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You are requested to complete the form, Request for Extension of Air-conditioning Hours (Academic/Administrative Office) / (Departmental Rooms), and to return to the Estates Office normally no less than one working day in advance of the day of use. For the operating hours of the air-conditioning system on the Tai Po Campus please visit the “Useful Information Page”.
You are requested to complete the form, EO20 Application for Use of the Central Plaza and Other Common Areas, and to return to the Estates Office normally no less than five working days in advance of the day of use.
Official vehicles comprising 4-seat and 7-seat private cars, a 27-seat coach and a lorry are available for booking for UGC-related business/function which will include the provision of transport for staff attending official functions/meetings outside campus and the picking up/delivery of goods for the University. Staff could call EO ext. 6714 to check availability of the official vehicles first but booking has to be confirmed by completing and returning EO form EO47 Official Vehicle Booking Form in person, faxing to 2948 6121 or emailing to webmaster.eo@eduhk.hk at least 3 working days in advance.
All bookings are on a first-come-first-served basis. Normally, services beyond office hours will not be provided.
There are two Baby Care Rooms at B2-G/F-05 and D3-G/F-05. Users need to pre-register with the Security Control Centre first and can subsequently reserve the room using i-Booking. At users’ request and subject to suitability of the office space, a small refrigerator might be provided for the storage of milk.
The water dispensing facilities inside the pantry or some offices are looked after by FO. For the distilled water, they will have to be ordered by department themselves.