Dr LEUNG Ka Man Carman

View More about Dr Carman LEUNG

Adapted Physical Activity: Light Volleyball in Older Adults

[Research Impact Fund 2019, Research Grants Council (RGC), Hong Kong SAR]
[Knowledge Transfer Partnership Project, Hong Kong Baptist University]
Ageing population has become a trend in Hong Kong and Mainland China. Recent studies have discovered that only about 30% of older adults aged 60 to 69 years, participated in sufficient PA in HKG and CHN (General Administration of Sport of China, 2015; Sports Commission of HKSAR Government, 2012). Promoting physical activity among older adults has therefore become a major priority for Hong Kong and Chinese government. In regard to the concern of safety when promoting physical activity among the older adults, Light Volleyball (LVB) has been modified into a simpler and safer game than the traditional volleyball game. Dr Leung and her colleagues conducted a LVB intervention in 2016 and this pilot study (Leung, Chung, & Hagger, 2018) revealed significant improvements in agility, cardiovascular endurance, upper and lower extremity muscle strength, and physical activity enjoyment among the older adults in the LVB group compared to those in the control group. With evidence showed in this pilot study, Dr Leung and her team successfully received the Research Impact Fund (2019-2024, HK$7,400,556) to promote healthy ageing through participation in LVB in HK and mainland China.

Adapted Physical Activity: Sitting Light Volleyball in People with Physical Disabilities

[Knowledge Transfer Partnership Project 2017-19, Hong Kong Baptist University]

In the light of LVB research, Dr Leung and her colleagues further developed an adapted sport, sitting light volleyball (SLVB) to people with physical disabilities (PWPD). SLVB intervention study has also been carried to examine the effect of SLVB on physical and psychosocial health of PWPD. In a 16-week SLVB intervention, adults with physical disabilities in the SLVB group exhibited significant improvements in cardiovascular endurance, body composition, PA enjoyment, and quality of life compared with those in the control group (Leung, Chung, & Chu, 2020).

Walking in Older Adults

[Faculty Research Grant 2018/19, Hong Kong Baptist University]
[General Research Fund 2016-2018, Research Grants Council (RGC), Hong Kong SAR]
[Public Policy Research Funding 2015/16, Hong Kong SAR]

Walking is a type of physical activity that is affordable and carries a low risk of injury to older adults. It also has numerous health benefits to older adults as well. A substantial literature has been developed on the linkage between physical environment and walking. However, research that links social environment to walking is sparse. In 2015, Dr Leung and her team received funding from Public Policy Research (PPR) Fund on a project “Impacts of the Residential Physical and Social Environment on Daily Walking Behavior of Older Adults in Hong Kong”. This PPR project was a multilevel study with aimed to examine a) the associations between walking, and physical and social environments among older adults in Hong Kong; and b) how genders moderated these environment-walking associations. In 2016, the team extended the work of this PPR project and won a GRF project with aims to examine 1) the change of associations between physical environment, social environment and walking among older adults in a 3-year time period; and 2) the change of associations in relation to different socioeconomic statuses. Qualitative study was also done in 2020 to investigate older adults’ perception of their walking experiences, using the social-ecological model as a guiding framework and to propose future walking intervention content.

Esports in Youth and Older Adults

[Seed Funding Grant 2020-2022, EdUHK]
[Funding support to GRF proposal, EdUHK]
[Public Policy Research Funding 2019/20, Hong Kong SAR]

The Esports market is a fast-growing industry worldwide, including in Hong Kong. Responding to the rapid development of Esports in Hong Kong and worldwide over the past years, Hong Kong Government in its Policy Address of 2017/18 described Esports as "a new sector with economic development potential" and stated that government would help boost the local gaming industry and IT development. In 2020, Dr Leung and her colleagues successfully applied Public Policy Fund (HK$673,637) at 1) examining Esports participation rate and the theory-based determinants of Esports participation among the secondary and university students, and 2) understanding public’s attitude towards Esports development in Hong Kong. Go further, Dr Leung thinks of the possible health impact of playing Esports among older adults. Dr Leung and her team has then delved into researching on how Esports is perceived in the eyes of the older adults and middle-age adults as well as their experience in Esports. In addition, Esports intervention has been carrying out to examine the effectiveness of Esports on improving the physical, psychosocial and cognitive health outcomes among older adults in Hong Kong. Combining the theory-based qualitative study and intervention study, it is believed that these research efforts will be constructive in aiding the development of future Esports intervention for promoting active ageing in the future. 

