It is an all-in-one innovative furniture wit physical and psychological functions designed to inspire the well-being of children. This furniture integrates a scientific learning system into everyday life and provides an accessible and fun way for children to grow and learn.
Features and Advantages
- Integrates a scientific learning system into everyday life
- With AI, Big Data, Cloud Computing and sensorimotor, it supports personalized children’s program and progress tracking for parents
- Modern design and innovative furniture fulfilling functional and therapeutic purposes
- Replicates clinical training exercises at home to address the learning, social and communication challenges

I-WELL Home had won these awards so far:
The 9th International Invention Competition in Canada (Gold Medal, Organizer's Choice Award)Silicon Valley International Invention Festival (Gold Medal)
The 49th International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva (Silver Award)
The 4th Asia Exhibition of Innovations and Inventions (Bronze Medal)