds such as GRF;
- Through publishing research outcomes, participating in and organising international conferences, the RCCLLC aims to expand Centre members' research capacity while fostering the EdUHK's academic image; and
- Emphasising the linkage between the production of literary knowledge and literature education with an awareness of the Hong Kong context, the RCCLLC aims also at further consolidating the strength of the EdUHK in educational research and application.
Scope of Research
The RCCLLC takes Chinese literature and related cultural phenomena as research objects. Its scope can be briefly categorised into three areas:
- Literature as such: research topics include major authors and works, literature trends and schools, literary genres and styles, literary influences and others;
- Cultural artefact and phenomena generated from literature: research topics include anthologies of literary works, literary picture books, filmic and television adaptations of literature, lyrics of pop songs and others; and
- Transmission of literary knowledge and literature education: research topics include production and marketing of literary texts, reading culture, literature education and others.
For more information on the people, projects and events, please visit the website:
Centre for Environment and Sustainable Development
The Centre for Environment and Sustainable Development (CESD) is built on the work of the Centre for Education in Environmental Sustainability (CEES), which was established as a faculty-level Research Centre in FLASS since January 2013, with new theme areas to emphasise active research in related areas of science for environmental health and education for environmental sustainability for academic and scientific research outputs, application and knowledge transfer. The aim of the Centre is to develop education for environmental sustainability and science for environmental health through the formation of research and knowledge transfer networks with academics, scholars and professionals to improve the understanding of environment-related matters, and to stimulate pro-active environmentally beneficial actions through research outputs and application.
Specific objectives for expansion, innovation, and impact:
- Develop multi-disciplinary research capacity with researchers from different fields;
- Reinforce the synergism between teaching and research; and
- Promote pro-environmental action, attitudes and awareness of environmental and sustainability issues
Theme Areas:
Theme 1 | Education for Environmental Sustainability
Theme 2 | Science for Environmental Health
Teaching and research at the University are supported by a number of academic services/centres.
Centre for Language in Education
The Centre for Language in Education (CLE) aims to become excellent in language education (Chinese, English and Putonghua) by nurturing students’ biliterate and trilingual skills. This is achieved through exemplary curriculum design and assessment practices, innovative co-curricular/extra-curricular learning activities, and professional sharing of good practices at local and international levels.
The mission of the CLE is to enhance students’ biliteracy and trilingualism in their pursuit of academic and professional excellence. To achieve this, we
- design exemplary language programmes to cater for the needs of local, mainland and international students;
- adopt assessment practices that optimise learning;
- collaborate in inter-institutional projects with local and international scholars to promote good practices in language education; and
- complement classroom learning with innovative in-class/out-of-class language activities and self-access language resources.
The Centre is an academic and professional supporting unit at the University. It aims to enhance student learning outcomes by applying information technology to support the development of e-Learning and digital competency, innovation of learning and teaching, and the improvement and innovation of assessment at the University.
The Centre provides a range of services for staff and students, including:
1. | Staff Professional Development (SPD) Programme LTTC has developed the Staff SPD Programme for all academic/teaching staff of the University. In partnership with individual academics, academic departments and Teaching Development Grant project teams, LTTC has been organising series of SPD activities to prepare new academic/teaching staff for teaching and to enhance staff capacity to advance student learning. LTTC also provides support for the Peer Support of Teaching Scheme, which promotes peer dialogue on teaching and sharing good teaching practices. |
2. | e-Learning and Digital Competency Development, and ePortfolio Workshops LTTC offers a variety of workshops on e-Learning and digital competency development, and ePortfolio building for students. The Centre also co-organises workshops with faculties and departments on the use of e-Learning tools and related pedagogical strategies in support of the University’s implementation of e-Learning and Digital Competency Strategy. Additionally, the Centre conducts workshops on the use of innovative technology in education, including topics such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) literacy, the metaverse, STEM/STEAM education, 3D printing, coding, robotics education. To provide a quality and creative learning environment, the Centre's laboratories are well-equipped with high-performance computers, various mobile digital devices, and 3D printers. All staff and students are welcome to register for these workshops through the LTTC website. |
3. | User Guides in e-Learning and ePortfolio Platforms LTTC has developed various online user guides for Moodle, Sway and Google Sites to support staff and students. Staff and students are welcome to access the related self-learning materials from the LTTC website. |
4. | Generic Intended Learning Outcomes (GILOs) LTTC administers a self-assessment questionnaire for measuring students’ self-perceived achievement of GILOs. Students will receive an individual report which helps them to write reflection and set learning goals through ePortfolios. LTTC also provides insights for students and staff to connect GILOs to their learning and teaching. |
5. | Video-based Learning Community (VBLC) LTTC offers workshops for staff and students on video production with Panopto, a video management platform that allows users to record, create, edit and share videos to support learning and teaching. |
6. | Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) LTTC employs the Open edX platform to facilitate the MOOC development in the University. LTTC also cooperates with faculties and departments to develop university-wide MOOC/mini-MOOC projects to enhance the capability and experience of academic and teaching staff of MOOC development and further encourage blended learning for students’ reflective engagement. |
7. | Video Production Room for Staff LTTC offers dynamic facilities aimed at promoting e-Learning and digital competency development. The Artificial Intelligence Education Laboratory, Metaverse Education Lab, STEM Innovation Hub, Mobile Computing Laboratory, and Video Production Room are equipped with the latest technology and tools. These facilities support a broad spectrum of educational activities, ranging from developing AI literacy and exploring metaverse applications to creating mobile apps and producing digital videos. They significantly enrich teaching and learning experiences at the University. |
The Education University of Hong Kong offers General Education (GE) to strengthen students’ knowledge bases, to broaden their intellectual horizons, to introduce them to modes of thinking and knowing in a number of disciplinary and cross-disciplinary areas, to equip them with higher order thinking skills, and to expose them to authentic learning experiences beyond classrooms.
General Education Foundation Course (GEFC), which runs from Semester 1 to Semester 2, bears 4 credit-points (cps) and is offered to all first-year students in order to equip them with the diverse knowledge-bases and skills for their intellectual and professional developments in local, national and global contexts, through lectures and tutorials covering a wide variety of themes/issues related to humanities, science and social sciences.
The GE Breadth Courses (GEBCs) bear 9 cps and are composed of the GE Breadth Learning Strands (New Six Arts Course), Positive and Values Education Course and GE Interdisciplinary Course. These courses aim to broaden students’ intellectual terrains and strengthen their knowledge bases with themes and issues that cut across disciplinary boundaries, transcend time and space, and embody multiple perspectives. Students have to take one from each component in order to fulfil the 9-cp requirements for GEBCs.
Undergraduate students can take Experiential Learning (EL) that is made up of a 3-cp Co-curricular and Service Learning Course and a 3-cp Experiential Learning Course. The former engages students to learn through direct services in real-life and/or work-place context(s), whereas the latter encourages students to learn, reflect and conceptualise through and in practice (experimentation).
Students take a University ePortfolio (UePortfolio) Course to be their 3-cp “capstone” course in the study semester assigned by individual programmes. They are required to complete the construction of their University ePortfolios that are made up of the artefacts and evidence derived from a wide range of learning experiences (e.g. Field Experience/Internship, GE, Majors, Minors, Electives, Exchange Programme, etc.). This course enables students to synthesise their learning experiences by reflecting critically on the value and significance of what they have learned, re-conceptualising their learning experiences, making connections to their lives, and imagining their own futures.
For detailed information about GE courses, please contact General Education Office at or 2948 8799.
The Global Affairs Office (GAO) diligently fulfills its role as the University's international relations division, dedicated to establishing and nurturing strong partnerships with strategic international partners worldwide. Furthermore, the GAO actively promotes the University on a global scale, organizes enriching experiential learning activities for students, fosters student and cultural integration, and ensures a fulfilling student life for non-local students at EdUHK.
Our Student Exchange Programmes are a testament to our commitment, involving collaboration with over 200 partner universities and institutions across the globe. These programmes are designed to cultivate students' global perspectives and facilitate personal development, providing life-transforming learning experiences. Additionally, we offer a variety of short-term study programmes, including cultural visits, summer programmes at partner universities, and the Learning Putonghua@Home with EdUHK initiative, all aimed at enriching students' learning beyond their formal curriculum.
Through our inbound exchange programme, International Teacher Training Programme, and other short-term programmes, we warmly welcome overseas students to our campus, creating a vibrant and multicultural learning environment. The GAO collaborates closely with other university units to enhance campus support for non-local students, recognizing the integration of local and non-local students as a fundamental aspect of advancing internationalization efforts.
For more details of GAO’s services, please visit
Established in May 2009, the Hong Kong Museum of Education is the leading museum in the region to specialise in the preservation, research, interpretation and communication of the history of education in Hong Kong.
The Hong Kong Museum of Education acquires, conserves, preserves, researches and exhibits materials which relate to the history, culture and development of education in Hong Kong. The Museum has a role as a public institution to engage the community to source historical materials and build up resources to promote life-long learning through collaborative projects, partnership schemes, exhibition displays and interactive and educational activities. It also has an institutional role to serve as a locus for research and related scholarly activity pertaining to Hong Kong’s educational heritage for the teaching and educational research community of Hong Kong, the region and overseas.
The Museum currently houses and displays a wide collection of education related items and artefacts of historical value which were donated from individuals and organisations, including alumni of our predecessor Colleges of Education, alumni associations, or on-loan items from schools and other local museums. These items and artefacts include plaques, trophies, certificates, uniforms, teaching tools, textbooks, old photographs, historical documents, totalling more than 25,000 items.
The Museum is currently staging an exhibition titled “Beyond the Classroom: Extra-Curricular Activities”. Jointly organised by the Hong Kong Museum of Education and the Hong Kong Extra-curricular Activities Masters’ Association, this exhibition delves into the development and evolution of extra-curricular activities in Hong Kong over the last century. Sharing moments and achievements from school days, the exhibition offers a glimpse into students’ lives at different points in history. It seeks to foster intergenerational understanding and inspire viewers to reflect on the importance of extra-curricular activities to education, then, now and in the future.
In July 2024, the Museum launched a book titled A City’s Educational Heritage: Stories of Kowloon Schools (Second Edition). The book provides a comprehensive perspective on the development of education in selected schools in Kowloon and Hong Kong, covering the early urban development of Kowloon and local education history, and including interviews with the school community. Readers are guided through the familiar landscape to revisit landmarks, discover the traces of transformation and recall the school life of earlier decades, including the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s, allowing them to develop an understanding of how people, places and events in the district interacted with each other in the context of educational and urban development.
In the past, the Museum also collaborated with other institutions and University units in projects such as “St. Paul’s College 170th Anniversary Heritage Exhibition”, “EdUHK Time Capsule Exhibition”, “Re-encountering Confucius”, “Children’s Songs and Paintings Contests”, “Six Arts and Five Constant Virtues Carnival” and initiated projects such as “Six Arts Game Design Contest” to further engage the local school community and reach out to the public.
Through the “Friends of the Hong Kong Museum of Education (HKME Friends)” programme, the Museum seeks to recruit members who are united by a passion for preserving the rich educational heritage of Hong Kong and supporting the Museum's mission and development. Through a vibrant calendar of events, talks, classes, exclusive tours and gatherings, the programme delivers meaningful and enjoyable experiences for our members.
The Museum will continue to play a leading role in exhibiting aspects of Hong Kong's educational history to the public, and seek ways to integrate more fully into the teaching, learning and research activities at the University.
For enquiries on Museum services, please contact us:
Telephone: 2948 8073
Opening Hours: Monday to Sunday 10:00 – 17:00 (Closed on Public Holidays)
The EdUHK Library comprises Mong Man Wai Library on Tai Po Campus and Tseung Kwan O Study Centre Library in Tseung Kwan O, offering a full range of information resources and services in various formats. State-of-the-art facilities are provided by the Library, including over 300 public desktop and notebook PCs, Mini Theatre, 8 Future Classrooms, 3D and large format printing equipment, high speed Wi-Fi, e-book readers, VR-AR-media production equipment, Octopus-operated photocopiers and printers, language learning stations, ample study spaces for group work and private study, as well as a 24-hour Lounge for chatting, relaxation and light refreshment. Mong Man Wai Library is also fully integrated with the University’s Learning Commons, providing a comfortable and inviting environment which is conducive to both individual and collaborative learning around the clock.
As of June 2024, the total library collection has over 947,000 physical items, including some 300 active printed journals and 116,100 multimedia materials. In addition to print materials, a range of electronic databases and resources have been acquired by the Library, and in most cases are accessible via the Library Website ( 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Altogether, the Library’s online databases and resources offer full text access to more than 137,000 titles of e-journals and over 2,552,600 e-books.
The Library has also taken initiatives to develop its own IT applications and electronic resources. The Library’s EdUHK Research Repository indexes and provides full-text access as well as citation metrics, if available, to the research outputs of our academic staff, allowing EdUHK members as well as the public to access over 45,100 records of academic and educational resources on the WWW. With permission from major local TV stations, the Library has also collected over 22,200 TV programmes and video programmes from various sources in its EdVideo system, a video-on-demand service accessible to staff and students via the internet. Another two databases, Hong Kong Education Image Database (in collaboration with Hong Kong Museum of Education) and Hong Kong Education Bibliographic Database, further allow the public to access 4,200 images of items from Hong Kong Museum of Education’s collections and 21,200 records of bibliographic information on research of education in Hong Kong respectively.
Since the Library is a member of the Joint University Librarians Advisory Committee (JULAC), students and staff of the University can enjoy different levels of resources and services provided by the libraries of all UGC funded universities, including an integrated library system shared by all eight JULAC libraries, HKALL book delivery and loan service, document delivery service, inter-library loans, as well as JULAC Library Card access and borrowing services. The Library has also established reciprocal access and document delivery services with major academic libraries in the region.
The Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) is committed to providing quality ICT services and solutions to support and enhance learning, teaching, research and administration to the University community in alignment with its IT service strategies in infrastructure, data, application, user experience, security and governance.
Most of the University's ICT services are provided in conjunction with the high-speed campus network with Gigabit links to endpoints or desktops in all classrooms and offices. In addition, ubiquitous Wi-Fi access points are provided to cover all classrooms, public areas on campus, department offices and student hostels. Users can join free Wi-Fi access off-campus via CSL Wi-Fi hotspots in town, and at other local and overseas universities using "eduroam". The University is also a member of the Hongkong Academic and Research NETwork (HARNET), which is shared by eight local universities via high-speed connectivity to the rest of the world. This allows all member institutions to exploit the facility to collaborate in research by resource sharing and resilience support.
As a central data repository, The Portal serves as a one-stop shop for self-service information and 7x24 support for students of the University community. Professional support and administration for the University website, departmental websites, and various content management systems are also offered.
Applications for both end-to-end administrative solutions and academic support are provided and maintained by OCIO in collaboration with relevant learning and teaching departments. The e-student information system (e-SIS) supports the whole life cycle of student administration from admission, programme registration, course registration, academic advising and assessment, to graduation and student records. Students can also enjoy online hostel application, education job recruitment and sports facilities booking, to name a few.
