New Recycling Bins at Office Pantries 新增辦公室茶水間回收箱

To facilitate staff members to practice clean recycling, new recycling bins for plastics bottles and aluminum cans have been set up in the following office pantries:
- A-1/F-03
- A-2/F-03
- A-3/F-03
- A-4/F-03
- B1-2/F-06
- B2-2/F-06
- B3-2/F-06
- C-P-12A
- D1-2/F-06
- D2-2/F-06
- D3-2/F-06
Clean recycling does not only reduce the cost and handling process of recyclables, but also enhance their quality, quantity and value. You can help by just taking the following few easy steps below before recycling:
- Empty the bottles/cans;
- Remove caps, lids and/or labels on the bottles/cans, if any;
- Rinse and dry the bottles/cans.
Let us work together to “Dump Less, Save More, Recycle Right”.
為方便教職員實踐乾淨回收,本處於以下辦公室茶水間設置了回收箱, 以回收膠樽及鋁罐:
- A-1/F-03
- A-2/F-03
- A-3/F-03
- A-4/F-03
- B1-2/F-06
- B2-2/F-06
- B3-2/F-06
- C-P-12A
- D1-2/F-06
- D2-2/F-06
- D3-2/F-06
1. 倒空瓶子/罐子; 2. 取下瓶子/罐子上的蓋子、蓋子和/或標籤(如果有); 3. 沖洗並乾燥瓶子/罐子。 讓我們攜手「揼少啲、慳多啲、識回收」。