Sport Character Development through Empowering Coaching

[Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust 2021-2024] 
A considerable body of research in sport psychology has found that behaviors of sport coach significantly impact how youth respond to and feel about their sports participation. To help sport stakeholders to understand the principles of empowerment and develop their own strategies of creating a more empowering atmosphere to youth, a team from the Department of Health and Physical Education (Dr. Ka Man LEUNG, Carman, Mr Ching Yat CHAN, Roy, Dr Choi Yeung TSE, Andy, Ms Sze Man TAM, Simone and Ms Ka Man CHAN, Carmen) will collaborate with five local sports associations specialized in hockey, rugby, tennis, basketball and dragon boat respectively to run a three-year project funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust (HKD10.01million).
This project aims to promote a motivational encouraging sports environment for youth by empowering sport coaches, whom will be equipped with necessary Empowering Coaching qualities and skills through training with professional tutors. Upon the successful completion of training programme, coaches will be capable of curating a positive environment in sport coaching so that youth in sports will be able to gain a sense of autonomy, belonging and competence. In the long run, the project also aims to raise public awareness on the importance of motivational environment in youth sports participation.
The EdUHK team will be responsible for designing the project’s coaching and tutors training programme and they will also be collaborating with the sports associations on providing sport coaches with the knowledge and skills needed to conduct a motivational encouraging sport class.

The Design and Production of Sportswear and Accessories for People with Physical Disabilities

[Knowledge Transfer Funds 2021/22, EdUHK]
[Wing Ho Yuen Landscaping Co., LTD. & Research Matching Grant Scheme, Research Grants Council (RGC), Hong Kong SAR (1:1 Matching Ratio)]

In our previous study, Sitting Light Volleyball (SLVB) which was emerged from Light Volleyball could significantly improve the physical and psychological health of people with physical disabilities (PWPD). In 2020, a study group of 7 PWPDs was interviewed on their perception towards the quality of their sport apparel. Most of them were not satisfied with the current sports apparel that exist on the market. They believed the design of many existing sports apparel have limitations in terms of elasticity, length and fabric which caused certain restrictions in physical movement when it comes to performing sports in sitting position. The funded project, led by Dr. Leung and her colleague aims to fill the gap of existing sport appeal market, and transfer our expertise and knowledge in SLVB and collaborate with a local designer to tailor-make a sport apparel that can eliminate the limitations arise from existing sport apparel on the market. 

Dr. TSE Choi Yeung, Andy

Associate Professor & Acting Head of Department
Research interests:
Andy’s primary research interest lies on the motor learning and impact of physical activity on psychological, cognitive and physical well-being in children with autism spectrum disorder.  He is also interested in motor development and the effect of free-play on overall quality of life in typically developing children. He recently initiates a new research project on the investigation of free-play participation among school-aged children. His research goal is to propose a lighthouse parenting strategy as a reasonable approach to build success among children.

Dr. LEUNG Ka Man, Carman

Associate Professor & Associate Head of Department (Research and Development)
B.Sci.(University of Hong Kong); M.Soc.Sci. (Hong Kong Baptist University);
MSci. (Boise State University); Ph.D. (Hong Kong Baptist University)
Areas of Teaching
Volleyball; Sport management; teaching and coaching in Physical Education
Research Interests
Older adult, children, environmental correlates to physical activity (especially walking),
light volleyball, sitting light volleyball (adapted physical activity), Esports, Physical activity promotion, physical activity measurement

Dr. CHOW Chi Ching, Gary

Assistant Professor & Associate Head of Department (Learning and Teaching)
Research interests:
Sports recovery;
Postural control and sports;
Rugby Science;
Sports training invention;
Technology in Physical Education;
Generic skills and sports participation

