JCSCCP Luncbox Lending Programme x Carbon Wallet: Chance to get NUTTEA's tea for free and earn extra CW points 「賽馬會綠續.源園」餐盒借用計劃x Carbon Wallet: 有機會免費獲贈NUTTEA奶蓋茶並賺取額外的CW積分

From now until 31 May 2025, by downloading and registering the Carbon Wallet (CW) as a new user with the special registration code for university students "GWOR3BAO4", you will get e-coupon of NUTTEA's Oolong Tea with Nut Cream for FREE. Offer is quota limited, while stock last. Remember to bring your cup to enjoy your nut milk tea—a greener option compared to regular dairy!

Furthermore, by borrowing a reusable lunchbox at the Lunchbox Lending Machine in Canteen when you buy takeaway food on campus, not only will you help save a takeaway container from entering landfill, but you will also earn 50 CW points each time you borrow as well, making it such a great deal!

You can also earn CW points by through other green actions, including recycling, walking, green dining, green shopping, etc.

Want to find a community where you belong? Join EdUHK's exclusive community after creating an account, by entering code CWEDU001 in "ME" Page on Carbon Wallet App >"My Community", to earn 1,000 CW Points.

For more details, please visit CW’s website at https://www.carbonwallet.com.hk/.

Start going green, record green actions and earn rewards now.

新用戶使用大學生專用註冊碼 GWOR3BAO4下載並註冊Carbon Wallet (CW),即送你一杯NUTTEA烏龍堅果奶蓋茶的電子優惠券。數量有限, 送完即止。要環保, 記得自備杯子來享用奶蓋茶!

此外,當在校園購買外賣時, 使用Canteen​​內的餐盒借用機借用餐盒, 不僅有助走塑, 避免外賣盒成為堆填區垃圾,而且每次借用更可以獲得 50 CW積分,非常划算!


想加入屬於教大學的社區 ?到「我」>「我的社區」輸入 CWEDU001 邀請碼,即可賺1,000 CW積分!

如欲知更多有關 Carbon Wallet的詳情,請瀏覽CW網站  https://www.carbonwallet.com.hk/
