JCSCCP Lunchbox Lending Programme - 40K+ Milestone Celebration 「賽馬會綠續.源園」餐盒借用計劃 - 40K+ 里程碑

Happy Chinese New Year! We are excited to share that the Lunchbox Lending Programme (LLP) under the Jockey Club Sustainable Campus Consumer Programme (JCSCCP) has reached a total of 40k+ borrows of reusable items. Hence, you have helped divert over 40,000 single-use disposables from landfills along with students and staff from the other 7 member universities in Hong Kong. We therefore would like take this opportunity to thank all of you for joining the reuse revolution. Let’s continue living sustainably in the Year of Snake!

For more details about LLP, please visit the EO webpage at https://www.eduhk.hk/eo/jcsccp-lunchbox-lending-programme.

新年快樂!祝大家在蛇年裏可以笑得「四萬咁口」,  因為「賽馬會綠續.源園」計劃下的餐盒借用計劃 (LLP) 已累積借出超過四萬件可重用餐盒及餐具! 換句話說, 大家與其他 7 所成員大學的學生和教職員共同阻止了超過 40,000 個即棄用品被送往堆填區。本處藉此機會感謝大家參與重用革命。讓我們在蛇年繼續永續生活!