OCIO supports the online Learning Management System (LMS) for e-Learning and manages the University’s learning environment which comprises classrooms, lecture theatres, computer laboratories and a Photo and Video Studio at the Learning Commons. OCIO is also responsible for the provision of printing services, student email, which can be protected by two-factor authentication, and the campus unified communication and collaboration system.
At the IT Help Desk at the Learning Commons, a number of notebooks and a wide range of audio-visual equipment are available for loan. OCIO also provide a good collection of software packages, including Office suite, creative design suite, cloud-based conferencing and collaboration, courseware development, statistical analysis, and other discipline-specific applications for students and staff.
While we treasure the privacy and rights of individuals, all students are obliged to observe the acceptable standards of computer user behaviour detailed at Computing Policies and Regulations on the OCIO website (
OCIO is always committed to exploring and providing new initiatives and innovative services, such as generative AI tools and sound booths, for our users. Students can email us at or call our hotline, 2948 6601, for suggestions or assistance. There is a 24-hour voice recording system for users to leave messages after office hours or when the line is busy. Our colleagues will respond as soon as possible. Students can also report IT-related problems/incidents online using the LANDesk self-service ( anywhere anytime.
The Registry serves as the academic affairs powerhouse in supporting the University to fulfil its mission, strategic goals and objectives in the core functions of academic development and learning and teaching. We provide a comprehensive range of academic support services embracing academic planning, programme management and student administration matters. We contribute to the development, review and implementation of policies and procedures governing programme quality assurance and enhancement, learning and teaching-related initiatives, and academic regulations.
As the central unit taking responsibility for providing all-round support services to our stakeholders, our work portfolio covers development of the Strategic Plan and University Learning and Teaching Plan, development of Planning Exercise Proposal, University-level benchmarking, student intake/number planning and projections, recruitment of quality local and non-local students, management of student registrations, coordination on academic advising, class timetabling, course registration, block credit transfer, second major approval, examination arrangements, assessments and academic records, issuance of academic documents, system development and enhancement in support of admissions, registrations and student records, curriculum development and review, administration of Student Evaluation of Teaching and Institutional Research on Graduates, secretarial and executive support to University-level committees, support to academic quality assurance and quality audits and organisation of University-wide functions such as Information Day, and Honorary Awards Ceremony. Our work portfolio also covers student disciplinary matters, reporting of statistical data on student admissions and enrolments and publication of the University Calendar and Student Handbook, etc.
We are committed to providing quality services to prospective students, students, graduates, staff members and the public in an accountable and professional manner.
The Research and Development Office is the central unit that provides executive and administrative support to the research and development of the University. It is the executive arm of the Committee on Research and Development that implements institutional policies and decisions on research. The Office supports the University in enhancing the research infrastructure with identified University-level and Faculty-level research centres/ professional development centres. It also implements the quality assurance, internal and external reviews, and management of research projects and initiatives supported by the University and the Research Grants Council. Moreover, the Office undertakes research information management and coordinates the research assessment exercises.
As part of its ongoing services, the Office organises sharing sessions on external funding applications. It is also responsible for providing administrative support to human research ethical review to ensure human research ethics compliance by individual research protocols.
The Knowledge Transfer Sub-office within the Research Development Office is the central supporting unit to foster knowledge transfer (KT) and build up a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship in the University. The Sub-office (i) utilises internal and external resources to establish the funding infrastructure to support KT initiatives in the University, (ii) provides advice and supports to academics and research units in the development and protection of intellectual properties (IP), (iii) proactively develop technology partnerships to initiate KT collaborations and commercialisation of R&D projects via licensing, and (iv) nurtures research-based spin-offs and startups via student talent development and startup incubation programmes.
The School Partnership and Field Experience Office is to support, coordinate and strengthen the policies and practices in school partnership, mentorship and field experience at the University level. The Office establishes and maintains mutually beneficial partnership with schools through actively supporting them in building a mentoring force and enhancing teachers’ professional development.
The major roles and responsibilities of the Office are as follows:
- to establish partnership with a network of schools and related organisations (such as School Sponsoring Bodies, universities) both locally and internationally to support students in their field experience;
- to work with teaching staff of the University, and principals and support teachers in the partnership schools to provide an environment conducive to learning for both students and supporting teachers;
- to support and coordinate the ongoing work in the University related to partnership, mentoring and field experience;
- to undertake and support research and development related to partnership, mentoring and field experience;
- to develop resources and activities designed to support the work of field experience supervisors and supporting teachers;
- to assist in both the development and implementation of policies related to field experience and partnership; and
- to contribute to teaching and support students with reference to the roles and responsibilities of a professional teacher in formal and non-formal field experience learning.
It is the University’s aim to provide an enriched campus environment of quality facilities and multifarious development programmes to enable students to achieve personal and professional excellence. Students are encouraged to make full use of these services and programmes to achieve a balanced personal and professional growth.
Student Affairs Office
The Student Affairs Office (SAO) endeavours for the creation of a positive learning experience particularly in non-formal education, and the cultivation of a supportive and stimulating environment conducive to students’ active learning and all-round development. As a one-stop student service and resources centre, the SAO provides a wide range of development programmes and support services for students, including but not limited to career advising, counselling services, scholarships and awards, financial support, global experiential learning, health services, housing, leadership training, sports courses and activities and service opportunities.
The unique University Life Planning Scheme provided by the SAO also guides students to become self-directed learners and decision-makers under a supportive atmosphere through the developmental advising approach. Our Student Development Tutors (SDTs) will provide proper guidance to students in the individual or group advising session which helps them to plan for their development path of a non-formal learning experience in the EdUHK. Students are also welcome to meet the SDT again for plan review, career preparation plan and further advice.
Information on programmes, activities and services can be found on the SAO website and the intranet.
The Alumni Affairs and Development Office (AADO) oversees the University’s fundraising and alumni affairs to support the development of the University.
With respect to alumni affairs, AADO aims to cultivate and strengthen the bonding between the University and its alumni. The Office endeavours to understand the challenges facing alumni by formulating suitable activities or programmes which will help with personal and/or career development. In addition, AADO will continue to offer a range of activities to enhance alumni engagement. At the same time, AADO will also expand its social network, including the business, professional, technology, and social services sectors, to solicit their cooperation, support, and donations so that the University's influence and contribution to the country and society will continue to grow.
All graduates (including incoming exchange students) will automatically join the alumni network upon completion of studies at EdUHK. Their personal particulars will be forwarded to AADO upon graduation/ completion of studies for the University. AADO takes proactive measures to ensure data accuracy, reliability and security to facilitate effective communication between the University and alumni. To comply with the guidelines of the Hong Kong Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data on the keeping and use of personal data, we invite alumni (including incoming exchange students) to update their personal particulars/ relevant information online (web page: (Chinese version); (English version)). In addition, they are welcome to join various alumni associations and groups of the University to stay connected. For details, please visit
Please refer to the website of AADO ( for more information.
For admission to programmes of the University, applicants must meet the general entrance requirements and programme specific requirements, or other qualifications deemed acceptable by the University. For details of the entrance requirements for individual programmes, please visit our website
General Entrance Requirements for Degrees of Master of Philosophy, Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Education and Doctor of Education (Chinese)
For admission to the University’s research degree programmes and Doctor of Education programme, an applicant must satisfy the following minimum entrance requirements:
Doctor of Philosophy
(a) | A Master's degree (or equivalent qualification) from a recognised university; or |
(b) | A Bachelor's degree with first class honours (or equivalent qualification) from a recognised university. |
Master of Philosophy
(a) | A Bachelor's degree (or equivalent qualification) from a recognised university. |
Doctor of Education and Doctor of Education (Chinese)
(a) | A Master’s degree in the discipline of Education or a cognate field relevant to his/her chosen Specialised Area, plus four years' professional experience. |
English Language Requirements
Doctor of Philosophy, Master of Philosophy and Doctor of Education:
Applicants with a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree from a university where the programme was not taught and assessed in English are normally required to demonstrate competency through one of the following minimum requirements:
(a) | IELTS 6.5 with no sub-test lower than 6.0; or |
(b) | TOEFL 80 (internet-based test); or |
(c) | Other equivalent qualifications. |
Doctor of Education (Chinese):
Individual specialised area may have different English language requirements.
Chinese Language Requirements
Doctor of Education (Chinese):
Applicants whose first language is not Chinese and who have not taken a degree programme of which the medium of instruction was Chinese are required to fulfil the Chinese requirement of Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi (HSK) level 6 or equivalent.
For admission to the University's Taught Master’s Degree and Postgraduate Diploma programmes, an applicant must fulfil the following minimum entrance requirements:
Taught Master’s Degree and Postgraduate Diploma programmes
(a) | A recognised Bachelor’s degree or equivalent. |
English Language Requirements
Applicants should normally hold a degree in the medium of English, or one of the following minimum English language requirements:
(a) | Overall score of IELTS 6.0 (academic version) (the test should be taken in test centres and the result should be valid within two years*); or |
(b) | Grade C or above in GCSE / GCE O-level English; or |
(c) | TOEFL score of 80 (internet-based test) (the test should be taken in test centres and the result should be valid within two years*); or |
(d) | Band 6 in the Chinese Mainland’s College English Test (CET) (a total score of 430 or above and the test result should be valid within two years*); or |
(e) | Other equivalent qualifications. |
Individual programmes / subjects may have different language requirements. Please refer to individual programme website for details.
For admission to the University’s undergraduate programmes, an applicant must satisfy one of the following minimum entrance requirements and also need to fulfil the language requirements:
(1) | Applications on the Strength of Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) Examination Results Four core subjects and one elective subject with
(2) | Other Qualifications Other qualifications may include HKALE qualification, local and non-local qualifications from recognised post-secondary institutions or equivalent deemed acceptable by the University. |
(3) | Mature Applicants An applicant who is at least 25 years of age as of 31 August of the year in which admission is sought and can demonstrate to the University's satisfaction his/her suitability for and capability to pursue his/her chosen programme successfully may be exempted from the entrance requirements as a mature student. |
Language Requirements Applicants holding non-local qualifications should be able to demonstrate an acceptable level of proficiency in both Chinese and English languages unless exempted by the University. More details can be found at English Language Requirements
Chinese Language Requirements*
For admission to the University's top-up degree programmes or senior year places of its full-time undergraduate programmes, an applicant must fulfil the following minimum entrance requirements:
Senior Year Admissions (UGC-funded Programmes)
(a) | A recognised Associate degree/Higher Diploma or equivalent qualification; or |
(b) | Transfer students enrolling in a Bachelor’s degree or higher degree programme at a recognised local or non-local university will be considered on an individual basis. Repeating of UGC-funded study across institutions is generally discouraged except under exceptional circumstances; and |
(c) | Language requirements as deemed acceptable by the University. |
Top-up Degree programmes
(a) | A recognised Associate degree/Higher Diploma or equivalent qualification; and |
(b) | Teaching experience or relevant professional practice in a related field for top-up degree programmes. |
1. | Supervisory Arrangements |
2. | Thesis Proposal Presentation/Qualifying Examination |
3. | Annual Research Progress Review |
4. | The Thesis |
5. | Thesis Examination |
6. | Nomination of Thesis Examiners |
7. | Written Comments by Thesis Examiners |
8. | Thesis Examination Panel |
9. | Viva Examination |
10. | Assessment Grades |
11. | Appeals Against Thesis Examination Results |
12. | Submission of Final Version of Thesis |
1. | Supervisory Arrangements |
1.1 | Supervisory Arrangements for Professional Doctorate Students The appointed supervision panel (comprising at least two members: a Principal Supervisor and at least one Associate Supervisor) will have sufficient expertise to supervise the research.
1.2 | Supervisory Arrangements for Research Postgraduate Students The appointed supervision panel (comprising at least three members: a Principal Supervisor and two Associate Supervisors) will have sufficient expertise to supervise the research.
