Research Projects
Balance Bike: An Evidenced Solution for Better Postural Stability and Control in Children Dr. CHOW Chi Ching Gary (PI), Dr. SUN Fenghua Bob |
Bridging the Generations: An Intergenerational Exergaming Program to Promote Health Dr. LEUNG Ka Man Carman (PI), Dr. WONG Ming Yu Claudia |
Fusing Motion Capture with Generative Artificial Intelligence for Creating Pedagogical 3D Animated Stories Dr. CHOW Chi Ching Gary |
Middle Leardership Development Programme for Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Primary and Secondary Schools Dr. KAM Wai Keung Kevin (PI) |
Promoting Active Aging: Empowering Older Adults through the Train-the-Trainer Paradigm Dr. LEUNG Ka Man Carman (PI), Dr. LOUIE Hung Tak Lobo, Dr. WONG Ming Yu Claudia |
REAL Programme - Curriculum review Dr. CHOW Chi Ching Gary (PI), Mr. HO Yik Kiu |
Effects of Marathon Participation Experience on Stride-to-stride Variability During Prolonged Running Prof. CHOW Hung Kay Daniel (PI) |
Promoting Hand Hygiene in the Community Through Online Storytelling Dr. OR Pui Lai Peggy (PI) |
Research and Evaluation of “Home-School Physical Fitness and Health Programme for Kindergarten Children Dr. WONG Ming Yu Claudia |
Robotic Intervention Framework for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder to Enhance Social Engagement and Participation (General Research Fund, RGC) Prof. CHOW Hung Kay Daniel |
Effectiveness of Peer Mediation Programme on Managing Disputes Among Primary School Students Dr. OR Pui Lai Peggy (PI) |
Health Profiling of Construction Workers in Hong Kong Prof. CHOW Hung Kay Daniel, Dr. CHUNG Ming Yan Louisa |
Promoting Light Volleyball among people using wheelchair in Hong Kong. Dr. LEUNG Ka Man Carman (PI) |
Provision of Consultancy Service on Evaluation of the QK Blog Project for Kwai Tsing Safe Community & Healthy City Association. Dr. CHUNG Ming Yan Louisa (PI) |
Provision of Services for the Summer School for Physical Education Teachers (2017 and 2018) Dr. KAM Wai Keung Kevin (PI) |
Joyful Jockey Club “Love to Move” Programme Prof. CHOW Hung Kay Daniel, Dr. TSE Choi Yeung Andy, Ms. WANG Sha |
Professional Development Programme on Senior Secondary PE Electives: Movement Analysis and Psychological Skills Dr. KAM Wai Keung Kevin (PI), Prof. CHOW Hung Kay Daniel, Dr. TSE Choi Yeung Andy |
Professional Development Programmes on STEM in PE Dr. KAM Wai Keung Kevin (PI), Dr. CHOW Chi Ching Gary, Dr. SUN Fenghua Bob |
Residential physical and social environment on daily walking behavior of older adults in Hong Kong – A multi-level longitudinal study Dr. LEUNG Ka Man Carman |
School children: An active role in disease prevention Dr. OR Pui Lai Peggy (PI) |
The Management of Chronic Pain in Older Adults: Randomized Controlled Trial of a Physical and Cognitive-behavioral Intervention Program Prof. CHENG Sheung-Tak (PI) |
Development and initial validation of the Goal Content Questionnaire for Physical Activity Dr. LEUNG Ka Man Carman |
Impacts of the residential physical and social environment on daily walking behavior of older adults in Hong Kong. Dr. LEUNG Ka Man Carman (PI) |
Promoting Light Volleyball among middle aged and older adults in Hong Kong. Dr. LEUNG Ka Man Carman (PI) |
The Prevalence of Chronic Pain and Depression among Chinese Older Adults in Hong Kong Prof. CHENG Sheung-Tak (PI) |
Age Differences in Cognitive Control and Daily Control Strategies and Emotional Experiences: Implications on Physical and Emotional Health Prof. CHENG Sheung-Tak |
Pilot Medical Examination Scheme for Construction Workers Prof. CHOW Hung Kay Daniel, Dr. CHUNG Ming Yan Louisa |
Promoting Holistic Health Utilizing Models of Health Behaviors: Collaboration project among health education academics, elite athletes and schools in Health Education Prof. CHOW Hung Kay Daniel, Dr. CHUNG Ming Yan Louisa |
Relieving Pain in Older Adults: A Community-based Geriatric Pain Management Project Prof. CHENG Sheung-Tak (PI) |
The Role of Coping Flexibility and Its Underlying Mechanism in Chronic Pain Adjustment: A Longitudinal Study Prof. CHENG Sheung-Tak |
Toward an Integrative Model of Alzheimer Caregiver Stress: Grief and Burden as Different Pathways to Depression Prof. CHENG Sheung-Tak (PI) |
PE Teachers Development Programme - Summer School for PE Teachers 2011 Dr. KAM Wai Keung, Kevin (PI) |
Voices of Alzheimer caregivers on positive aspects of caregiving. Prof. CHENG Sheung-Tak (PI) |
A Benefit-finding Intervention for Family Caregivers of Persons with Alzheimer Disease Prof. CHENG Sheung-Tak (PI) |
PE Teachers Development Programme - Summer School for PE Teachers 2008 Dr. KAM Wai Keung Kevin |
PE Teachers Development Programme - Summer School for PE Teachers 2006 Dr. KAM Wai Keung Kevin |
PE Teachers Development Programme - Summer School for PE Teachers 2007 Dr. KAM Wai Keung Kevin |