Carbon Reduction Action 全民減碳大行動

「全民減碳大行動」由環境及生態局及環境運動委員會 (環運會)合辦,環境及自然保育基金資助,並獲得約150個來自公共及商業機構、業界組織、非牟利機構及辦學團體支持,攜手開展活動。「全民減碳大行動」於11月正式開展,鼓勵市民「扭轉習慣 一齊減碳」,在日常生活中衣、食、住、行方面實踐低碳生活,力爭於2050年前達致碳中和。

大家只需於111日至30日期間,跟 Jeremy Lee 李駿傑 Gin Lee 李幸倪、Jer Lau 柳應廷、 Yan Ting 周殷廷、Jace 陳凱詠 Ian Chan陳卓賢 Stanley Yau 邱士縉 Janice衛蘭 Beanies 一齊身體力行,將自己在衣、食、住、行四方面的減碳行動分享到個人社交媒體,並把截圖上載到活動網站,同時提供「綠綠賞」會員編號,即可參加抽獎。得獎者將贏得於202514日舉行的「零碳演唱會」門券兩張。有關「全民減碳大行動」抽獎活動的詳情及條款細則,可瀏覽「全民減碳大行動」活動網站:

此外,本處鼓勵大家在線上承諾實踐低碳生活方式,以推動碳中和2050(線上承諾: )。請參閱附件上一系列涵蓋衣、食、住、行的低碳生活小貼士作參考之用。(點擊此處下載低碳生活小貼士!)



Funded by the Environment and Conservation Fund (ECF), the Carbon Reduction Action is organised by the Environment and Ecology Bureau and the ECC, and will be rolled out with support from about 150 strategic and collaboration partners, including public and business organisations, industry groups, non-profit organisations and school sponsoring bodies. The Carbon Reduction Action has officially launched in November to encourage members of the public to change their habits and reduce their carbon footprint by practising low-carbon living in terms of clothing, food, living and travel, with an aim to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.
From November 1 until 30, you can follow Jeremy Lee, Gin Lee, Jer Lau, Yan Ting, Jace Chan, Ian Chan, Stanley Yau, Janice Vidal and Beanies to adopt low carbon lifestyle, and enter a lucky draw by sharing your carbon reduction actions regarding clothing, food, living and travel on your personal social media platforms and uploading screenshots to the campaign website with their GREEN$ ID number. Each lucky draw winners will receive two tickets to the "Zero-carbon Concert", which will be held on January 4, 2025. For more information and terms and conditions of the lucky draw, please visit the campaign website of the Carbon Reduction Action (
Furthermore, you are encouraged to make an online pledge to practice a low-carbon lifestyle to drive Carbon Neutrality 2050 (Online pledge: ) A series of low-carbon living tips covering clothing, food, living and travel are attached for your reference. (
Click HERE to download the Low Carbon Living Tips!)

For details about the Carbon Reduction Action, please visit:

Don’t miss the chance to win the concert tickets while practising low-carbon living.