05 May 2023
Display of Posters on Campus
Display of Posters on Campus
Dear Colleagues,
To strengthen the management over the ever-increasing numbers of posters/ exhibits that are displayed on campus from time to time, we would like to reiterate the following policy for your kind attention and observance.
The “Revised Policy on Management of Exhibited Materials”
All Posters/ Exhibits to be displayed must conform to the said policy and at the proper Locations of notice boards. (Details).
For Poster Boards allocated to respective Academic and Administrative units
The respective units are responsible for Maintaining/Updating/ Removing the posters displayed on their boards timely and regularly and the posters should be posted in a safe, stable, neat and tidy manner.
For Poster Boards managed by Estates Office (“EO”)
Offices, Departments and Centres may also seek EO’s approval in displaying their posters at these designated boards by completing Form EO28 'Request for Display of Materials on Notice Boards of G/F Columns from B1 to B4 and near the Library' for EO’s review at least 5 working days prior to the intended date of posting. All posters to be displayed in such fashion should be approved and be responsible for by the respective offices, departments and centres.
Display of posters in common areas OUTSIDE the designated posters boards
All such posters will be considered UNAUTHORIZED and would be removed at any time without prior notice.
The respective units will be required to remove their posters promptly after the approved posting period. Otherwise, their future posting requests may be denied.
For enquiry, please feel free to contact the Estates Office Hotline at 2948 6714.
Estates Office
為加強管理校園內的展示物品,特此重申任何形式的海報、告示和宣傳品,必須遵照大學之既定政策「The Revised Policy on Management of Exhibited Materials」(詳見附件資料)及在合適的位置展出,敬希垂注。
相關部門需負責定期整理/更新/ 移除所屬告示板內的海報/ 告示,而海報亦需保持整潔及穩固地張貼。
各部門可填妥表格 “Request for Display of Materials on Notice Boards of G/F Columns from B1 to B4 and near the Library” ( EO28 ),並在預算張貼日期五個工作天前交到物業處審批。 擬張貼的海報必須已得到相關學術及行政部門審核並為海報內容負責。
部門必須自行移除上述指定告示板已逾批准張貼期的海報/ 宣傳品。 否則物業處將會拒絕處理日後其他申請。
有關展示海報的申請,請填寫表格EO28 並交回物業處辦理。
如有查詢,請致電物業處熱線 2948 6714。