Dress Green for Hong Kong Green Day 著「綠」行動


Since 2013, Green Council has designated the United Nations' World Environment Day, 5th of June, as Hong Kong Green Day (HKGD) to raise public awareness on environmental protection. It has become a major annual environmental event in Hong Kong.

To echo the HKGD, all staff and students are encouraged to wear green outfits or green accessories on 5th June. Please also consider sharing your green outfits on social media to show your support.


誠邀所有教職員工及學生於 6 月 5 日香港綠色日當天穿著綠色服裝或戴上綠色配件。大家在社交媒體上傳綠色服裝的照片,向您的朋友展示時尚環保生活方式。