30 December 2022
Latest Arrangement of Campus Entry (With effect from 31 December 2022)
In line with the adjustments of the anti-epidemic measures introduced by the Government yesterday and subsequent to the announcement made by the Emergency Task Force earlier today, please find below the latest arrangement of campus entry which will take effect from 31 December 2022 (Saturday).
For Staff, Students and other Eligible Campus Users
Despite that the vaccination requirements of the University are no longer required, all staff, students and other eligible campus users are still required to tap their EdU cards at the entrance of Tai Po Campus, Tseung Kwan O Study Centre or EdUHK Sports Centre in Pak Shek Kok as part of identification process which has been in practice since before the introduction of the vaccination requirements.
For Visitors
1) The University campus will be opened to Visitors only from 8:15 am to 11:00 pm daily.
2) On-site registration of visitors will be conducted at the campus main entrance as before.
3) Host Departments shall submit the Parking Request Form (EO10) and return the completed forms to the Security Control Centre by fax (2948 8001) at least 24 hours prior to arrival.
4) Guest Vehicles without prior notice / approval may have entry denied.
5) The same arrangement will apply to Tseung Kwan O Study Centre and the EdUHK Sports Centre in Pak Shek Kok.
6) EO reserves the final discretion to accept the entry of any visitors.
To streamline the process of on-site registration, it is highly recommended that the full names and visiting schedules of the visitors should be provided to the Estates Office (via email wmeo@eduhk.hk) in advance for any on-campus activities, in particular for those with mass number of expected participants.
For enquiries, please contact us at 2948 6714 or the Security Control Centre at 2948 8000 (24 hours).
Estates Office
30 December 2022