Prof. CHENG Sheung-Tak

Chair Professor of Psychology and Gerontology
Research interests:
• Successful aging
• Elderly depression and suicide
• Dementia caregivers
• Social network
• Activity therapy

Prof. CHOW Hung Kay, Daniel

Chair Professor of Health and Sports Science
Research interests: 
Movement Analysis, Biomechanics, Ergonomics, Sports Health, Christian Education

Dr. SUN Fenghua, Bob

Associate Professor
Research interests:
• Nutritional and metabolic aspects of exercise
• Exercise, nutrition and body weight control
• Physical activity, nutrition and health promotion

Dr. CHUNG Ming Yan, Louisa

Assistant Professor
Research interests:
• Eating behaviour modification,
• Teledietetics,
• Nutrition education and knowledge transfer,
• Physical fitness assessment in the community,
• Glycemic index,
• Exergaming for health

Dr. OR Pui Lai, Peggy

Assistant Professor
Research interests:
Infection control, Healthcare quality, school health, eLearning

Dr. WONG Ling Yu, Anna

Assistant Professor
BA (Hons) in Music, University of Cambridge, UK
MA in Education (Psychology), Institute of Education, University of London, UK
PhD in Education, University of Cambridge, UK
Other Qualifications:
Training of Trainers Certificate in Advanced Community Music Leadership, Musicians without Borders, The Netherlands
Mental Health First Aid Instructor (2022-2023)
Areas of Teaching:
School mental health education and promotion; Healthy aging; Music, health, and wellbeing; Qualitative and mixed research methods
Research Interests:
Music for well-being; Music therapy research; Mental health education and promotion

Dr. WONG Ming Yu, Claudia

Assistant Professor
BA (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University); MSc (University of Edinburgh)
MSc (University of Glasgow); Ph.D (Hong Kong Baptist University)
Areas of Teaching:
Swimming, Sport Psychology and Mental Preparation, Sports Coaching, Research Methods
Research Interests:
Youths, Older adults, Kindergarteners, Athletes, Self-care and Physical Activity, Self-compassion, Positive Psychology in Education and Coaching

Dr. ZHENG Chen

Assistant Professor
Ph.D. (Education), The Chinese University of Hong Kong
M.Sc. (Exercise Science), The Chinese University of Hong Kong
B.Ed. (Sports Science), Beijing Sport University
Area of Teaching
Physical Activity for Health; Physical Activity, Health and Fitness in School Populations; Research Methods
Research Interest
Exercise Physiology
Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior
Obesity, Aging, and Cardio-metabolic Health

Dr. KAM Wai Keung, Kevin

Principal Lecturer
Research interests:
Socio-cultural Studies in Sport and Physical Education, Curricular and Pedagogical Studies of Physical Education, Professional Development of PE Teachers, Physical Activity, Fitness and Health Promotion, Outdoor Adventure Education

Mr. CHAN Ching Yat, Roy

Senior Lecturer I
Master of Education, The University of Hong Kong
Master of Exercise Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Bachelor of Education (Hons.), The Hong Kong Institute of Education
Areas of Teaching
Sports and Exercise for Special Populations, Teaching Physical Education to Students with Special Needs, Theory and Practice of Team Ball Games, Theory and Practice of Racquet Games, Current Issues and controversies in Hong Kong School Physical Education
Research Interests
Adapted Physical Education, Physical Fitness of Person with Special Needs

Ms. KWOK Bo Ping, Eva

Senior Lecturer I
M.Sc. (Nutrition, Food Science and Technology), CUHK
MSoc.Sc. (Psychology of Education-Credit), CityUHK
Certificate Course on Student Guidance and Discipline for Teachers of Secondary Schools (Distinction), CUHK
BEd. (Secondary Education), OUHK
BA (Work-based Learning Studies), Middlesex University, UK
ACTE (Home Management – Distinction), The Hong Kong Institute of Education
Teacher Certificate (Home Economics), Northcote College of Education
Areas of Teaching:
Curriculum Planning and Pedagogy in Home Economics/ Technology and Living Education, Theory and Practice of Culinary Skills and Needlework Skills, STEM Education in Secondary School Settings.
Research Interests:
Food and Nutrition, Students with Special Educational Needs

