Page 32 - E-book 2012-13 final draft
P. 32
燃亮 My Enlightenment

An Insider, yet, an Outsider I don't live in the hall in the HKIED and have no such membership
in school societies. True love? Well, no matter true or not, I’ve got
one. You may ask: Why didn't I join one of the exhilarating school
I’m an Eagle societies? It is all about time management.

Leung Chun Ki Shirley First of all, I need to extend my warmest I had a completely different concept towards time
Bachelor of Art thanks to my English Literature professor Dr. management in the past year. While I was in college, I worked when
(Honours) in Language Banerjee for inviting me to join this project and I had to and slept when I should. This year, I worked when I was
Studies (English Major) make my contribution to the e-Book this year. supposed to work and also when I should be dreaming on my bed.
Year 1 student I am glad to be involved because this year is a When I dig into topics I feel very interested in, indeed, time is always
special year for me as a freshman in the HKIED. running out for further in-depth studies. Was it the only choice that
When I shared my feelings about my university I had to work after midnight? Honestly, no. So, why did I have to do
life by email with Dr. Banerjee, I remember saying it? Because, beware here, it is also a piece of friendly reminder to
that ‘It is as though I am witnessing my own all – kids and adults, school students and university students – time
transformation outside my body’. If someone management is much harder than we ever imagined. Next time,
reading this article doesn’t understand what I when you know that the deadline of your assignment is far away, at
mean, I’ve got a metaphor here: When I looked least months from now, then you should start working on it since
outside the window of the HKIED shuttle bus one you will never know when you would get sick, when you would be
morning, I saw an eagle making its way across the occupied by other tasks on the checklist or when you are simply
slopes beyond University MTR station. I felt as overwhelmed and can do nothing.
though I was that eagle, gliding over the hills. At
the same time, I was also Me, who was sitting in My college English teacher taught me an idiom: ‘All work
the bus and looking at the eagle flying. but no play makes Jack a dull boy’. It is the other reason why time
management is so crucial. If all the work is jammed in a few days
Study, Play, Work (and nights) before deadline, no time is left for entertainment and
relaxation. My experience may be a proof. My emotion rode on
I have been told by many seniors in my a roller coaster during the days before the deadline, from feeling
college time that university students must fulfill determined to becoming exhausted after long periods of working on
five tasks immediately after getting into university: the assignment. The sound of the impending deadline knocking on
study hard, work hard to earn some money, live the door was echoing in my ears and causing great anxiety. By then,
in a hall, become a member in one of the school I was not only exhausted but also lost – lost on the computer screen,
societies and find one’s true love. It is as though I lost in time, lost in space. Then a loss in confidence followed. Lower
have to put a tick beside all these options printed confidence, lower determination, slower completion progress. All
on a checklist. Yes, I work hard and study hard. No, became a vicious cycle. After that time, I promised myself secretly

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