1.3 | All appointed supervisors should not be a candidate for any research degree, unless prior approval is obtained from the BGS. |
2. | Thesis Proposal Presentation/Qualifying Examination |
2.1 | To proceed to thesis research stage, students are required to pass the thesis proposal presentation (for professional doctorate programmes) / qualifying examination (for Research Postgraduate programmes). |
2.2 | Normally, professional doctorate students are required to satisfactorily complete all the taught courses before their thesis proposal presentation; Research Postgraduate (RPg) candidates are required to satisfactorily complete all core courses before their qualifying examination. |
2.3 | Professional doctorate students are required to present their thesis proposal within half the time (plus or minus one semester) of their normal period of study in order to progress in the programme. RPg students are required to present their thesis proposal at the qualifying examination within half of the normal study period after being admitted in order to progress in the programme. |
2.4 | Students who fail the thesis proposal presentation/qualifying examination after two attempts are not allowed to continue with their studies. |
3. | Annual Research Progress Review |
3.1 | Candidates and their principal supervisor are required to complete an annual report on their research progress in the past 12 months to the Graduate School. A half-yearly review maybe required. Failure to submit the report by the stipulated deadline may lead to de-registration. |
4. | The Thesis |
4.1 | For MPhil programme, the length of the thesis is normally not more than 60,000 words; for PhD programme, the length is normally not more than 70,000 words. For professional doctorate programmes, the word requirements of the thesis are in accordance with the specific course outlines. |
4.2 | The thesis shall be written in English or Chinese, as specified in the programme/course requirements. In cases in the areas of Chinese Language and Chinese Literature, the thesis can be written in Chinese. For candidates in other areas, they may request the thesis to be written in a language other than English whereby recommendation shall be made by the Head of Department to the BGS via the Graduate School. Only upon approval from BGS may the thesis be written in the language as requested. For Submission of Folios, please refer to the Guidelines on Requirements for the Submission of Folios (for RPg and EdD programmes). |
5. | Thesis Examination |
5.1 | Thesis examination for professional doctorate and RPg candidates shall only be conducted when all coursework requirements of their respective programmes are fulfilled. |
5.2 | The thesis examination is made up of two components: the written comments provided by Thesis Examiners (in Section 7) and Viva examination conducted by the Thesis Examination Panel (in Section 9). |
6. | Nomination of Thesis Examiners | ||||||||||
6.1 | Six weeks prior to the anticipated date of submission of the thesis, candidates are required to inform the Graduate School their intention to submit their thesis. | ||||||||||
6.2 | The principal supervisor shall be responsible for the nomination of the Thesis Examiners. | ||||||||||
6.3 | At least three Thesis Examiners shall be appointed to review and grade RPg theses. Among these, at least two must be External. For professional doctorate programme, at least two Thesis Examiners shall be appointed, one of whom must be External. In each case, there may be a maximum of one Internal Thesis Examiner. The Thesis Examiners must be at associate professor level (or equivalent rank) or above. The Internal Thesis Examiners should meet the appointment criteria of Principal Supervisor of the respective RPg or professional doctorate programmes. In addition, for RPg programmes, at least one of the appointed Thesis Examiners is at professor level or above. | ||||||||||
6.4 | The External Thesis Examiners are preferably of different nations / geographic areas (Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan are within one geographical area). | ||||||||||
6.5 | The selection criteria for Thesis Examiners are as follow:
Any External Thesis Examiner must NOT:
7. | Written Comments by Thesis Examiners |
7.1 | The thesis shall be forwarded by the Graduate School or designated unit to Thesis Examiners in confidence. Thesis Examiners shall be under an obligation to maintain confidentiality. |
7.2 | Candidates and supervisors must not contact Thesis Examiners during the examination process in matters pertaining to the thesis examination. Any correspondence related to the thesis examination must be sent through the Graduate School or designated unit. |
8. | Thesis Examination Panel | ||||||
8.1 | The Thesis Examination Panel shall be responsible for the assessment of the Viva examination and recommendation of the final grade to BGS based on the Viva and Thesis Examiners’ written comments. | ||||||
8.2 | Members of Thesis Examination Panel shall be appointed by BGS and normally include:
8.3 | Additional External Independent Reviewer(s) may be appointed by the Dean of Graduate School for advice and serve as Thesis Examiners after consultation with the principal supervisor. The appointed Independent Reviewer(s) must satisfy the requirements of External Thesis Examiners. |
9. | Viva Examination |
9.1 | Candidates must conduct an oral presentation (Viva examination) after they receive the examiners’ reports. The Viva shall be conducted in English; or in Cantonese or Putonghua when the thesis is written in Chinese. |
9.2 | Candidates are required to address recommendations specified in the Thesis Examiners' reports as well as comments made by the Viva Examination Panel during the Viva. |
9.2 | Members of the Thesis Examination Panel may conduct the Viva examination via virtual or tele-communication subject to the agreement of the Chair of the Panel. |
10. | Assessment Grades |
10.1 | RPg and professional doctorate students can have one of the following grades:
10.2 | When a RPg / professional doctorate student is required to re-submit the thesis, the following grades shall be applied for the re-submitted thesis:
11. | Appeals Against Thesis Examination Results |
11.1 | RPg and professional doctorate students may appeal if:
11.2 | An application for an appeal against the result shall be made by writing to the Vice President (Research and Development) within 14 working days of written notification of the examination result to the professional doctorate or RPg candidate and an appeal committee will be formed. Recommendation of the appeal outcome shall be submitted to BGS for approval. | ||||||
11.3 | Members of the appeal committee normally include:
The members of the appeal committee must be impartial with no conflict of interest. In the cases that:
11.4 | At the discretion of the Vice President (Research and Development), additional External Examiners may be consulted for advice. | ||||||
11.5 | The outcome of the appeal can lead to one of the grades as stated in Section 10. The decision of the appeal committee as approved by BGS is final. The Graduate School will notify the student in writing of the committee’s decision. | ||||||
11.6 | Where no eligible grounds are given or where no evidence is submitted to substantiate the claims, the student will be advised by the Graduate School and the appeal will either be turned down or the student will be offered the opportunity to submit additional documentary evidence. |
12. | Submission of Final Version of Thesis |
12.1 | Upon the completion of their studies, research postgraduate and professional doctorate students are required to submit an electronic copy of their theses to the University for archive and consultation by the public. The University Library will also upload an electronic copy of each thesis onto online databases for internal as well as public access. Such electronic copies will be available for discovery and downloading via the internet. |
12.2 | Students with valid reasons may apply to the Graduate School for a restriction on access to their theses for a maximum of three years. |
[For students admitted in 2020/21 academic year and thereafter*]
* exclude Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE)
* include the taught components of Research Postgraduate (RPg) and Doctor of Education (EdD) Programmes
1.1 | Applicants for admission to a programme of the University are required to meet the stipulated entrance requirements of the programme. A waiver may be given to applicants with specific talents or achievements and a wealth of experience as defined in the specific programme entrance requirements. The University does not discriminate on the basis of age, gender, race, nationality, religion, ethnic origin or disability upon admission. Students with disabilities are encouraged to inform the University of their needs so that timely assistance may be provided. |
2.1 | After being accepted by the University for admission to a programme, applicants must pay the requisite fees and complete the registration procedures as prescribed by the University. Current students will be re-registered automatically each semester throughout the period of study if fees have been paid up to date. |
2.2 | Each student is issued with a Student Identity Card. The Card enables a student to gain access to the University’s facilities such as the Library, sports centre, and student halls. |
2.3 | Classes for all programmes are normally scheduled from Monday to Saturday including daytime and evenings. |
3.1 | Once admitted to the University, students are normally required to pay the following fees:
3.2 | Students who fail to settle overdue fees without prior approval will be treated as having unofficially withdrawn from the programme. An administration fee will be charged to these students for reactivating their student status in addition to the full settlement of overdue fees. Re-instatement of the student status will not be considered for unofficially withdrawn students with prolonged overdue fees. They will be required to re-apply for admission to their programmes. | ||||||||||||||||||
3.3 | Tuition Fees Arrangements under Special Circumstances
4.1 | Students must ensure the completion of course registration before the course starts. Students who have not registered for any course in a semester (for full-time students) / two consecutive semesters (for part-time students) (excluding the summer semester) will be considered to have withdrawn from their programme at the University (as stipulated in 14.1) unless deferment of studies has been approved by the relevant Programme Leader/Coordinator. |
4.2 | Students are required to view the Consolidated e-Billing in The Portal student portal which includes all fees/charges such as tuition fees, hall fees, caution money, etc. in one billing. Students should settle the payment on or before the specified deadline. Tuition fees paid are non-refundable. |
4.3 | Registration in some courses is restricted to students having the necessary prerequisites. |
4.4 | Students can add or drop a course during the add-drop period or before the third class meeting. Students are permitted to drop a course after the add-drop period but before the examination period or the deadline for submission of final assignments or presentation, whichever applicable, only for strong personal reasons, such as serious illnesses; the grade W (Withdrawn) will be recorded on the students’ transcript. |
4.5 | Failure to attend a course does not automatically result in the course being dropped. Please refer to para 13.1 for the regulation on Leave of Absence. |
4.6 | A visiting student is not enrolled in any particular programme, but may take courses. Students who have completed their programme but wish to take further courses will be considered as visiting students. |
5.1 | New students will normally not be considered to transfer to another programme if the programmes are offered in the same mode of study and programmes of the same academic level during their first semester of registration. |
5.2 | A current student, who wishes for special reasons to change from one programme/area/strand or mode of study to another during the course of study should meet the stipulated requirements and consult the relevant Programme Leaders/ Coordinators for advice and approval. |
6.1 | Students who are enrolled in any full-time award-bearing programmes (lasting for one year or longer) of the University are not permitted to simultaneously register for another qualification at the University or a post-secondary qualification at any institutions except with prior approval by the Board of Graduate Studies. Violation of this regulation will lead to discontinuation of studies from the University. In case of doubt, students should seek advice from the Board of Graduate Studies (via the Graduate School). |
7.1 | The length of a programme is stipulated in the curriculum. To complete the curriculum, students are required to complete satisfactorily all the specified course requirements including coursework, school attachment, block practice, internship or similar programme required activities, as applicable. | ||||||||||||
7.2 | Normally, there are two semesters in each academic year for academic activities, such as coursework, field experience, overseas immersion, internship and summer institute. | ||||||||||||
7.3 | The maximum period of study for a programme will be determined as follows:
7.4 | Students are expected to graduate within the stipulated period of study, inclusive of any change of programmes/majors, periods of leave of absence, deferment of study, suspension of study and Field Experience activities. Students who have to study beyond the normal study period has to pay for an extension fee by semester as specified by the respective programme. Students who fail to complete a programme within the maximum period of study will normally be required to discontinue their studies at the University (as stipulated in 12.1(iii)). | ||||||||||||
7.5 | Students who wish to extend their period of study beyond the maximum programme duration are required to apply in writing to obtain prior approval from the Programme Leader/Coordinator. Likewise, students who wish to pursue a fast track to complete a programme below its normal period of study should obtain prior approval accordingly. |
9.1 | Specific guidance for preparation, presentation (if applicable), submission, and assessment of research project is specified in the corresponding course outline. |
9.2 | The research project should be completed within the stipulated period as specified by the respective programme. |
9.3 | For completing dissertation and thesis or produce other publications, students should comply with Guideline on Ethics in Research as stipulated by the University’s Human Research Ethics Committee. |
10.1 | Students are responsible for the completion of all the graduation requirements of the programme in which they are officially enrolled. To graduate, students must:
11.1 | The Board of Examiners recommends classifications of award in accordance with the following guidelines:
12.1 | A student will normally be required to discontinue his/her studies at the University if he/she:
12.2 | Normally, students who are required to discontinue their studies at the University will not be considered for re-admission to the same programme in the following three academic years. |
13.1 | In exceptional circumstances where students need to take a leave of absence for 30% of scheduled classes/lectures or more, students should inform their course lecturers and are required to obtain prior approval from the Programme Leader/ Coordinator by submitting a leave application form. |
13.2 | Students who are absent for 30% of scheduled classes/lectures or more in a course without prior permission (as stipulated in 13.1) will be given a grade F (Fail) by their course lecturers. The grade F will be recorded on the students’ transcript. |
13.3 | Where necessary, individual courses / course lecturers / programmes / departments may specify their attendance requirements. |
14.1 | Students can apply for deferment of study if there is a genuine need. The period of deferment in each application is normally one semester. The deferment period is included in the maximum period of study (as stipulated in 7.3). A continuation fee per semester is required upon approval of the application. Students who have not settled the continuation fee will be considered to have withdrawn from the programme of study at the University (as stipulated in 4.1). No re-instatement of student status will be considered for withdrawal students. |
14.2 | Students who fail to return to the University to resume studies at the end of the approved period of deferment will be considered to have withdrawn from the programme, effective on the day following the deferment period. |
14.3 | Students who wish to withdraw from studies shall submit a withdrawal form to the University. Effective date of withdrawal is given 3 working days from the date of submission of the completed form. |
15.1 | Field Experience Coordinators will report to the relevant Associate Dean to seek his/her approval in consultation with the Director/Co-director of School Partnership and Field Experience to suspend any student immediately from Field Experience/practicum placed by the University, should they and/or school personnel have major concerns about the behaviour of the student on block practice or on other Field Experience/practicum activities. Students of teacher education programmes who demonstrate that they are unsuitable to enter the profession will be prevented from joining Field Experience/practicum or suspended from continuing such activities. |
15.2 | The relevant Associate Dean has the authority to prevent or suspend a student from other activities such as overseas immersion, internship, summer institute and academic exchange if the student, on the report of the Programme Leader/ Coordinator, is found to be unsuitable. |
15.3 | Conversely, if an Field Experience Coordinator has strong grounds for concern that a student is experiencing serious bodily or emotional harm on account of the Field Experience/practicum placement, he/she will report this to the relevant Associate Dean for his/her approval to remove the student immediately from the placement school. |
15.4 | The decision of suspension will be relayed in confidence to the relevant programme personnel. If the student is dissatisfied with the decision, he/she can appeal to the relevant Faculty Dean. |
16.1 | A student who is required to discontinue his/her studies by the Board of Examiners under the General Academic Regulations will be notified by the Secretary of the Board of Examiners immediately after the decision for discontinuation is made, and be advised to
16.2 | The Chairperson of the Board of Examiners, after consideration of the student’s submission, will decide if there are grounds for the case to be re-considered by the Board of Examiners. If the student asks for a hearing before the Board of Examiners, the Chairperson will decide whether to invite the student to appear before the full Board of Examiners, or to form a separate panel to hear the case, if deemed appropriate. The Panel should involve at least the Chairperson of the Board of Examiners or a senior academic staff member nominated by the Faculty Dean/Dean of Graduate School as Chairperson, the Programme Leader/ Coordinator, and the relevant teaching staff from the subject department(s). | ||||
16.3 | The Panel, after hearing of the case, will convey its recommendation to the Board of Examiners for the final decision. Depending on the recommendation, the Board of Examiners may make decisions through one of the following ways:
16.4 | The decision of the Board of Examiners will then be conveyed to the student accordingly. | ||||
16.5 | If the student feels that there is perceived injustice in the above procedures governing the review of the decision of the Board of Examiners on discontinuation, he/she can make an appeal to the Students’ Appeal Committee following the prevailing procedures stipulated in the Student Handbook. The decision of the Students’ Appeal Committee will be final. |
17.1 | Students who, upon verification, are found to have committed serious violations of the University’s regulations or Laws of Hong Kong, will be subject to dismissal by the University immediately after the findings have been substantiated. |
18.1 | Students are required to carry out all academic activities honestly and in good faith. Any act that contravenes standards of academic honesty such as plagiarism, impersonation, cheating in examinations and collusion is strictly prohibited by the University. |
