- Vision & Mission
- Staff
- What Our Students Say

We aim to lead physical education (PE), health education, and sports science and coaching education locally, regionally, and ultimately internationally with a focus on educational research, development, and innovation. We will continue to nurture outstanding and caring educators and professionals to have a sustained impact on social progress and human betterment in Hong Kong and beyond.
By simultaneously embodying PE, health education, and sports science and coaching education, the department provides teacher education and education-plus programmes to fulfil the following objectives:- Nurturing quality PE teachers as well as sports and health professionals who are self-reliant life-long learners capable of integrating theory and practice to serve as role models and encourage personal and professional healthy behaviours; and
- Innovatively and strategically enhancing the department’s leading role in the field.
To accomplish these aims, we are committed to
- Maintaining our core mission of being the primary provider of PE teachers in Hong Kong;
- Strategically expanding and extending the roles of PE teachers;
- Developing education-plus programmes by incorporating research and innovation in sports science and health education;
- Enhancing professional standards by recruiting quality staff and promoting a research culture among staff and graduates that emphasizes quality education and education-plus research and innovation;
- Engaging in strategic collaborations with industry–community partnerships and student–staff exchanges both locally and globally; and
- Implementing teaching and learning activities conducive to sustainable social and economic development in Hong Kong.
Our History and Curriculum
The Department was established in 2009 in response to the challenge of health problems among young people as well as the transforming role of physical education in primary and secondary school curriculum in Hong Kong. We play an important role in the on-going development of educating the public in the areas of health and physical education in Hong Kong and the greater East Asia region.It has been well established that children and adolescents are facing serious health problems locally and internationally. Many factors have been identified as determinants, including unhealthy personal lifestyle, lack of health practices, societal environments non-conducive to better health, and either a lack of comprehensive health policies in some countries or difficulties in their implementation in others. In Hong Kong, health professionals and educators have been working diligently on all fronts to combat the growing problems in childhood and adolescent chronic non-communicable diseases such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and mental ill-health. These front- line professionals are also devoting much effort in advancing health through improving children’s knowledge in health, enhancing skills in managing and promoting personal health, as well as changing sedentary and unhealthy life styles into active and healthy living.
The EdUHK has been designated as the main institute for providing professional training and education for future and in-service school educators in Hong Kong. Our Department is the key department in EdUHK to offer programmes to equip students with professional knowledge, skills and attitudes to promote health practices in local schools and the community. We offer the Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Physical Education, Bachelor of Science Education in Sport Science (Honours), and Bachelor of Health Education (Honours). Apart from the aforementioned programmes, we also provide Professional Development Programmes in School Health and Physical Education with the aim of equipping in-service teachers with skills in adolescent and childhood health development and facing public health challenges in the school environment.