Page 78 - E-book 2012-13 final draft
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實踐所學的專科知識及教學技巧,亦可以令我們嘗試創新的教 Collaborative Learning: an Effective
學法。所謂「學然後知不足,教然後知困」,準老師們必須透 Strategy in Tertiary Education
學院的同行們推廣這項極具意義的學習活動。 The academic year 2012 – 2013 was an
Bibi Tayyaba adventurous one, like a roller coaster ride but

Bachelor of Education with more highs than lows. As a freshman, I was
(Honours) (English nervous and excited simultaneously because I
Language) Year 1 was entering a new stage of my life and a new
student place that I can call “home” for the next 5 years.
The Hong Kong Institute of Education is literally
a “freshening” place with its 360 degree awe-
inspiring view, fresh air, and the Beverly-Hills-
look-alike campus buildings.

I have made wonderful friends from
different backgrounds and I have been blessed to
be taught by one of the best professors in every
course; I had the amiable Dr. Wang teaching me
Linguistics, the buoyant Mrs. Keh for Academic
Reading, the cool Mr. Nicholas as my Literature
tutor, the persevering Dr. Walker polishing my
grammar skills and the list goes on.

I didn’t even realize and it’s the end of
year one already. However, I am more optimistic
than ever that in the years ahead I will gain more
rich knowledge and independent learning skills
that will mould me into a successful educator
in the near future because IEd provides its
students with rich academic resources, offers
various opportunities of leadership training,
for instance, the LEAD program organized by
the SAO, and implements practical teaching

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