18.2 | Any alleged cases of academic misconduct will be handled by the Head of the academic department concerned, who will then conduct a thorough investigation. An investigation report should be sent to the relevant Associate Dean who will consider whether there are prima facie grounds for referring the case to the Student Disciplinary Committee for further consideration, decision and action. Any proven act of academic misconduct may result in suspension of studies, postponement of graduation, dismissal from the University or other forms of penalties. |
Academic Board | The major academic forum of the University for the oversight and development of all academic matters of the University. | |
Academic Year/ Semester | An academic year consists of two semesters. Normally, Semester 1 commences in early September and ends in mid December while Semester 2 starts in early January and ends in June. The last numbered week in each semester is reserved for assessment purposes. | |
Advanced Standing | It may be granted to applicants who have completed a recognized programme at the University or other institutions before admission to a post-secondary programme. | |
Assessment | The student's academic performance will be assessed in summative and formative processes, which may include written assignments, portfolios, artifacts, class tests, performance tasks and examinations. Its precise nature will be specified in the course description. | |
Board of Examiners | The University's board recommends award classifications, determine the remedial work for problem cases and cases of special circumstances that need special consideration, and decide cases for the discontinuation of studies. | |
Course | A course is a unit of study with a particular lecturer or teaching team. Most courses are assigned three credit points. | |
Core Course | The course that must be completed by the students to meet the curriculum requirements. | |
Course Code | The code given to a course. | |
Course Exemption | Course Exemption may be granted for courses completed in other institutions for recognized qualifications. The exempted courses will not appear on the student’s transcript and will be excluded from the calculation of GPAs. | |
Course Lecturer | Staff delivering the course. | |
Course Registration | The enrolment of a student in a course. | |
Credit Transfer | Credit Transfer may be granted for courses completed successfully at the University previously or another accredited tertiary institution. The credit points transferred will be counted towards the graduation requirements but will be excluded from the calculations of GPAs. | |
Credit Point/Credit | All programmes of study adopt a credit point system. Credit points show how much the successful completion of a course will contribute to the qualification of which it is a part. The number of credit points assigned to a course is indicative of the hours of study it requires. One credit point should normally be equivalent to 13 hours of teaching and learning activities. | |
Departmental Assessment Panel | The Panel considers possible moderation of grades in a course, monitors grade distribution and endorses the assessment results of courses/clusters of courses/courses with similar nature for approval by Head of course–offering unit. | |
Elective Course | Any of the courses other than core courses in a programme. | |
Field Experience | Field Experience is observation of teaching in schools and subsequently teaching practice in schools or other institutions. | |
Grade Point Average (GPA) | GPA | Students' performance in the programme as a whole or within a prescribed period of time, excluding courses without grade point equivalent, will be set out in a Programme GPA. |
Semester GPA (SGPA) | A student's GPA obtained in a semester. | |
Year GPA (YGPA) | A student's GPA obtained in an academic year. | |
Programme GPA (PGPA) | A student's GPA obtained within a programme. | |
Graduation Date | For students of Research Postgraduate Programmes, Doctor of Education and Taught Postgraduate Programmes who successfully complete all the graduation requirements of their programme by the end of Semester 1, a graduation date is set by the Academic Board (AB). For all other students who successfully complete all the graduation requirements by the end of Semester 2 or summer semester, another graduation date is set by the AB. | |
Operational Grade | A course grade assigned for administrative purposes to assist in the management of student records. Operational grades do not count in the calculation of students’ GPAs. Definitions are explained as follows: | |
IP (In Progress) | An IP grade is shown where students will register in subsequent Semesters to complete the assessment of the course. | |
YC (Complete) | Successful completion of a designated course. | |
YI (Incomplete) | A temporary grade to be granted due to special circumstances that have prevented a student from completing required work, or attending the examination for reasons acceptable to the course lecturer. Where a “YI” grade is assigned by the course lecturer with a schedule for the completion of work, the Head of course-offering unit will approve the schedule via the Department Assessment Panel. A “YI” grade will be converted into an “F” grade four weeks after the “YI” grade is officially released, unless an alternative grade has been assigned by the course lecturer concerned. Grade “YI” is not included in the calculation of Programme GPA. | |
W (Withdrawn) | Assigned when a student has registered for the course in a semester and subsequently submitted a notification of withdrawal from the Course. | |
University/ EdUHK | The Education University of Hong Kong. | |
Mode of Study | The full-time or part-time pattern of study. | |
The Portal | The University's portal for staff and students. | |
Programme | The structured combination of courses which leads to a specified award. | |
Registration | The enrolment of a student in a programme. | |
Statement of Results | The official letter certifying a student's completion of a programme, programme mode and duration and impending graduation. | |
Taught Postgraduate Students | The students who are enrolling in taught master programmes. | |
Testimonial | The official document certifying a student's enrolment in a programme, year of enrolment, programme mode and duration. | |
Transcript | The official academic record of a student's full updated list of course grades attained in a programme. | |
Visiting Student | Students who have completed their programme but wish to take further courses will be considered visiting students. Local and non-local applicants who do not wish to enroll in a full programme of study in the University but plan to take selected course(s) within one or more programmes may also apply for admission as Visiting Students. Visiting students shall not register in any particular programmes, but may only take courses. Visiting students are not eligible for any formal academic award. Those who have successfully completed the course assessment will receive a transcript. |
- Admission
- Registration
- Fees
- Course Enrolment
- Change of Programme/Major/Minor or Mode of Study
- Double Registration
- Study Load
- Period of Study
- Course Assessments and Grades
9.1 Grading System 9.2 Review of Course Grade 9.3 Advanced Standing 9.4 Credit Transfer 9.5 Course Exemption 9.6 Late Submission of Assignment 9.7 Repeating Courses 9.8 Academic Warning 9.9 Academic Probation 9.10 Field Experience - Graduation and Exit Requirements
- Award Classification
- Discontinuation of Studies
- Leave of Absence
- Deferment and Withdrawal
- Suspension of Student Activities
- Review of Board of Examiners' Decisions on Discontinuation
- Dismissal
- Academic Honesty
1.1 | Applicants for admission to a programme of the University are required to meet the stipulated entrance requirements of the programme. A waiver may be given to mature applicants with specific talents or achievements and a wealth of experience as defined in the general entrance requirements. The University does not discriminate on the basis of age, gender, race, nationality, religion, ethnic origin or disability upon admission. Students with disabilities are encouraged to inform the University of their needs so that timely assistance may be provided. |
2.1 | After being accepted by the University for admission to a programme, applicants must pay the requisite fees and complete the registration procedures as prescribed by the University. Current students will be re-registered automatically each semester throughout the period of study if fees have been paid up to date. | ||||||
2.2 | Major
2.3 | Double Major
2.4 | Minor
2.5 | Double Counting Double counting of up to nine credit points for a five-year programme and six credit points for a four-year programme to fulfill no more than two domain requirements (e.g. for both the first and second majors) within a full-time undergraduate degree programme may be allowed. |
2.6 | Each student is issued with a Student Identity Card. The Card enables a student to gain access to the University's facilities such as the Library, sports centre, and student halls. | ||||||
2.7 | Classes for all programmes are normally scheduled from Monday to Saturday. |
3.1 | Once admitted to the University, students (except those studying for Professional Development Programmes) are normally required to pay the following fees:
3.2 | Students who fail to settle overdue University fees without prior approval will be treated as having unofficially withdrawn from the programme. An administration fee will be charged to these students for reactivating their student status in addition to the full settlement of overdue fees. Re-instatement of the student status will not be considered for unofficially withdrawn students with prolonged overdue fees. They will be required to re-apply for admission to their programmes. | ||||||||||||||
3.3 | Students who have to extend their studies beyond the normal period of study in order to fulfill the requirements of the programme, major, second major, minor or second minor, are required to pay additional fees on a pro-rata basis according to the number of course/credit points (including Field Experience) taken in the extended period of study. |
4.1 | Students must ensure the completion of course registration before the course starts. Students who have not registered for any course in a semester (excluding the summer semester) will be considered to have withdrawn from their programme at the University (as stipulated in 14.1) unless deferment of studies has been approved by the relevant Programme Leader/Coordinator. |
4.2 | Registration in some courses is restricted to students having the necessary prerequisites. |
4.3 | Students can add or drop a course during the add-drop period or before the third class meeting. Students are permitted to drop a course after the add-drop period but before the examination period or the deadline for submission of final assignments, whichever applicable, only for strong personal reasons, such as serious illnesses; the grade W (Withdrawn) will be recorded on the students' transcript. |
4.4 | Failure to attend a course does not automatically result in the course being dropped. Students who are reported for prolonged absence in a course without permission will be accorded a grade F (Fail) for the course (as stipulated in 13.2). |
4.5 | Students may audit a course without charge, subject to the permission of the course lecturer. They will not earn credit points for their audited courses. |
4.6 | A visiting student is not enrolled in any particular programme, but may take courses. Students who have completed their programme but wish to take further courses will be considered visiting students. |
5. Change of Programme/Major/Minor or Mode of Study
5.1 | New students will normally not be considered to transfer to another programme if the programmes are offered in the same mode of study and programmes of the same academic level, in particular the UGC-funded undergraduate programmes, during their first semester of registration. |
5.2 | A current student, who wishes for special reasons to change from one programme/major/minor or mode of study to another during the course of study should meet the stipulated requirements and consult the relevant Programme Leaders/Coordinators for advice and approval. The change, once approved, normally takes effect from the next semester/academic year. (Also see 8.5 for the maximum study period.) |
6.1 | Students who are enrolled in any full-time award-bearing programmes (lasting for one year or longer) of the University are not permitted to simultaneously register for another qualification at this University or a post-secondary qualification at any institutions except with prior approval by the Registrar. Violation of this regulation will lead to discontinuation of studies from the University. In case of doubt, students should seek advice from the Registry. |
7.1 | Courses are the basic units of study into which students are registered and for which grades are assigned. Each course is assigned a number of credit points. Related courses are grouped under a learning domain. |
7.2 | The number of credit points assigned to a course is indicative of the number of hours of student effort, which include both contact hours and study time. In terms of contact hours, one credit point should normally be equivalent to one hour of teaching per week each for 13 teaching weeks in a semester. In terms of study time, students are normally expected to engage in no less than 2 hours of independent learning for each contact hour. |
7.3 | Students have to earn before graduation the number of credit points as required by the programmes of study. The minimum and maximum number of credit points is normally within the range of 12 (except summer semester) to 18 for taught courses in a semester for full-time programmes, whereas not more than 11 (up to 12 for students admitted in 2019/20 and thereafter) in a semester for part-time programmes. Students are not allowed to take zero credit point/course unless with prior approval. |
8.1 | The length of a programme is stipulated in the curriculum. To complete the curriculum, students are required to complete satisfactorily all the specified course requirements including coursework, school attachment, block practice, internship or similar programme required activities, as applicable. | ||||||||||||
8.2 | Normally, there are two semesters in each academic year for academic activities, such as coursework, field experience, overseas immersion, internship and summer institute. In addition to the two regular semesters, a 6-week Summer Semester is offered for students of full-time undergraduate degree programmes who wish to study courses before the commencement of Semester 1 of the new academic year. Taking courses in Summer Semester is optional unless fixed in the programme curriculum. | ||||||||||||
8.3 | The maximum period of study for a programme will be determined as follows:
8.4 | For students admitted to Full-time undergraduate programmes via Senior Year Admission Route, the maximum period of study is the respective normative length plus 2 years. | ||||||||||||
8.5 | Students are expected to graduate within the stipulated period of study, inclusive of any change of programmes/majors, periods of leave of absence, deferment of study, suspension of study and Field Experience activities. Students who fail to complete a programme within the maximum period of study will normally be required to discontinue their studies at the University (as stipulated in 12.1(v)). Students will have to pay additional fees on a pro-rata basis according to the number of course(s)/credit point(s), including Field Experience taken in the extended period of study. | ||||||||||||
8.6 | Students who wish to extend their period of study beyond the maximum programme duration are required to apply in writing to obtain prior approval from the Programme Leader/Coordinator. Likewise, students who wish to pursue a fast track to complete a programme below its normal period of study should obtain prior approval accordingly. |
9.1 | Grading System
9.2 | Review of Course Grade
9.3 | Advanced Standing
9.4 | Credit Transfer
9.5 | Course Exemption
9.6 | Late Submission of Assignment
9.7 | Repeating Courses
9.8 | Academic Warning*
9.9 | Academic Probation
9.10 | Field Experience
10.1 | Students are responsible for the completion of all the graduation requirements of the programme in which they are officially enrolled and satisfy all other requirements specified by the University. To graduate, students must:
10.2 | Students must also meet/fulfill the University’s exit requirements such as teacher’s professional conduct and ethics (for students of teacher education programmes admitted in 2024/25 and thereafter) and/or language proficiency. | ||||||||||||||
10.3 | Students who have fulfilled the requirements of a second major and/or one/two minors and other programme requirements but failed to fulfill the requirements of their first major will not be permitted to graduate (applicable to students of undergraduate degree programmes with a major subject study). |
11. Award Classification
11.1 | The Board of Examiners recommends classifications of award in accordance with the following guidelines: |
11.2 | The Board of Examiners may add specific programme criteria/guidelines for classifications of award. |
12. Discontinuation of Studies
12.1 | A student will normally be required to discontinue his/her studies at the University if he/she:
12.2 | Normally, students who are required to discontinue their studies at the University will not be considered for re-admission to the same programme in the following three academic years. |
13.1 | Where special circumstances require students to take a leave of absence exceeding 7 days but less than one semester, students must seek approval from the Programme Leader / Coordinator by submitting a leave application form. |
13.2 | Students who are absent for a prolonged period in a course without prior permission (as stipulated in 13.1) will be given a grade F (Fail) by their course lecturers. The grade F will be recorded on the students' transcript. |
13.3 | Where necessary, individual courses / course lecturers / programmes / departments will specify their attendance requirements. |
14.1 | Students can apply for deferment of study if there is a genuine need. The minimum period of deferment in each application is one semester and the maximum duration for approved deferment within a programme is normally up to two academic years. The deferment period is included in the maximum period of study (as stipulated in 8.5). A continuation fee per semester is required upon approval of the application. Students who have not settled the continuation fee will be considered to have withdrawn from the programme of study at the University (as stipulated in 4.1). No re-instatement of student status will be considered for withdrawal students. |
14.2 | The President of the Students' Union may apply in writing to the relevant Programme Leader/Coordinator for deferment of study for one year on grounds of heavy commitment in the Students' Union. Such an application should normally be made within four weeks after the announcement of the election results and is subject to the payment of a continuation fee. |
14.3 | Students who fail to return to the University to resume studies at the end of the approved period of deferment will be considered to have withdrawn from the programme, effective on the day following the deferment period. |
14.4 | Students who wish to withdraw from studies shall submit a withdrawal form to the University. Effective date of withdrawal is given 3 working days from the date of submission of the completed form. |
15.1 | Field Experience Coordinators will report to the relevant Associate Dean to seek his/her approval in consultation with the Director/Co-Director of School Partnership and Field Experience to suspend any student immediately from Field Experience/practicum placed by the University, should they and/or school personnel have major concerns about the behaviour of the student on block practice or on other Field Experience/practicum activities. Students of teacher education programmes who demonstrate that they are unsuitable to enter the profession will be prevented from joining Field Experience/practicum or suspended from continuing such activities. |
15.2 | The relevant Associate Dean has the authority to prevent or suspend a student from other activities such as overseas immersion, internship, summer institute and academic exchange if the student, on the report of the Programme Leader/Coordinator, is found to be unsuitable. |
15.3 | Conversely, if an Field Experience Coordinator has strong grounds for concern that a student is experiencing serious bodily or emotional harm on account of the Field Experience/practicum placement, he/she will report this to the relevant Associate Dean for his/her approval to remove the student immediately from the placement school. |
