International Congress on
Educational Futures
23 – 25 April 2024
About ICEF2024
The “International Congress on Educational Futures 2024” (ICEF2024) will be organised by The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) and will be held on 23 – 25 April 2024. The congress is positioned to take place at a significant time for the education sector, when both the Covid-19 pandemic and the unprecedented advancements in technologies are combining their impact to fuel fundamental changes.
The congress is open to stakeholders at the early childhood, primary, secondary and tertiary levels in local, national and international organisations. It will comprise keynote speeches by internationally renowned scholars, symposia, doctoral consortium, and paper presentations. The congress will be held in the hybrid mode with online and on-site conferencing for all participants. It provides an interactive platform for academics, researchers, practitioners and professionals in the education sector to share innovative learning and teaching approaches, and exchange of good practices in learning and teaching in school education.
Congress Strands

International, Regional and National Co-operation for Educational Development and Innovation
- Life and Values Education in Asian Contexts
- Schools and Schooling in Asia
- Technologies for Asia’s Future
- SDG 4 and the Work of International Organizations in the Region
- Students and Well-Being in a Post-Covid World
- China’s Education Development for a Changing World
- The Futures of Education in ASEAN and Beyond
- 亞洲脈絡下的生命及價值觀教育
- 亞洲的學校和學校教育
- 科技與未來亞洲
- 可持續發展目標四 – 優質教育(SDG 4) 和國際組織的地區工作
- 疫後世界的學生和身心靈健康
- 變遷世界中的中國教育發展
- 東盟及其他地區的未來教育

Metaverse, AI and STEAM Education
- Metaverse Literacy and Metaverse in Education and Well-being of People Participating in Metaverse
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) Literacy and AI in Education
- STEAM Education
- Professional Development of Teachers for Metaverse, AI and STEAM Education
- Virtual Teaching and Learning
- Future Classroom
- 元宇宙素養、教育及參與者的福祉
- 人工智能素養及教育應用
- 科技創新教育
- 元宇宙、人工智能及科技創新教育的教師專業發展
- 虛擬教與學
- 未來教室

Image by Hong Kong Palace Museum
New Humanities Education
- Chinese Culture and Values Education in the 21st Century
- Intangible Culture Heritage and Community Education
- Museum Education
- Classical Chinese Education
- 21世紀的中華文化與價值觀教育
- 非物質文化遺產與社區教育
- 博物館教育
- 中國典籍教育

Values Education, Teacher Conduct and Well-being
- Life and Values Education
- Moral Education
- Teacher Conduct and Ethics
- Teacher Professionalism and Values in Teacher Education in the 21st Century
- 生命與價值觀教育
- 德育
- 教師專業操守與倫理
- 21世紀的教師教育專業與教師專業發展

Educational Leadership and Curriculum Development for the Future
- Language Policy and Planning
Bi/multilingualism in Education
- Translanguaging in Education
- Digital Literacies
- Technology and Language Teaching and Learning
- Classroom Interaction
- Intercultural Communication
- Curriculum, Syllabus and Materials Design
- Language Teacher Education
- 語言政策與規劃
- 教育中的雙語或多語現象
Important Dates
Congress Period:
23 – 25 April 2024
Paper Submission Deadline:
2 August 2023 (1st round)
17 September 2023 (2nd round)
31 October 2023 (Strand: International, Regional and National Co-operation for Educational Development and Innovation)
Notification of Paper Acceptance:
20 September 2023 (1st round)
6 November 2023 (2nd round)
20 November 2023 (3rd round)
Camera-ready Paper Submission Deadline:
30 November 2023
Early-bird Registration Deadline:
18 December 2023
Enquiry: icef2024@eduhk.hk