JCSCCP Instagram Reels Competition「賽馬會綠續.源園」短片創作比賽

Hong Kong disposes of 11,128 tonnes of municipal solid waste to landfill every day, of which 21% is plastic waste. Around 10% if this plastic waste, about 227 tonnes, is made up of single-use tableware, such as takeaway containers, cups, lids, straws, stirrers, etc., which can actually be avoided if we choose to refuse, reduce and reuse.

To drive the Bring Your Own movement, the Jockey Club Sustainable Campus Consumer Programme (JCSCCP) has launched the “Instagram Reels Competition: #BringYourOwn: I Choose Reuse” lately. By sharing how you Bring Your Own Lunchbox (BYOLB) in an Instagram reel and join the competition, you will get a chance to win amazing prizes.  


JCSCCP Instagram Reels Competition: #BringYourOwn: I Choose Reuse

Theme: BYOLB - Bring Your Own Lunchbox (Share how you choose reuse by brining your own lunchbox)

Submission deadline: 5 August 2024 (11:59 pm)


  • Current students (with graduate date after August 2024) and Staff
  • Individual or team entry allowed (Maximum 2 people on a team for team entry)
  • Only one entry is allowed per person/team

Specification of video entry:

  • Length of video:  Max. 60 seconds
  • Presentation format: Instagram Reel

Competition details & judging criteria: https://jcsccp.hk/short-video-competition-2024

Entry submission form:https://ust.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_01ZkwVULWFR02d8


  • 1st Prize: Staycation Package for Two at The Fullerton Ocean Park Hotel Hong Kong
  • 2nd Prize: Small Caravan Glamping Experience for 2 Persons at Long Coast Seasports Limited
  • 3rd Prize: Roganic Lunch Sample Menu for Two


For more details, please visit the competition website at https://jcsccp.hk/short-video-competition-2024. For any question, please contact Miss Charly Cheung at 3469 2074 charlycheung@ust.hk.


香港每日產生11,128噸都市固體廢物送往堆填, 當中21% 是塑膠廢物。而這些塑膠廢物其中, 約佔10%是一次性餐具, 包括外帶餐盒、杯子、蓋子、吸管、攪拌棒等, 倘若大家選擇拒絕或減少使用, 這些廢物是可以避免的。

為推動Bring Your Own運動,「賽馬會綠續.源園」計畫(JCSCCP)最近推出了「短片創作比賽:#BringYourOwn:我選擇重複使用」, 透過在 Instagram 中分享如何自備午餐盒 (BYOLB) 並參加比賽,將有機會贏得豐富獎品。



主題宣傳自備餐盒(BYOLB – #BringYourOwn Lunchbox)(分享你如何自備餐盒並選擇重用)



  • 在校學生(即畢業日期為20248月之後的學生)和職員
  • 每個人可以個人或二人團隊名義參加比賽
  • 每人/團隊只能參賽一次


  • 短片時間不超過60
  • 短片格式: Instagram Reel




  • 冠軍: 香港富麗敦海洋公園酒店浮潛「魚」悅住宿旅程
  • 亞軍: 浪高長岸二至三人小型露營車代用劵
  • 季軍: 米芝蓮一星及綠星餐廳 Roganic – 二人嘗味套午餐


欲了解更多詳情,請瀏覽比賽網站 https://jcsccp.hk/zh-hant/short-video-competition-2024。如有任何疑問,請致電 3469 2074 charlycheung@ust.hk 與張小姐聯絡。