[Chance to Win a Free Veggie Meal 有機會贏取免費素食餐] JCSCCP - #EatForThePlanet: Try Green!

Eating green is more than just a trend — it's a lifestyle choice that benefits both your health and our planet. Learn how incorporating more vegetables into your diet can lead to a healthier you and a happier Earth!
By taking a quick online quiz (CLICK HERE) before Friday, 14th March, you do not only learn more about the benefits of eating green, but also get a chance to win a free veggie meal from our Canteen!
Don’t miss it. Let's #EatForThePlanet - Try Green!
* Campaign terms and conditions can be found on the quiz description. The @jcsccp_hk reserves the right to make all final decisions regarding the "Try Green" campaign and prize winners.
吃多菜少肉不僅僅是一種潮流, 更是一種有益健康的生活方式選擇,對我們的地球也有著積極的影響。了解將更多蔬菜納入飲食中如何促進您的健康,並為地球帶來幸福!
在 3 月 14 日(星期五)之前完成簡單的線上小測驗 (點擊此處),除了可以了解更多有關素食的好處,更有機會贏取一份Canteen的免費素食餐!
不要錯過, 讓我們 #EatForThePlanet - 發掘美味的素食!
* 活動條款及細則可於測驗說明中找到。@jcsccp_hk 保留對 Try Green 活動的所有最終決定的權利。