Dr. LOUIE Hung Tak, Lobo, MH

Senior Lecturer I
Graduate Certificate in Sports & Recreation Management: Victoria University of Technology, Australia.
Doctor of Physical Education: Springfield College, USA.
Master of Science: Springfield College, USA.
Bachelor of Science (Summa Cum Lauda): Springfield College, USA.
Advanced Teacher Certificate in Education (Physical Education): Grantham College of Education, Hong Kong.
Teacher Certificate: Northcote College of Education, Hong Kong.

Research interests:

Pediatric Exercise Science; Physical Activity; Outdoor Sports and Wilderness Experience

Mr. HO Yik Kiu, Kenneth

Senior Lecturer II
Master of Art (School Improvement and leadership), The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Bachelor of Education (Hons.), The Hong Kong Institute of Education 
Areas of Teaching:
PES1272 Introduction to Practical and Theoretical Considerations in Sports Coaching
PES2164 Theory and Practice of Individual Physical Activities  
PES2174 Theory and Practice of Team Ball Games
PES3172 Fundamental Movement for Junior Primary School    
PES3178 Theory and Practice of Lifelong Physical Activities
PES3280 Pedagogy and Practice in Sports Coaching
PES4292 Internship
Research Interests:
Fundamental Movement
Learning and Teaching Strategies in Physical Education
Motor Learning
Sports Training
Sports Coaching
Technology in Physical Education

Ms. WANG Sha

Lecturer I
B.Ed. (Beijing Sports); M.Ed. (Beijing Sports)
Areas of teaching:
Gymnastics, Aerobics, Dance and Tai Chi
Research interests:
Gymnastics and Aerobics

Dr. WONG Hoi Wai, Henry

Lecturer I
Ed.D. (Physical Education and Sports Science), EdUHK
M.Sc. (Sports Medicine and Health Science), CUHK
B.Ed. (Hons.) (Physical Education), HKIEd
Areas of Teaching:
Measurement and Evaluation in Physical Education, Sports Injury and Prevention, Human Anatomy, Sports Performance Analysis
Research Interests:
Motor Learning and Control, Teaching Pedagogy, Rasch Measurement, Educational Assessment

Ms. CHAN Ka Man, Carmen

Lecturer II
  • MSocSc (Psychology) (Schools and Community Settings) (EdUHK)
  • Bachelor of Health Education (Hons) (EdUHK)
  • Certificate of Applied Sport and Exercise Psychology (Level Two) (HKSSEP),

Areas of teaching:
Physical Fitness Education, Child and Adolescent Health Education
Research interests:
Physical health & mental health, karate-do
  • Member of the Hong Kong Psychological Society
  • Councillor of the Hong Kong Blind Sports Federation

Mr. SIU Ka Man, Tom

Lecturer II
MSocSc (Sport and Leisure Management), HKBU
Area of Teaching:
Theory and Practice of Racquet Games, Analysis of Teaching and Coaching in Physical Education
Research Intertest:
Badminton, Sports Management

Dr LI Chung

Status and Qualifications:
Justice of Peace of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Adjunct Professor, Department of Health and Physical Education
The Education University of Hong Kong
(since 2015)

Appointment Period:
1 October 2021 to 30 September 2025

Ms CHING Tai Yin Patricia

Status and Qualifications:
Senior Nurse Adviser of Infection Control,
Hong Kong Baptist Hospital

Appointment Period:
1 January 2025 to 31 December 2026

Dr CHOW Pui Yu Lina

Status and Qualifications:
PhD, MEd in Teacher Education
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Department of Health and Physical Education
The Education University of Hong Kong
(since 2015)

Appointment Period:
1 January 2025 to 31 December 2026

Dr CRUZ Alberto

Status and Qualifications:
Doctor of Education
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Department of Health and Physical Education
The Education University of Hong Kong
(since 2018)

Appointment Period:
1 January 2025 to 31 December 2026