International Congress on Educational Futures
Organising Committee

Professor LEE Chi Kin John
Chair Professor of Curriculum and Instruction, The Education University of Hong Kong

Professor CHENG May Hung May
Vice President (Academic);
Chair Professor of Teacher Education, The Education University of Hong Kong

Professor YEUNG Siu Sze Susanna
Associate Vice President (Quality Assurance),
Professor of the Department of Psychology, The Education University of Hong Kong

Dr HUI King Fai Sammy
Dean of Students, Principal Lecturer of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction,
The Education University of Hong Kong

Professor LI Wai Keung
Dean of Faculty of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences,
Research Chair Professor of Data Science, The Education University of Hong Kong

Professor MACFARLANE Bruce John
Dean of Faculty of Education and Human Development,
Chair Professor of Educational Leadership, The Education University of Hong Kong

Professor ERNI John Nguyet
Dean of Faculty of Humanities, Chair Professor of Cultural Studies,
The Education University of Hong Kong

Professor LO Sing Kai
Chair Professor of Social Research; Associate Vice President (Internationalization); Co-Director, Analytics\Assessment Research Centre; Co-Director, Centre for Special Educational Needs and Inclusive Education,
The Education University of Hong Kong

Professor KONG Siu Cheung
Director of Artificial Intelligence and Digital Competency Education Centre,
Research Chair Professor of E-Learning and Digital Competency,
Department of Mathematics and Information Technology,
The Education University of Hong Kong

Professor XU Guandong
Chair Professor of Artificial Intelligence
Director of University Research Facility of Data Science & Artificial Intelligence
Director of Centre for Learning, Teaching and Technology
The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Dr CHENG Kwok Shing Gary
Executive Co-Director, Centre for Learning, Teaching and Technology,
Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics and Information Technology,
The Education University of Hong Kong
Strand Co-ordinators
International, Regional and National Co-operation for Educational Development and Innovation
Professor LEE Chi Kin John
President; Chair Professor of Curriculum and Instruction, The Education University of Hong Kong
Professor KENNEDY, Kerry John
Emeritus Professor; Advisor (Academic Development),
Department of Curriculum and Instruction
The Education University of Hong Kong
Metaverse, AI and STEAM Education
Professor KONG Siu Cheung
Director of Artificial Intelligence and Digital Competency Education Centre,
Research Chair Professor of E-Learning and Digital Competency,
Department of Mathematics and Information Technology,
The Education University of Hong Kong
Professor CHENG May Hung May
Vice President (Academic); Chair Professor of Teacher Education, The Education University of Hong Kong
New Humanities Education
Professor LEE Chi Kin John
President; Chair Professor of Curriculum and Instruction, The Education University of Hong Kong
Professor ERNI John Nguyet
Dean of Faculty of Humanities, Chair Professor of Cultural Studies,
The Education University of Hong Kong
Values Education, Teacher Conduct and Well-being
Professor LEE Chi Kin John
President; Chair Professor of Curriculum and Instruction, The Education University of Hong Kong
Professor CHENG May Hung May
Vice President (Academic); Chair Professor of Teacher Education, The Education University of Hong Kong
Educational Leadership and Curriculum Development for the Future
Professor LEE Chi Kin John
President; Chair Professor of Curriculum and Instruction, The Education University of Hong Kong
Professor MACFARLANE Bruce John
Dean of Faculty of Education and Human Development, Chair Professor of Educational Leadership, The Education University of Hong Kong
Doctoral Student Consortium
Professor GU Ming Yue Michelle
Dean of Graduate School, Professor of Department of English Language Education, The Education University of Hong Kong
Acting Head and Associate Professor of Department of Cultural and Creative Arts, The Education University of Hong Kong
Dr LEUNG Ka Man Carman
Associate Professor of Department of Health and Physical Education, The Education University of Hong Kong
Congress Secretariat
MA Yunsi Tina, Centre for Learning, Teaching and Technology, The Education University of Hong Kong
YEUNG Chui Ling Charlie, Centre for Learning, Teaching and Technology, The Education University of Hong Kong
CHEUNG Bridget, Centre for Learning, Teaching and Technology, The Education University of Hong Kong
YAU Shuk Yi Shirley, Centre for Learning, Teaching and Technology, The Education University of Hong Kong
CAO Jiaxin Galaxy, Centre for Learning, Teaching and Technology, The Education University of Hong Kong