Mooncake Boxes Recycling 月餅盒回收

mooncake boxes recycling

After the Mid-Autumn Festival, there are probably some empty mooncake boxes left at your homes. Instead of disposing of them into the landfills, please consider upcycling the boxes, such as transforming them into storage boxes. Another green alternative is to recycle them. Two mooncake box recycling points at B2-G/F and D1-G/F are set up between 16th and 27th September 2024 for collecting unwanted mooncake tins/paper boxes as well as inner plastic trays.

For clean recycling, please make the following preparation before recycling:

  1. Remove any leftover mooncakes, disposable cutlery and inner packaging such as plastic trays, packaging bags, etc. from the mooncake boxes.
  2. Clean the boxes thoroughly.
  3. Put them into appropriate recycle bins based on the materials that the boxes are made of (i.e. paper/metal/plastic).

Let’s celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival in a greener way!

中秋節過後,大家家中都可能會餘下數個月餅盒,與其棄置到堆填區, 倒不如先考慮將月餅盒升級改造, 例如用作收納盒。其次亦可以考慮回收, 減少浪費。本處B2-G/F  D1-G/F設置回收點回收月餅盒塑膠托盤回收日期91627



  1. 清除內的剩餘月餅、餐具及包裝物料,例如塑膠托盤、包裝袋等;
  2. 徹底清潔月餅盒;
  3. 根據月餅盒料(紙/金屬/塑膠)分類,放適當的回收箱。
