Page 59 - E-book 2012-13 final draft
P. 59
Enlightening Teaching & Research

for these purposes and occur before and after assessment. such as those who attend class or those who study online is an
important part of discussions before marking actually begins.
Monitoring of the type of assessment used and its frequency Reducing inconsistencies among markers produces more student
of use are important at the programme level (e.g., Bachelor of satisfaction so establishing and maintaining techniques that increase
Education). Before any assessment is adopted at the course (subject) marker consistency and fairness are worth the time to undertake
level, the number of assessment pieces, type, level of difficulty, them.
appropriateness and quality of assessment tasks should be discussed
and decided amongst staff involved in teaching a particular In recent years, more techniques aimed at assisting fair
course. This decision at the course level should be informed by the marking and applying the same standard across all student work
assessment used and the frequency of use at the programme level. have been developed. These include statements or specification
A matrix of assessment types (e.g., blog comments, essay, portfolio, of outcomes, criteria or objectives so that students know the
group work) for each semester and year of the program reveals outcomes (criteria etc.) against which their work will be assessed.
imbalances in the types of assessment used and the frequency Sometimes this information is compiled into assessment rubrics,
of use. Course leaders can use a matrix to inform decisions about which define expectations at each level (e.g., for a grade of A, B, C).
assessment tasks and ensure that specific approaches to assessment All staff teaching in a course should receive guidance about marking
are not over-used (e.g., over reliance on essays and group standards, what they are to look for when marking particular
throughout the programme). Monitoring of assessment type and assessment items, and the type of feedback that is to be provided
frequency of use is important for each semester and year, as well as to students. Once this has been established with all members of
a composite picture of the whole programme, despite its duration the teaching team, individual teachers can discuss expectations and
(e.g., 2 year; 4 year). what is required at each level in class with students, so students as
well as teaching staff are aware of the differences between grades
Having decided on the type and number of assessment and what is required for a grade at each level (A, B, C etc.).
tasks, assignments should be described clearly and accurately in
course information and the criteria for judgment (e.g., outcomes, Moderation is widely known as a process whereby marks
objectives) provided in writing for all students on or before the assigned to student work are checked against the pre-set criteria
first day of class in each semester. All staff teaching in a course (or outcomes, objectives), and the feedback provided to students;
should know the content and pedagogies to be used, as well as before assignments are returned to students. This is done to
the assessment items and how each item is to be graded. Before ensure that the mark awarded and the feedback provided are
marking begins on an assessment item, it is a good idea for all consistent with the established criteria against which the student
markers to meet and discuss marking techniques, as this is a way work has been graded. It is also done to ensure that the criteria
to promote consistency across all markers. The standards required have been applied fairly to all student work. Cross moderation
and the link between standards and grades (e.g., A, B etc.) should be occurs where a number of staff teaching the same course have
part of the discussion that occurs amongst markers before marking completed individual moderation and meet to moderate across all
begins. Considering different locations and modes of attendance markers. This is a way to confirm that the criteria are being applied

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