New Food Waste Recycling Spots 新增廚餘回收點

To encourage food waste recycling, three food waste recycling spots have been set up in the following locations during lunch hours from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm on every Monday to Friday (except public holidays): 

  • B4-G/F (near UDeli)
  • Central Plaza (outside Canteen)
  • C-LP Learning Commons

How to recycle food waste?

  1. Remove the non-food waste items (e.g. food packaging, disposable cutlery, paper napkin, toothpicks, etc.) and separate the food waste.
  2. Drain off excess liquid such as sauce, soup and broth.

Food waste is not garbage but a precious organic resource! Please don't waste!

為鼓勵廚餘回收,逢星期一至五上午 11:00 至下午 3:00 午餐時段, 本處於以下地點於設立廚餘回收點(公眾假期除外): 

  • B4-G/F (近UDeli)
  • 中央廣場(Canteen 外)
  • C-LP 學習共享空間


  1. 清除非廚餘垃圾(例如食品包裝、一次性餐具、餐巾紙、牙籤等), 並將廚餘分類。
  2. 瀝乾多餘的液體,如醬汁和湯。

廚餘並不是垃圾,而是寶貴的有機資源, 請勿浪費!