15.4 | The decision of suspension will be relayed in confidence to the relevant programme personnel. If the student is dissatisfied with the decision, he/she can appeal to the relevant Faculty Dean. |
16.1 | A student who is required to discontinue his/her studies by the Board of Examiners under the General Academic Regulations will be notified by the Secretary of the Board of Examiners immediately after the decision for discontinuation is made, and be advised to
16.2 | The Chairperson of the Board of Examiners, after consideration of the student's submission, will decide if there are grounds for the case to be re-considered by the Board of Examiners. If the student asks for a hearing before the Board of Examiners, the Chairperson will decide whether to invite the student to appear before the full Board of Examiners, or to form a separate panel to hear the case, if deemed appropriate. The Panel should involve at least the Chairperson of the Board of Examiners or a senior academic staff member nominated by the Faculty Dean as Chairperson, the Programme Leader/Coordinator, and the relevant teaching staff from the subject department(s). | ||||
16.3 | The Panel, after hearing of the case, will convey its recommendation to the Board of Examiners for the final decision. Depending on the recommendation, the Board of Examiners may make decisions through one of the following ways:
16.4 | The decision of the Board of Examiners will then be conveyed to the student accordingly. | ||||
16.5 | If the student feels that there is perceived injustice in the above procedures governing the review of the decision of the Board of Examiners on discontinuation, he/she can make an appeal to the Students' Appeal Committee following the prevailing procedures stipulated in the Student Handbook. The decision of the Students' Appeal Committee will be final. |
17.1 | Students who, upon verification, are found to have committed serious violations of the University's regulations or Laws of Hong Kong, will be subject to dismissal by the University immediately after the findings have been substantiated. |
18.1 | Students are required to carry out all academic activities honestly and in good faith. Any act that contravenes standards of academic honesty such as plagiarism, impersonation, cheating in examinations and collusion is strictly prohibited by the University. |
18.2 | Any alleged cases of academic misconduct will be handled by the Head of the academic department concerned, who will then conduct a thorough investigation. An investigation report should be sent to the relevant Associate Dean who will consider whether there are prima facie grounds for referring the case to the Student Disciplinary Committee for further consideration, decision and action. Any proven act of academic misconduct may result in suspension of studies, postponement of graduation, dismissal from the University or other forms of penalties. |
Academic Board | The major academic forum of the University for the oversight and development of all academic matters of the University. | |
Academic Year/ Semester | An academic year consists of two semesters (and one 6-week Summer Semester for full-time undergraduate degree programmes only). Normally, Semester 1 commences in early September and ends in mid December while Semester 2 starts in early January and ends in June. The last numbered week in each semester is reserved for assessment purposes. For some programmes, a Summer Semester of 4-5 weeks may be added. In addition, some programmes may arrange Semester 2 into Semester 2A and Semester 2B. Taking courses in Summer Semester is optional unless fixed in the programme curriculum. | |
Advanced Standing | It may be granted to applicants who have completed a recognized programme at the University or other institutions before admission to a post-secondary programme. | |
Assessment | The student's academic performance will be assessed in summative and formative processes, which may include written assignments, portfolios, artifacts, class tests, performance tasks and examinations. Its precise nature will be specified in the course description. | |
Auditor | Students are allowed to attend the course without charge with permission of the course lecturer. They are not allowed to submit assignments nor sit for examination. They will not earn credit points for the course; and the audited courses will not appear on the students' transcript. | |
Board of Examiners | The University's board recommends award classifications, determine the remedial work for problem cases and cases of special circumstances that need special consideration, and decide cases for the discontinuation of studies. | |
Course | A course is a unit of study with credits and assigned with a particular lecturer or teaching team. Courses are normally assigned with three credit points. | |
Core Course | The course that must be completed by the students to meet the curriculum requirements. | |
Course Code | The code given to a course. | |
Course Exemption | Course Exemption may be granted for courses completed in other institutions for recognized qualifications. The exempted courses will not appear on the student's transcript and will be excluded from the calculation of GPAs. | |
Course Lecturer | Staff delivering the course. | |
Course Registration | The enrolment of a student in a course. | |
Credit Transfer | Credit Transfer may be granted for courses completed successfully at the University previously or another accredited tertiary institution. The credit points transferred will be counted towards the graduation requirements but will be excluded from the calculations of GPAs. | |
Credit Point/Credit | All programmes of study adopt a credit point system. Credit points show how much the successful completion of a course will contribute to the qualification of which it is a part. The number of credit points assigned to a course is indicative of the hours of study it requires. One credit point should normally be equivalent to one hour of teaching per week for 13 teaching weeks in a semester. Each contact hour should require no less than 2 hours of independent learning. | |
Departmental Assessment Panel | The Panel considers possible moderation of grades in a course, monitors grade distribution and endorses the assessment results of courses/clusters of courses/courses with similar nature for approval by the Head of the course-offering unit. | |
Elective Course | Any of the courses other than core courses in a programme. | |
Field Experience | Field Experience is observation of teaching in schools and subsequently teaching practice in schools or other institutions. | |
Grade Point Average (GPA) | GPA | Students' performance in the programme as a whole or within a prescribed period of time, excluding courses without grade point equivalent, will be set out in a Programme GPA. For details, please refer to Sections 9.1.2 of General Academic Regulations. |
Semester GPA (SGPA) | A student's GPA obtained in a semester. | |
Year GPA (YGPA) | A student's GPA obtained in an academic year. | |
Programme GPA (PGPA) | A student's GPA obtained within a programme. | |
Major Subject GPA | A student's GPA for his/her major subject of study. | |
Mature Applicant | An applicant who does not possess the minimum programme entrance requirements but is at least 25 years of age on 31 August in the admission year and can demonstrate to the University's satisfaction his/her suitability for and capability to pursue his/her chosen programme, then he/she may be exempted from some entrance requirements and admitted as a mature student. | |
Major | Major | A major field of study in a programme. |
First Major | The major field of study that students on full-time undergraduate degree programmes declared upon admission. | |
Second Major | The additional major field of study taken by students on full-time undergraduate degree programmes. | |
Operational Grade | A course grade assigned for administrative purposes to assist in the management of student records. Operational grades do not count in the calculation of students' GPAs. Definitions are explained as follows: | |
IP (In Progress) | An IP grade is shown where students will register in subsequent Semesters to complete the assessment of the course. | |
YC (Complete) | Successful completion of a designated course. | |
YI (Incomplete) | A temporary grade to be granted due to special circumstances that have prevented a student from completing required work, or attending the examination for reasons acceptable to the course lecturer. Where a “YI” grade is assigned by the course lecturer with a schedule for the completion of work, the Head of course-offering unit will approve the schedule via the Departmental Assessment Panel. A “YI” grade will be converted into an “F” grade four weeks after the “YI” grade is officially released unless an alternative grade has been assigned by the course lecturer concerned. Grade “YI” is not included in the calculation of Programme GPA. | |
W (Withdrawn) | Assigned when a student has registered for the course in a semester and subsequently submitted a notification of withdrawal from the Course. | |
University/ EdUHK | The Education University of Hong Kong. | |
Mode of Study | The full-time, part-time or mixed-mode pattern of study. | |
The Portal | The University's portal for staff and students. | |
Programme | The structured combination of courses which leads to a specified award. | |
Registration | The enrolment of a student in a programme. | |
Statement of Results | The official letter certifying a student's completion of a programme, programme mode and duration and impending graduation. | |
Testimonial | The official document certifying a student's enrolment in a programme, year of enrolment, programme mode and duration. | |
Transcript | The official academic record of a student's full updated list of course grades attained in a programme. | |
Visiting Student | Students who have completed their programme but wish to take further courses will be considered visiting students. Local and non-local applicants who do not wish to enroll in a full programme of study in the University but plan to take selected course(s) within one or more programmes may apply for admission as Visiting Students. Visiting students shall not register in any particular programmes, but may only take courses. Visiting students are not eligible for any formal academic award. Those who have successfully completed the course assessment will receive a transcript. |
Fees for the Academic Year 2024/25
1. Tuition Fees
UGC-funded Programmes
Self-financed Programmes
2. Caution Money
All students (with the exception of students of professional development programmes) are required to pay, upon enrolment, HK$350 as caution money as a deposit to make good any outstanding debts to the University incurred in, for example, damage to the University property. Should there be no outstanding fees/fines/charges at the end of the study, the caution money will be used to cover graduation fee (including the cost of an award certificate).
If a student fails to settle any outstanding University fees, a collective term which refers to fees charged by the University covering tuition fees, caution money, hall fees, etc., he/she will not be allowed to attend the graduation ceremony nor receive any academic documents (including award of certificates) until the sum is cleared.
Caution money is non-refundable except to those students who withdraw from the programmes during the course of study and have completed the withdrawal procedures or those who are required to discontinue studies by the University. The remaining balance after deducting any fees/fines/charges that the student owes to the University will be refunded to the student within three months after withdrawal or discontinuation of studies.
The Committee on Scholarships and Prizes formulates and reviews policies relating to scholarships and awards for students. The Student Affairs Office is the secretariat of the Committee serving as the central coordinating unit for the administration of scholarships and awards.
1. Scholarships
Scholarships are awarded based on academic merit (satisfactory academic performance with a minimum GPA of 3.0 normally). Contribution to the community, participation in extra-curricular activities, leadership abilities and other criteria as stipulated by the donors are also considered. Academic units and other offices of the University are invited to put forward recommendations for scholarships while some scholarships are open for application. The scholarships are normally presented either at the University’s functions or occasions organised by the donors.
Dr Adam Lee Field Experience Scholarship
- Two scholarships ($10,000 each) are donated by Dr Adam Lee Yat-keung (annual amount: $20,000).
- Full-time Year 3 BEd (Physical Education) local students are eligible.
AIA Scholarships
- Scholarships ($50,000 each and renewable) are donated by AIA Foundation. There shall be 100 awards for undergraduate students from local universities.
- Full-time local students who are pursuing their first undergraduate degree immediately succeeding completion of their senior secondary school education are eligible.
AIA Success PB District Outstanding Performance Scholarship
- Five scholarships ($16,000 each and one-off) are donated by AIA Success PB District (annual amount: $80,000).
- Students in the Master of Arts in Personal Finance Education are eligible.
Au Bak Ling Charity Trust Scholarship
- A number of scholarships ($10,000 each and one-off) are donated by Au Bak Ling Charity Trust.
- Full-time BEd students are eligible.
Bank of China (Hong Kong) Scholarship
- Five scholarships ($10,000 each) are donated by Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited (annual amount: $50,000).
- Full-time BEd (Business, Accounting and Financial Studies) students who are HK permanent residents are eligible.
The Bank of East Asia Scholarship
- One scholarship ($10,000) is donated by The Bank of East Asia Charitable Foundation.
- Full-time BEd (Business, Accounting and Financial Studies) local students are eligible.
BEAM Society Scholarship in Green Building Excellence
- One scholarship ($20,000) is donated by BEAM Society Limited, owner of the Building Environmental Assessment Method.
- Full-time Year 3 and Year 4 BSocSc (Global and Environmental Studies) local students are eligible.
C-for-Chinese@JC Scholarship
- Scholarships ($15,040 each and renewable) are donated by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust.
- First-year full-time students of Higher Diploma (Early Childhood Education) who are graduates of Diploma (Early Childhood Education) are eligible.
Chan Chen Shu An Scholarship
- One scholarship ($10,000) is donated in memory of the late Mrs Chan Chen Shu An.
- Full-time final year BEd (Early Childhood Education) students are eligible.
CityLinkers Group Limited Scholarship
- One scholarship ($10,000) is donated by CityLinkers Group Limited.
- Year 4 students of BSc (Executive Management) are eligible.
Dr Chan Shuk Ching Memorial Scholarship
- Two scholarships ($10,000 each) are donated by Ms Chan Suk-kuen (annual amount: $20,000).
- Full-time undergraduate local students majoring in Chinese Language are eligible.
Cheung Wan Memorial Scholarship for Art
- Four scholarships ($10,000 each) are donated by the family of the late Mr Cheung Wan (annual amount: $40,000).
- Full-time undergraduate students majoring in Visual Arts are eligible.
Cheung’s Family Charity Fund Scholarship
- Four scholarships (around $10,000 each) are available from an endowment donated by Cheung’s Family Charity Fund (annual amount: around $40,000).
- Full-time first-year BEd (Physical Education) students who are HK permanent residents are eligible.
- Achievements in sports activities will be considered.
Chiang Chen Industrial Charity Foundation Scholarship
- Two scholarships ($22,500 each) are donated by the Chiang Chen Industrial Charity Foundation (Hong Kong) Limited (annual amount: $45,000).
- Full-time BEd (Secondary)-Information and Communication Technology students who are HK permanent residents are eligible.
Christina Ting Yuk-chee Scholarship
- Three scholarships ($10,000 each) are donated by Ms Christina Ting Yuk-chee (annual amount: $30,000).
- Full-time BEd (Early Childhood Education) local students are eligible.
Education Scholarships Fund Awards – Leung Fung-ki Memorial Scholarship
- One scholarship ($2,000) is donated by the son and daughters of Mr Leung Fung-ki.
- Full-time BEd students promoting to final year are eligible.
- Performance in teaching practice will be considered.
Elaine Mak So Man Yee Memorial Scholarship
- One scholarship ($10,000) is donated by Mr Gary Yeung.
- Full-time undergraduate local students are eligible.
Elizabeth Frankland Moore Awards
- Two scholarships ($5,000 each) are donated by the Hong Kong Sino-British Fellowship Trust Scholars’ Foundation (annual amount: $10,000).
- Local undergraduate students studying a Special Needs/ Special Education programme or Early Childhood Education programme are eligible.
Emperor Foundation Scholarship
- One scholarship ($10,000) is donated by the Emperor Foundation.
- Full-time BEd (Business, Accounting and Financial Studies) students who are HK permanent residents are eligible.
Entrance Scholarships (for Undergraduate Students)
Entrance Scholarships for undergraduate students are funded by the University and private donors to award outstanding local and non-local applicants to the University’s undergraduate programmes. Academic merits, interview performance (if applicable) and/or non-academic achievements will be considered. These scholarships are by nomination.
– EdUHK-Church of Christ in China Entrance Scholarship
- Two scholarships ($20,000 each and one-off) are donated by the Church of Christ in China and the University.
- First-year full-time UGC-funded undergraduate local students who have obtained excellent results in HKDSE are eligible.
- Students must be S6 graduates from a secondary school sponsored by the Hong Kong Council of the Church of Christ in China.
– EdUHK Entrance Scholarship for Higher Diploma in Early Childhood Education
- Tuition scholarship ($15,040 each p.a. and renewable).
- First-year full-time HD(ECE) students who have obtained excellent academic results are eligible.
- Funded by the University.
– EdUHK Entrance Scholarship for Local Students
- Full Scholarship ($90,000 each p.a. and renewable)
- Tuition Scholarship ($42,100 each p.a. and renewable)
- First-year full-time UGC-funded undergraduate local students who have obtained excellent academic results are eligible.
- Funded by the University.
– EdUHK Entrance Scholarship for Non-Chinese Speaking Local Students
- Half Tuition Scholarship ($21,050 each p.a. and renewable)
- First-year full-time UGC-funded undergraduate non-Chinese speaking local students who have obtained good results in HKDSE are eligible.
- Funded by the University.
– EdUHK Entrance Scholarship for Non-local Students
- Full Scholarship ($185,000 each p.a. and renewable)
- Tuition Scholarship ($140,000 each p.a. and renewable)
- Half Tuition Scholarship ($70,000 p.a. and renewable)
- First-year full-time UGC-funded undergraduate non-local students who have obtained excellent academic results are eligible.
- Funded by the University.
– EdUHK Entrance Scholarship for Senior Year Entry Students
- Scholarships are $10,000 each p.a. and renewable.
- Senior entry students admitted to full-time UGC-funded undergraduate programmes are eligible.
- Funded by the University.
– EdUHK Sun Hung Kai Properties Scholarship Scheme
- One scholarship ($42,100 p.a. and renewable) is donated by Sun Hung Kai Properties Charitable Fund and the University.
- First-year full-time UGC-funded undergraduate local students who have obtained excellent academic results are eligible.
– EdUHK-Yan Oi Tong & HK General Tai Shan Clansmen Association Charitable Foundation Entrance Scholarship
- 10 scholarships ($20,000 each and one-off) are donated by Yan Oi Tong and the University.
- First-year full-time UGC-funded undergraduate local students who have obtained excellent results in HKDSE are eligible.
- Students must be S6 graduates from a secondary school sponsored by Yan Oi Tong.
– The Hong Kong Jockey Club Chairman’s Scholarship
- This Scholarship aims to attract undergraduate students with exceptional academic achievements to pursue their undergraduate studies in Hong Kong. The Chairman’s Scholarship is open to students in Hong Kong as well as students from Mainland China and other countries and regions. Interested students should apply for this Scholarship before they enter university and in their last year of secondary school, and students currently studying in secondary schools in Hong Kong should apply through principal nomination.
