Page 57 - E-book 2012-13 final draft
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attempted to answer this question in a myriad of ways. Here are Consistency and fairness in
some of the more common responses: it makes us better people, it assessing student work
improves our erudition, it improves our command of the language,
it sharpens our interpretive, analytical and critical thinking skills, it Despite attempts to reduce the
broadens our knowledge base, etc. I would not deny that literature effect, assessment processes such as
does all of these things and more. I would suggest that above all, Professor Susan Grieshaber marking set tasks are highly subjective.
literature makes us aware of difference. It enables us to travel to Head and Chair Professor Highly subjective processes advantage some
different times and places and to relate to the lives of the people in Department of Early students and penalize others. They also raise
those times and places. It is often said that great literature is that Childhood Education issues of consistency and fairness in assessing
which can stand the test of time and so we continue to read and student work. In this paper, I discuss ways of
perform Shakespeare’s plays in new and different ways more than increasing the objectivity of assessors (i.e.,
four hundred years after they were written. The universal appeal of reducing assessor subjectivity) in an attempt
good literature allows us to transcend the superficial differences – to minimize individual differences among
of time, place, culture, historical context, race, class, ethnicity, etc. – markers when assessing student assignments
and to identify with the characters as fellow human beings. It opens (not examinations) at undergraduate and
up different possibilities and allows us to see that other worlds are postgraduate levels in universities. Individual
possible. Such gains are not easily measurable or quantifiable but differences are to be expected because of the
are of immense value in the rapidly changing globalized world we wide range of backgrounds, experiences and
live in today. expectations of university teachers. Different
experiences and expectations affect the way
  in which student assignments are marked,
grades assigned, and feedback provided.
More specifically, individual differences in
expectations mean that there can be wide
variation in what is required to meet the
standard for an ‘A’ (B, C etc.) grade. Without
ways of dealing with these differences,
marking student work and assigning grades
may be unfair, inconsistent and even
contradictory. Such variation can lead to
student discontent and dissatisfaction, and
processes aimed at improving fairness and
consistency can assist both students and staff.
Monitoring and moderation are often used

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