- The Scholarship supports students to pursue their undergraduate studies in Hong Kong by offering a one-off cash award, full tuition fees, academic and living allowance, overseas learning subsidies and participation in The Hong Kong Jockey Club overseas leadership programme.
- Applicants have to apply online to The Hong Kong Jockey Club in March/ April. Please refer to the Jockey Club’s website for more details.
– The Hong Kong Jockey Club Striding On Scholarship
- This Scholarship aims to recognise undergraduate students who have achieved excellence while demonstrating resilience and strength of mind to overcome adversities or challenges in life, and support these students' undergraduate studies in Hong Kong. Interested students should apply for such Scholarship before they enter university and in their last year of secondary school through principal nomination.
- The Scholarship supports students to pursue their undergraduate studies in Hong Kong by offering full tuition fee, academic and living allowance, overseas learning subsidies and participation in The Hong Kong Jockey Club overseas leadership programme and other leadership support programmes.
- Applicants must be HK permanent residents studying in a secondary school in HK at the time of application. They have to apply online to The Hong Kong Jockey Club in March/ April. Please refer to the Jockey Club’s website for more details.
– Rising Star of 21st Century – Dr Joseph Yeung Entrance Scholarship
- Eight scholarships ($10,000 for four local students and $20,000 for four Mainland students) are offered by Dr Joseph Yeung (annual amount: $120,000).
- First-year full-time UGC-funded undergraduate students of the following programmes are eligible: Visual Arts major, BA in Heritage Education and Arts Management, and BEd (BAFS).
– Scholarship for Prospective English Teachers
- Scholarships ($50,000 per year for local students and $80,000 per year for non-local students) are offered by the HKSAR Government.
- Applicants who wish to pursue a full-time English major degree or a full-time PGDE programme majoring in English are eligible.
- The scholarship is tenable for the normal duration of the study programme.
- Awardees have to fulfil teaching obligation after graduation.
Sik Sik Yuen Entrance Scholarship
- Two scholarships ($50,000 each and one-off) are offered by Sik Sik Yuen (annual amount: $100,000).
- First-year full-time UGC-funded undergraduate local students are eligible.
Evelyn Yee-fun Man Scholarships
- Two scholarships ($10,000 each) are donated by Professor Evelyn Yee-fun Man (annual amount: $20,000).
- Full-time undergraduate students majoring in Chinese or English are eligible.
For Our Future Scholarship
- Scholarships ($50,000 each) are donated by the Greater Bay Area Homeland Youth Community Foundation. There shall be 15 awards for students from local tertiary institutions.
- Full-time local students studying a bachelor’s or master’s degree with personal development (sport, art, music, etc) and participation in social services are eligible.
Professor Frank Fu Scholarship
- One scholarship ($10,000) is donated by Professor Frank Fu Hoo-kin.
- Full-time BEd (Physical Education) local students are eligible.
Dr Frankie Yeung Wai Shing Scholarship
- One scholarship ($10,000) is donated by Dr Frankie Yeung Wai-shing.
- Final year undergraduate and master students studying business/ finance-related programmes are eligible.
Fung Scholarships
- At least eight annual scholarships (range from $10,000 to $20,000 each) are available from a scholarship endowment donated by the Victor and William Fung Foundation Limited.
- Full-time undergraduate students who will be attending the overseas English Language immersion programme or outgoing student exchange programme and who are HK permanent residents are eligible.
Hong Kong & Kowloon Electrical Appliances Merchants Association Scholarship
- One scholarship ($10,000) is donated by the Hong Kong & Kowloon Electrical Appliances Merchants Association.
- Full-time BA (Language Studies)-Chinese local students are eligible.
Hong Kong Association of University Women Undergraduate and Postgraduate Scholarships
- Scholarships ($5,000 each for undergraduates and $20,000 each for postgraduates) are offered by the Hong Kong Association of University Women. The number of recipients varies each year.
- Full-time second-year undergraduate and master/ doctoral female students are eligible.
The Hong Kong Children’s Choir Music Scholarship
- Two scholarships ($10,000 each) are donated by the Hong Kong Children’s Choir (annual amount: $20,000).
- Full-time undergraduate local students majoring in Music are eligible.
Hong Kong Chiu Chow Chamber of Commerce Scholarship
- Three scholarships ($10,000 each) are donated by the Hong Kong Chiu Chow Chamber of Commerce (annual amount: $30,000).
- Full-time undergraduate students majoring in Music are eligible.
The Hong Kong International Institute of Educational Leadership Scholarship
- Around 12 scholarships (worth $4,500 each) are donated by the Hong Kong International Institute of Educational Leadership as full sponsorship to attend a certificate course on values education.
- Students attending full-time or part-time programmes with a duration of one year or above are eligible.
The Hong Kong Jockey Club Scholarships – Undergraduate Scholarship
- Full scholarships are offered by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust.
- There shall be three scholarship for first-year undergraduate local students who are studying for a first undergraduate degree.
- The amount is subject to annual review, renewable annually and is tenable for the entire normal length of study, subject to fulfillment of specified criteria.
Hong Kong Language Campaign Scholarship for English
- Five scholarships ($10,000 each) are available annually from a donation by the Sino Group (annual amount: $50,000).
- Final year full-time BEd (English) students are eligible.
HKSAR Government Scholarship Scheme
Scholarships are offered by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government Fund to award full-time UGC-funded students with outstanding academic results and non-academic achievements:
a) | Outstanding Performance Scholarship – $20,000 each per year for local sub-degree students, $40,000 each per year for undergraduate local students and $80,000 each per year for undergraduate non-local students. For undergraduate students, the scholarship is tenable for the normal duration of the programme concerned and renewable annually subject to satisfactory performance. |
b) | Reaching Out Award – $10,000 each for local/ non-local students to participate in activities outside Hong Kong. |
c) | Talent Development Scholarship – $10,000 each to recognise local/ non-local students’ talents or potential in non-academic areas: sports & games; music & performing arts; culture, arts & design; innovation, science & technology. |
d) | Endeavour Merit Award – $15,000 each for students with special educational needs. |
e) | Targeted Scholarship Scheme: Belt and Road Scholarship – Up to annual tuition for undergraduate and research postgraduate non-local students from designated countries. This scholarship is tenable for the normal duration of the programme concerned and renewable annually subject to satisfactory performance. |
HSBC Greater Bay Area (Hong Kong) Scholarship
- Scholarships ($80,000 each) are offered by the Hongkong Bank Foundation. There shall be around 30 awards for students from local tertiary institutions.
- Full-time undergraduate students who are HK permanent residents are eligible.
- Commitment to pursue employment, entrepreneurship or advanced academic opportunities in GBA.
HSBC Hong Kong Scholarship
- Four scholarships ($50,000 each) are offered by the Hongkong Bank Foundation (annual amount: $200,000).
- Full-time UGC-funded undergraduate students who are HK permanent residents are eligible.
- Final selection by the HSBC.
HSBC Overseas Scholarship Scheme
- One scholarship up to $300,000 is offered by the Hongkong Bank Foundation to support a student to spend up to a year to study at a selected overseas university.
- Non-final year UGC-funded undergraduate students who are HK permanent residents are eligible.
HSBC Vocational Education Scholarship
- One scholarship ($20,000) is offered by the Hongkong Bank Foundation.
- Full-time sub-degree local students who are permanent residents are eligible.
Innovation and Technology Scholarship
- This Scholarship is sponsored and supported by the Innovation and Technology Commission and powered by HSBC.
- 25 undergraduates from local universities will each be awarded a scholarship (up to $150,000) for a series of learning programmes.
- The components of the scholarship include: a) overseas/ Mainland attachment programme, b) mentorship programme, c) service project programme, and d) local internship programme (optional).
- Applicants should be HK permanent residents who are undertaking a science-related degree or curricula that are approved by the donor.
Koo Hok Chun Scholarship
- One scholarship ($10,000) is donated by Mr Dennis Koo Hok-chun.
- Full-time BEd (Primary/ Secondary)-Mathematics students who are HK permanent residents are eligible.
Lady Ivy Wu Scholarship
- One scholarship covering tuition, hall and other institutional fees is available from an endowment donated by Sir Gordon and Lady Ivy Wu of Hopewell Holdings Limited (annual amount: around $170,000).
- A teacher from Huadu, Guangzhou of Mainland China is selected to pursue the full-time Postgraduate Diploma in Education Programme.
Leung Che Kwong and Lai Shim Memorial Scholarship
- One scholarship ($10,000) is donated by the Leung’s family.
- Full-time BA & BEd (Music) students who are HK permanent residents are eligible.
Mr Leung Che Kwong Memorial Scholarship
- One scholarship ($10,000) is donated by the Leung’s family.
- Full-time BEd students majoring in Mathematics who are HK permanent residents are eligible.
Leung Sau Memorial Scholarship
- One scholarship ($10,000) is donated by Mr Cheng Pok-yan.
- Full-time BEd (Science) final-year local students are eligible.
Dr Li Dak Sum Experiential Learning Scholarships
- 40 scholarships ($21,250 each) are donated by Dr Li Dak-sum and Mrs Li Yip Yio-chin (annual amount: $850,000).
- Full-time BEd students who will conduct experiential learning activities in the Mainland are eligible.
Dr Li Dak Sum Language Immersion Scholarships
- 15 scholarships ($10,000 each) are donated by Dr Li Dak-sum and Mrs Li Yip Yio-chin (annual amount: $150,000)
- Full-time undergraduate students majoring in Chinese or English who are HK permanent residents are eligible.
Li Ka Shing Foundation Scholarship Scheme
Scholarships are offered by the Li Ka Shing Foundation to award full-time UGC-funded students with outstanding academic results and non-academic achievements. These scholarships are by nomination:
(a) | Entrance Scholarship for Students with Outstanding Achievements in i) Sports, ii) Music and iii) Visual Arts – There shall be a total of three scholarships at $50,000 each per year (annual amount: $150,000). The scholarship is tenable for the normal duration of the programme concerned and renewable annually subject to satisfactory performance. |
(b) | Entrance Scholarship for Graduates from the Mainland Universities to Pursue Taught Master Programmes at EdUHK – There shall be two scholarships at $250,000 each (annual amount: $500,000). Preference will be given to applicants from Shantou University. |
(c) | Scholarship for Field Experience – There shall be 17 scholarships at $10,000 each for final-year BEd students (annual amount: $170,000). |
Li Po Chun Charitable Trust Fund Scholarship
- Four undergraduate scholarships ($5,000 each) are donated by the Li Po Chun Charitable Trust Fund (annual amount: $20,000).
- Full-time first-year undergraduate students who are HK permanent residents are eligible.
Dr Li Wai Shing Memorial Scholarship
- Two scholarships ($10,000 each) are donated by Mrs Gladys Li (annual amount: $20,000).
- Full-time Year 2 and Year 3 BEd local students with outstanding performance in Curriculum and Instruction are eligible.
Link University Scholarship
- Scholarships ($20,000 each) are donated by Link Asset Management Limited.
- Full-time Year 2 to Year 4 undergraduate students who are the first university student amongst three generations in the family are eligible.
Multi-faceted Excellence Scholarship
- Scholarships are granted by the government’s Home Affairs Bureau to award students who excel in sports, arts and/or community service.
- Target students are HKDSE graduates who have met all the basic requirements of university admission.
- There shall be around 20 awardees per year. The awardees will not be required to pay tuition fees during the whole undergraduate study period.
- Nomination is made by secondary schools and shortlisted candidates are required to attend selection interview.
Mr Ng Chung Visual Arts Teaching Practice Scholarship
- One scholarship ($10,000) is donated by Dr Ng Heung-sang.
- Full-time final-year undergraduate students majoring in Visual Arts are eligible.
Ng Hong Man Educational Foundation Outstanding Student Scholarship
- Two scholarships ($10,000 each) are donated by Ng Hong Man Educational Foundation (annual amount: $20,000).
- Full-time undergraduate students majoring in Chinese are eligible.
Ng Siu Yue Memorial Scholarship
- One scholarship ($10,000) is donated by Mr Ng Hing-wo.
- Full-time students majoring in Visual Arts are eligible.
Nissin Foods Scholarships for Elite Athletes (PGDE Programme)
- Three scholarships ($42,100 each) are donated by Nissin Foods (Hong Kong) Charity Fund.
- Full-time and part-time students who (i) are admitted to the PGDE programme with Physical Education as the Teaching/ Major Subject Studies; (ii) are elite athlete representatives; (iii) and have participated in national/ regional/ international competitions are eligible.
Parsons Music Outstanding Music Teaching Scholarship
- Five scholarships ($42,100 each) are donated by Parsons Music (annual amount: $210,500).
- Full-time final-year BEd music major students, PGDE music major students and Master of Arts in Music Education students are eligible.
Rural Training College Alumni Association Scholarship
- Three scholarships ($10,000 each) are donated by the Rural Training College Alumni Association (annual amount: $30,000).
- Full-time BEd (Primary)-General Studies students who are HK permanent residents are eligible.
Undergraduate and Postgraduate Scholarships offered by Graduate School/ Faculties/ Departments
(Please refer to the website of the relevant programmes)
Self-financing Post-secondary Scholarship Scheme
Scholarships are offered by the Self-financing Post-secondary Education Fund to award full-time self-financed undergraduate local and non-local students with outstanding academic results and non-academic achievements:
a) | Outstanding Performance Scholarship – $40,000 each for undergraduate local students and $80,000 each for undergraduate non-local students. |
b) | Best Progress Award – $10,000 each for local and non-local students. |
c) | Reaching Out Award – $10,000 each for local and non-local students to participate in activities outside Hong Kong. |
d) | Talent Development Scholarship – $10,000 each to recognise local and non-local students’ talents or potential in non-academic areas: sports & games; music & performing arts; culture, arts & design; innovation, science & technology. |
e) | Endeavour Scholarship - $15,000 each for a student with special educational needs. |
Shanghai Commercial Bank Scholarship
- 10 scholarships ($10,000 each) are donated by the Shanghai Commercial Bank Limited (annual amount: $100,000).
- Local students of the following full-time UGC-funded undergraduate programmes are eligible: BA (Language Studies), BEd (Business, Accounting and Financial Studies), BEd (Mathematics), BEd (History) and BSocSc in Psychology.
Shun Hing Chinese Language Scholarship
- Two scholarships ($10,000 each) are donated by the Shun Hing Education and Charity Fund (annual amount: $20,000).
- Full-time final-year undergraduate local students majoring in Chinese are eligible.
Sik Sik Yuen Field Experience Scholarship
- 10 scholarships ($10,000 each) are donated by Sik Sik Yuen (annual amount: $100,000).
- Full-time final-year BEd students are eligible.
Simon K.Y. Lee Foundation Award/ Medal/ Scholarship
- Five scholarships ($5,000/ $10,000 each) are donated by the Simon K.Y. Lee Foundation (annual amount: $45,000).
- Full-time undergraduate, part-time undergraduate and Higher Diploma students studying Early Childhood Education who are HK permanent residents are eligible.
Dr Stella Chong Suk Ching Memorial Scholarship
- Two scholarships ($50,000 each for full-time students/ $30,000 each for part-time students) are donated by Mr Frederic Lau Suet-chiu (annual amount: $60,000 to $100,000).
- Non-first-year local students of the BA in Special Education and BEd (Special Needs) programmes are eligible.
Sir Edward Youde Memorial Scholarships (for Undergraduate and Higher Diploma Students)
- Scholarships ($40,000 each) are available from the Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fund to recognise and encourage the academic achievements of full-time undergraduate and diploma students at post-secondary and tertiary levels in Hong Kong.
- Full-time students in Year 2 or above are eligible to be nominated by the University.
Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fellowships/ Scholarships for Disabled Students
- The fellowships/ scholarships are available to full-time disabled students pursuing postgraduate studies by research and/or undergraduate and diploma programmes at post-secondary and tertiary levels in Hong Kong.
- Fellowships ($50,000 each) and scholarships ($40,000 each) are offered.
Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fellowships (for Postgraduate Research Students)
- The fellowships ($50,000 each) are available to full-time postgraduate research students undertaking UGC-funded/ publicly-funded programmes who have registered for a master's degree or a doctorate degree.
- Applicants must be HK permanent residents and have resided in HK for at least three years.
Student Exchange Scholarships
Student Exchange Scholarships are funded by the University and private donors to award local and non-local students who are selected to participate in the University’s one-semester Student Exchange in an overseas country or in the Greater China Region. The scholarship amounts range from $11,000 to $40,000 each (subject to annual review), depending on the destination and the donor’s wish.
- Chiang Chen Overseas Exchange Scholarship, donated by Chiang Chen Industrial Charity Foundation (Hong Kong) Limited
- Christina Ting Yuk-chee Student Exchange Scholarship, donated by Ms Christina Ting Yuk-chee
- CMB Wing Lung Bank Student Exchange Scholarship, donated by CMB Wing Lung Bank Limited
- The Confucian Academy Student Exchange Scholarship, donated by The Confucian Academy
- EdUHK Student Exchange Scholarship, funded by the University
- Fung Scholarships, donated by the Victor and William Fung Foundation Limited
- The Hong Kong Chinese Importers’ & Exporters’ Association Scholarship, donated by The Hong Kong Chinese Importers’ & Exporters’ Association
- Dr Ma Kai-yum Exchange Scholarship (The Belt and Road Initiative), donated by Carrianna Group Holdings Company Limited
- Sik Sik Yuen Language Immersion Scholarship, donated by Sik Sik Yuen
- Sik Sik Yuen Student Exchange Scholarship, donated by Sik Sik Yuen
- Stella Lo Scholarship, donated by Ms Stella Lo
Swire Scholarship
- One scholarship ($42,100) is donated by John Swire & Sons (Hong Kong) Limited.
- Full-time UGC-funded Year 2 or Year 3 undergraduate local students are eligible.
Tang Choi Chi Lan Scholarship
- One scholarship ($10,000) is donated by Ms Choi Chi Lan.
- Full-time undergraduate students majoring in Music who are HK permanent residents are eligible.
Techoy Construction Scholarship
- One scholarship ($10,000) is donated by Techoy Construction Company Limited.
- Full-time students studying BEd (Primary)-Mathematics are eligible.
Thomas Yeung Scholarship
- One scholarship ($50,000) is donated by Mr Thomas Yeung.
- Mainland students studying a full-time taught master’s programme are eligible. Preference will be given to those with household registration in Guizhou province.
Tse Family Scholarship
- Three scholarships ($10,000 each) are donated by the Tse Family (annual amount: $30,000).
- Full-time BEd/ Double Degree students studying Chinese, English or Early Childhood Education are eligible.
Warren Chan Best Academic Progress Award
- Nine scholarships ($10,000 each) are donated by Mr Warren Chan Chee-hoi (annual amount: $900,000).
- Full-time undergraduate Year 3, Year 4 and final year students are eligible.
2. EdUHK Student Awards
EdUHK Student Awards are granted to students by the University primarily on the basis of academic performance. The awardees will receive a certificate and a pin as a token of recognition and encouragement. There are two types of Awards with the major criteria detailed as follows:
- President’s Honour List
– For graduating undergraduate students (except for senior year entry) and research postgraduate/ professional doctorate students – Minimum Programme GPA 3.5 with no failed courses throughout the whole study programme – Minimum “Credit” in Field Experience – Good conduct – The student with the highest Programme GPA in a programme will be eligible – The awardee cannot receive Dean’s Honour List concurrently - Dean’s Honour List
– For students studying a one-year or above full-time programme, or a two-year or above part-time programme – Minimum Year GPA 3.5 with no failed courses throughout the academic year – Minimum “Credit” (if graded Distinction/ Credit) or “Pass” (if graded Pass/ Fail) – Minimum credit points obtained at EdUHK in the academic year are: 24 for full-time programmes, 12 for part-time programmes, 12 for students on semester-long exchange (except for TPg and EdD programmes which have their own credit points requirements) – Good conduct – The quota is capped at a maximum of 10% in a programme – The awardee cannot receive President’s Honour List concurrently
3. President’s Commendation Scheme
The President’s Commendation Scheme is established to provide university-level recognition of students’ non-academic achievements in arts and culture, community service, leadership, sports and innovation, science and technology. All full-time EdUHK students and student groups comprising full-time EdUHK students are eligible. The level of achievement, impact to the area, academic performance, the extent of commitment and recommendation by referees are considered in the assessment. A two-tier recognition structure is offered:
Name of Award | Selection Criteria | Max. No. of Awards | Award Amount |
President’s Commendation | Students with impactful non-academic achievements | 10 | $10,000 each |
President’s Appreciation | Students with exemplary non-academic achievements | 25 | $5,000 each |
4. Whole Person Development Award
To recognise achievements in non-formal learning, Whole Person Development Award will be granted to students with reference to their Experiential Learning and Achievements Transcript (ELAT) hours recorded.
Name of Award | Participation Hours in ELAT | Application | Quota | Award Amount |
Dean of Students’ List (highest level) |
200 hours >30 hours each in all 4 categories*, plus outstanding organising/ leading performance in non-formal learning activities | November/ December (eligible students will receive email invitation) | 10 | $3,000 each |
Whole Person Development Advanced Certificate | 100 hours >10 hours each in all 4 categories* | Automatically awarded | Unlimited | N/A |
Whole Person Development Certificate | 100 hours >10 hours each in any 3 categories* | Automatically awarded | Unlimited | N/A |
(Please note that the University has the final decision on granting of awards.)
There are also other scholarships and awards offered by the University’s departments, offices or external organisations. Details will be made available by the relevant unit at the time of application. The most updated information will be posted in The Portal. For matters regarding scholarships and awards, please contact the Student Affairs Office.
Note: The above information is subject to change without prior notice. Please note that each scholarship/ award has its own regulation/ agreement governing the eligibility criteria, nomination and approving procedures, terms and conditions, etc. The information listed above is only a brief introduction.
1. | Government Financial Assistance The Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency (WFSFAA) of the Government administers three financial assistance schemes: the means-tested Tertiary Student Finance Scheme - Publicly-funded Programmes (TSFS), Financial Assistance Scheme for Post-secondary Students (FASP) and the Non-means Tested Loan Scheme (NLS). Applicants must have the right of abode in Hong Kong or have resided or have their homes in Hong Kong continuously for three complete years prior to the commencement of their programmes. The above schemes do not cover students staying in Hong Kong holding student visas. |
1.1 | Tertiary Student Finance Scheme - Publicly-funded Programmes (TSFS) UGC-funded full-time students can apply for TSFS. Financial assistance under the TSFS is provided in the form of grant and/or loan. The grant is to cover tuition fees and academic expenses. The loan is for living expenses and is interest-bearing at the rate of 1.0% per annum, chargeable from the commencement of the repayment period which begins upon the student's graduation or leaving the University. The loan is repayable in 180 monthly instalments within 15 years after graduation or termination of the study. Students who are successful applicants of the TSFS, reside beyond than 10 minutes' walking distance from their normal place of study and need to travel to school by public transport may be eligible for a travel subsidy. Postgraduate students and hall residents are not eligible. The level of grant and/or loan offered in each case is determined by adjusted family income and net asset value per household member in relation to the tuition fees payable by the student and the academic expenses to be incurred on the student's particular programme of studies. Normally, applications are open to continuing students in May and new students in September. Applicants should refer to the updated information on the intranet. Additional financial assistance in the form of grant may be awarded to the successful applicants of TSFS if they are required to participate in compulsory overseas immersion programme or field trip (Training / Internship / Placement / Exchange Programme will not be considered) which constitutes the essential part of the programme. As the field trip/immersion programme is compulsory, it is presumed that all students of the same programme of study will be required to attend the field trip/immersion programme. Upon receiving further information on expenses of compulsory field trips of the TSFS applicants for the whole academic year from institutions, the WFSFAA will reassess the financial entitlements of all the relevant applicants and inform them of the revised financial entitlements accordingly. Therefore, applicants need not inform the WFSFAA of the compulsory immersion/field trip details individually or request a review of the application on the grounds of expenses incurred on an overseas compulsory field trip. Undergraduate students who have passed the means test of TSFS (i.e. with grant offered) and confirmed to have resided in student hostels provided by their institutions for at least 75% of the time during the semesters are eligible for the hostel subsidy. The subsidy is to be disbursed on a semester basis. Eligible students need not file separate applications for the hostel subsidy. In the 2024/25 academic year, the amount of subsidy will be equal to the actual hostel fee payable (after deducting any other hostel subsidies or waivers) or HK$10,420 per year / HK$5,210 per semester, whichever is lower. The actual amount of subsidy receivable by each eligible undergraduate is to be determined with respect to the student's level of assistance assessed in the means test. Additional academic expenses grant for students with special educational needs may be awarded to the successful applicants of TSFS if they are confirmed by a relevant professional as having at least one kind of special educational needs including Specific Learning Difficulties, Intellectual Disability, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder, Physical Disability, Visual Impairment, Hearing Impairment, Speech and Language Impairment and Mental Illness. Eligible applicants who wish to apply for the additional academic expenses grant should complete and return the request form to the WFSFAAby 31 March 2025. In the 2024/25 academic year, the amount of grant is up to HK$9,850. The actual amount of subsidy receivable by each eligible undergraduate is to be determined with respect to the student's level of assistance assessed in the means test. |
1.2 | Financial Assistance Scheme for Post-secondary Students (FASP) Students who are registered as full-time students, aged 30 or below and are pursuing full-time locally accredited self-financing post-secondary education programmes at sub-degree (i.e. associate degree or higher diploma) or bachelor’s degree level may apply for FASP. Financial assistance under the FASP is provided in the form of grant and/or loan. The grant is to cover tuition fees (subject to a ceiling amount) and academic expenses. The loan is for living expenses and is interest-bearing at the rate of 1.0% per annum, chargeable from the commencement of the repayment period which begins upon the student's graduation or leaving the University. The loan is repayable in 180 monthly instalments within 15 years after graduation or termination of the study. Students who are successful applicants of the FASP, reside beyond 10 minutes' walking distance away from their normal place of study and need to travel to school by public transport may be eligible for a travel subsidy. Hall residents are not eligible. The level of grant and/or loan offered in each case is determined by adjusted family income and net asset value per household member in relation to the tuition fees payable by the student and the academic expenses to be incurred on the student's particular programme of studies. Normally, applications are open to continuing students in May and to new students in September. Applicants should refer to the updated information on the intranet. Undergraduate students who have passed the means test of FASP (i.e. with grant offered) and confirmed to have resided in student hostels provided by their institutions for at least 75% of the time during the semesters are eligible for the hostel subsidy. The subsidy is to be disbursed on a semester basis. Eligible students need not file separate applications for the hostel subsidy. In the 2024/25 academic year, the amount of subsidy will be equal to the actual hostel fee payable (after deducting any other hostel subsidies or waivers) or HK$10,420 per year / HK$5,210 per semester, whichever is lower. The actual amount of subsidy receivable by each eligible undergraduate is to be determined with respect to the student's level of assistance assessed in the means test. Additional academic expenses grant for students with special educational needs may be awarded to the successful applicants of FASP if they are confirmed by a relevant professional as having at least one kind of special educational needs including Specific Learning Difficulties, Intellectual Disability, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder, Physical Disability, Visual Impairment, Hearing Impairment, Speech and Language Impairment and Mental Illness. Eligible applicants who wish to apply for the additional academic expenses grant should complete and return the request form to the WFSFAA by 31 March 2025. In the 2024/25 academic year, the amount of grant is up to HK$9,850. The actual amount of subsidy receivable by each eligible undergraduate is to be determined with respect to the student's level of assistance assessed in the means test. |
1.3 | Non-means Tested Loan Scheme (NLS) TThe NLS operates on a full-cost recovery basis. Interest rate is charged at the Government's no-gain-no-loss rate which will be reviewed by the end of each month and if adjustment is to be made, the adjusted rate will take effect from the first day of the following month. Interest is accrued at the prevailing NLS interest rate upon loan drawdown and throughout the study period until the NLS loan is repaid in full. An administration fee to cover the full costs of processing and administering the NLS loans is chargeable for each application and annually thereafter until the NLS loan(s) and the interests are fully repaid. The administration fee is subject to review annually. The NLS loan(s) and the interest accrued are repayable in 180 equal monthly instalments within 15 years after graduation or termination of the study. The NLS provides loans to students of eligible full-time and part-time programmes:
1.4 | Subsidy Schemes for Exchange Activities The Scheme for Subsidy on Exchange for Post-secondary Students (SSE) and the Scheme for Means-tested Subsidy on Exchange to "Belt and Road" Regions for Post-secondary Students (Means-tested SSEBR) are offered by Education Bureau (EDB) of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to support financially needy students to participate in outbound exchange activities. In addition, EDB offers two non-means-tested subsidy schemes for exchange activities, namely, Non-means-tested Mainland Experience Scheme for Post-Secondary Students (Non-means-tested MES) and Non-means-tested Subsidy on Exchange to "Belt and Road" Regions for Post-Secondary Students (Non-means-tested SSEBR) to encourage more post-secondary students in Hong Kong to pursue exchange activities in the Mainland and other B&R regions.
2. | University Financial Assistance The University also offers the following assistance to students who have financial difficulties: |
2.1. |
Regular Bursaries and Interest-free Loans • Angel Care ~ Students Assistantship Projects Hall Bursaries • The EdUHK Hall Bursary Language Immersion Bursaries • Evelyn Yee-fun Man Immersion Bursary Bursary for Students with Disabilities • The EdUHK Bursary for Students with Disabilities Interest-free Loan Full-time students who have dire financial needs may apply for an interest-free loan offered by external donors. The repayment period begins upon graduation. • Sing Tao Charitable Foundation Students' Loan |
2.2 | Special Support Bursary for Students with Difficult Family Situations This is an interim measure to support financially needy students who have not received any government financial aids due to precarious family situations. Such bursary is available throughout the year. |
2.3 |
Emergency Fund / Emergency Loan • Emergency fund |
3. | Travelling Discount Schemes Students can submit application forms for various travelling discount/ allowance schemes provided by the HKSAR Government/ public transport companies (e.g. MTR Student Travel Scheme). |
Note: The above information is only a brief introduction and subject to change without prior notice. Latest updates will be posted on the intranet or the respective websites. For matters relating to student financial assistance, please contact the Student Affairs Office.
Honorary Professor
Cindy M. YEE-BRADBURY | 2018/19 – 2024/25 |
Professor Department of Psychology University of California, Los Angeles |
Gavin BROWN | 2018/19 – 2024/25 |
Bualuang ASEAN Chair Professor Faculty of Learning Sciences and Education Thammasat University Bangkok, Thailand |
Rhonda G. CRAVEN | 2016/17 – 2024/25 |
Director The Institute for Positive Psychology and Education Australian Catholic University |
Steven Warren GANGESTAD | 2016/17 – 2024/25 |
Distinguished Professor Emeritus Department of Psychology, University of New Mexico |
Christine HALSE | 2020/21 – 2024/25 |
Adjunct Professor Deakin University |
Rupert MACLEAN | 2022/23 – 2024/25 |
QAPCO Professional Chair in Vocational Studies Office of Applied Research and Innovation College of the North Atlantic - Qatar |
Bettina S. WIESE | 2018/19 – 2024/25 |
Full Professor, Institute of Psychology RWTH Aachen University, Germany |
Peter FALVEY | 2014/15 – 2024/2025 |
Consultant |
Department of Literature and Cultural Studies
Honorary Professor
CHOW Kai-wing | 2022/23 – 2024/25 |
Department of History, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
Department of Cultural and Creative Arts
Honorary Professor
David Gabriel HEBERT | 2019/20 – 2025/26 |
Professor of Music, Department of Arts Education, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Bergen, Norway |
Honorary Artist-in-Residence
Joseph CHAN Ping-hung | 2018/19 – 2024/25 |
Jim CHANG Hok-yan | 2023/24 – 2025/26 |
Patrick CHIU | 2019/20 – 2025/26 |
Martin CHOY Kwok-tin | 2014/15 – 2024/25 |
Kathy FOK Ka-man | 2015/16 – 2025/26 |
HSIN Hsiao-ling | 2014/15 – 2024/25 |
Brian LAU Hui-wang | 2018/19 – 2024/25 |
LAW Wing-fai | 2014/15 – 2024/25 |
Colleen LEE | 2014/15 – 2024/25 |
Homer LEE | 2014/15 – 2024/25 |
Sheryl LEE | 2021/22 – 2025/26 |
LEUNG Kin-fung | 2014/15 – 2024/25 |
Ted LO | 2014/15 – 2024/25 |
Nancy LOO | 2014/15 – 2024/25 |
NG Cheuk-yin | 2014/15 – 2024/25 |
Kelvin NGAI Lung-shing | 2018/19 – 2024/25 |
Gary NGAN Ka-chun | 2019/20 – 2025/26 |
SHUM Kin-wai | 2015/16 – 2025/26 |
Victor TAM Tze-fai | 2014/15 – 2024/25 |
WONG Chi-ching | 2014/15 – 2024/25 |
Caleb WOO | 2019/20 – 2025/26 |
YIU Song-lam | 2014/15 – 2024/25 |
Samson YOUNG | 2019/20 – 2025/26 |
Carol YU | 2021/22 – 2025/26 |
Honorary Professor
David Ian ANDERSON | 2022/23 – 2024/25 |
Director of the Marian Wright Edelman Institute San Francisco State University |
Ben DYSON | 2022/23 – 2024/25 |
Professor University of North Carolina at Greensboro, USA |
Prof LI Chunxiao | 2022/23 – 2024/25 |
Professor South China Normal University, China |
Remco POLMAN | 2019/20 – 2025/26 |
Professor Queensland University of Technology Brisbane, Australia |
Tony ROSSI | 2023/24– 2025/26 |
Deputy Dean of School of Health Sciences Western Sydney University |
Department of Mathematics and Information Technology
Honorary Professor
Narayanaswamy BALAKRISHNAN | 2022/23 – 2024/25 |
Distinguished University Professor Department of Mathematics and Statistics McMaster University, Canada |
FAN Engui | 2019/20 – 2024/25 |
Professor Institute of Mathematics and School of Mathematical Sciences of Fudan University, China |
HWANG Gwo-jen | 2019/20 – 2024/25 |
Chair Professor Graduate Institute of Digital Learning and Education National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan |
Gabriele KAISER | 2022/23 – 2024/25 |
Full Professor Faculty of Education University of Hamburg, Germany |
KWON Oh-nam | 2019/20 – 2024/25 |
Professor, Department of Mathematics Education Seoul National University, South Korea |
LOOI Chee Kit | 2022/23 – 2024/25 |
Rose LUCKIN | 2022/23 – 2024/25 |
Professor Learner Centered Design, UCL Knowledge Lab University College London, United Kingdom |
Hiroaki OGATA | 2019/20 – 2024/25 |
Professor Academic Center for Computing and Media Studies, and Graduate School of Informatics Kyoto University, Japan |
SHEN Qiang | 2019/20 – 2024/25 |
Professor and Pro Vice-Chancellor, Faculty of Business and Physical Sciences Aberystwyth University, United Kingdom |
WANG Xizhao | 2019/20 – 2024/25 |
Professor, College of Computer Science and Software and Software Engineering; and Director, Big Data Institute at Shenzhen University, China |
XIA Yingcun | 2022/23 – 2024/25 |
Professor, Department of Statistics and Data Science National University of Singapore, Singapore |
XU Guandong | 2019/20 – 2024/25 |
Department of Science and Environmental Studies
Honorary Professor
YEUNG Yau-yuen | 2022/23 – 2024/25 |
Honorary Professor, Department of Science and Environmental Studies The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong |
Department of Social Sciences and Policy Studies
Honorary Professor
Frank CHAN Fan, GBS, JP | 2022/23 – 2025/26 |
Former Secretary for Transport and Housing, Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region |
Sophia CHAN Siu-chee, GBS, JP | 2022/23 – 2025/26 |
Professor in Nursing and Senior Advisor, President’s Office The University of Hong Kong |
The Hon Matthew CHEUNG Kin-chung, GBM, GBS, JP | 2022/23 – 2025/26 |
Adjunct Professor Faculty of Social Sciences The University of Hong Kong |
Joshua LAW Chi-kong, GBS, JP | 2022/23 – 2025/26 |
Former Secretary for the Civil Service Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region |
LAW Chi-kwong, GBS, JP | 2022/23 – 2025/26 |
Former Secretary for Labour and Welfare Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region |
M RAMESH | 2018/19 – 2024/25 |
Professor, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy National University of Singapore, Singapore |
Honorary Associate Professor
Alfred WU Muluan | 2018/19 – 2024/25 |
Associate Professor, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy National University of Singapore, Singapore |
You may visit the EdUHK Research Repository
( or the websites of individual departments/offices/units for profiles of our academic staff.
President : Professor John LEE Chi-Kin
Website :
Vice President (Academic) : Professor May CHENG May-hung
Website :
Vice President (Research and Development) : Professor Chetwyn CHAN Che-hin
Website :
Vice President (Administration) and Secretary to Council : Dr Tom FONG Wing-ho
Website :
Associate Vice President (Internationalisation) : Professor LO Sing-kai
Website :
Associate Vice President (Quality Assurance) : Professor Susanna YEUNG Siu-sze
Website :
Associate Vice President (Research) : Professor Ken YUNG Kin-lam
Website :
Associate Vice President (Mainland Engagement and Development) : Ms Helen GAI Huixia
Website :
Dean: Professor Bruce MACFARLANE
Website :
Departments and Centres
Department of Curriculum and Instruction
Head: Professor Yan Zi
Website :
Department of Early Childhood Education
Head: Professor Kerry LEE
Website :
Department of Education Policy and Leadership
Acting Head: Dr LU Jiafang
Website :
Department of International Education
Acting Head: Dr LAM Chi-ming
Website :
Department of Psychology
Head: Professor Kevin CHAN Ka-shing
Website :
Department of Special Education and Counselling
Acting Head: Dr Cherry Yum Yen-na
Website :
Centre for Child and Family Science
Director : Professor Kevin CHUNG Kien-hoa
Website :
Centre for Educational and Developmental Sciences
Director : Professor Kerry LEE
Website :
Centre for Psychosocial Health
Director : Dr HOU Wai-kai
Website :
Integrated Centre for Wellbeing
Director : Dr Kevin YUEN Chi-pun
Website :
Dean : Professor John ERNI
Website :
Departments and Centres
Department of Chinese Language Studies
Head: Professor Timothy Chan Wai-keung
Website :
Department of Cultural and Creative Arts
Acting Head: Dr MATSUNOBU Koji
Website :
Department of English Language Education
Acting Head: Dr LEE Ju Seong
Website :
Department of Linguistics and Modern Language Studies
Acting Head: Dr WANG Lixun
Website :
Department of Literature and Cultural Studies
Head : Professor Mette HORT
Website :
Centre for Language in Education
Head: Dr April LIU Yiqi
Website :
International Research Centre for Cultural Studies
Director: Professor John ERNI
Website :
Centre for Research on Chinese Language and Education
Director: Professor ZHU Qingzhi
Website :
Centre for Research on Linguistics and Language Studies
Director: Dr LAU Chaak-ming
Website :
Research Centre for Chinese Literature and Literary Culture
Director: Dr YIP Cheuk-wai
Website :
Dean : Professor LI Wai-keung
Website :
Departments and Centres
Department of Health and Physical Education
Acting Head: Dr Andy TSE Choi-yeung
Website :
Department of Mathematics and Information Technology
Acting Head: Dr Alpha LING Man-ho
Department of Science and Environmental Studies
Head: Professor HO Wing-kei
Website :
Department of Social Sciences and Policy Studies
Acting Head: Dr HU Zhiyong
Website :
Centre for Environment and Sustainable Development
Director: Professor Winnie SO Wing-mui
Website :
EdUHK Christian Faith and Development Centre
Director: Professor Daniel CHOW Hung-kay
Website :
Resource Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies and Experiential Learning
Head: Dr Pei Qing
Website :
Director : Professor John LEE Chi-Kin
Website :
Institute and Centres
Applied Economics and Manpower Policy Research Centre
Executive Director : Dr CHOW Man-kong
Artificial Intelligence and Digital Competency Education Centre
Director : Professor KONG Siu-cheung
Website :
Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation Education
Convenor : Professor May CHENG May-hung
Website :
Centre for Higher Education Leadership and Policy Studies
Co-Directors : Professor Bruce MACFARLANE, Professor Anatoly OLEKSIYENKO
Website :
Global Institute for Emerging Technologies
Co-Directors : Professor LIM Cher Ping, Professor WANG Minjuan
National Security and Legal Education Research Centre
Director : Professor GU Minkang
Website :
STEAM Education Centre
Executive Co-Directors : Professor May CHENG May-hung, Dr CHOW Man-kong
Director : Professor John LEE Chi-Kin
Website :
Institutes and Centres
Centre for Chinese Classical Education
Executive Co-Director : Mr CHAU Lap
Website :
Centre for Chinese and Multilingual Education Development
Co-Director : Dr JIN Jing
Website :
Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching
Director : Professor KO Po-yuk
Website :
CKC TechCulture Innovation Centre
Executive Director : Dr TSE Ka-ho
Website :
Centre for Religious and Spirituality Education
Director: Professor John LEE Chi-Kin
Website :
Global Research Institute for Finnish Education
Director: Professor John LEE Chi-Kin
Website :
Institute of Professional and Vocational Education and Lifelong Learning
Executive Co-Directors : Dr Maxwell HO Chun-sing, Dr Patrick YUN Pui-ho
Institute of Special Needs and Inclusive Education
Executive Director : Professor SIN Kuen-fung
Website :
Xiqu and Intangible Cultural Heritage Centre
Executive Director : Professor LEUNG Bo-wah
Website :
The Joseph Lau Luen Hung Charitable Trust Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change
Director: Dr QIAN Haiyan
Website :
Analytics\Assessment Research Centre
Director: Professor CHIU Ming-ming
Website :
Alumni Affairs and Development Office
Director of Alumni Affairs and Development: Ms KUNG Shuk-mei
Website :
Centre for Learning, Teaching and Technology
Director: Professor XU Guandong
Website :
Communications Office
Director of Communications and Engagement: Ms Helen GAI Huixia
Website :
General Education Office
Director of General Education: Dr David KANG Jong-hyuk
Website :
Global Affairs Office
Director of Global Affairs: Mr Donny SIU Koon-ming
Website :
Estates Office
Acting Director of Estates: Miss Joey NG Kit-ping
Website :
Finance Office
Director of Finance: Mr Edmond KUO Hoi
Website :
Hong Kong Museum of Education
Curator: Ms Kevinna DENG Ying-yu
Website :
Human Resources Office
Director of Human Resources: Ms Cindy CHEUNG Yuen-lai
Website :
Librarian: Dr Sidney CHENG Po-ying
Website :
Office of the Chief Information Officer
Chief Information Officer: Mr Roger WONG Ho-kit
Website :
Registrar: Professor Eric TSANG Po-keung
Website :
Research and Development Office
Director: Ms Clara FONG Yue-you
Website :
School Partnership and Field Experience Office
Director: Dr Kevin KAM Wai-keung
Website :
Student Affairs Office
Dean of Students: Professor Bill YEUNG Chi-ho
Website :
Cho Kwai Chee Foundation Building (CKCF Building) (曹貴子基金會大樓)
Academic Building - South Wing (Block B) (教學大樓—南翼)
Central Facilities Building (Block C)(中央大樓)
Academic Building - North Wing (Block D)(教學大樓—北翼)
Amenities and Sports Complex (Block E)(文康運動綜合大樓)
地址: | 香港新界大埔露屏路十號 |
Address: | 10 Lo Ping Road, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong |
公共交通: |
Public Transport: |
穿梭巴士服務: |
Shuttle Bus Services: |
地址 : 新界將軍澳敬賢里1號
Address : No. 1, King Yin Lane, Tseung Kwan O, New Territories
公共交通 Public Transport | |
巴士路線 Bus Information |
小巴路線 Minibus Information |
105, 106, 107*, 111, 115, 12, 12A#, 15, 15A#, 15P#, 16, 17M |
註Note : | * 循環線 Circular # 平日特別路線 Weekday Special Despatch |
Location Map of the Study Centre in North Point 北角教學中心位置圖
如欲查詢更多九巴資料,請電 2745 4466 或瀏覽網址
For more information about the KMB routes, you may dial 2745 4466 or visit the website:
如欲查詢更多新巴資料,請電 2136 8888 或瀏覽網址
For more information about the NWFB routes, you may dial 2136 8888 or visit the website:
如欲查詢更多城巴資料,請電 2873 0818 或瀏覽網址
For more information about the CTB routes, you may dial 2873 0818 or visit the website:
如欲查詢更多小巴資料,請瀏覽網址 或
For more information about the minibus routes, you may visit the website: or
For more information about the MTR routes, you may visit the website: