Adjustment of U Shuttle Fares with effect from 2 July 2024大學巴2024年7月2日起調整票價

Dear Colleagues and Students,

As you may recall, the fares of the University Station Shuttle (U Shuttle) are determined in accordance with the University's established principle that staff have to pay the fare at cost whilst the student fare is being subsidised by the University subject to the University’s financial position. With the increase in ridership as recorded in the past year and some cost-saving measures adopted, the Senior Management has decided to adjust the U Shuttle fares for 2024-25 academic year as follows, with effect from 2 July 2024 (Tuesday):

Staff Fare:          $10.8 per trip

Student Fare:     $6.4 per trip

Attached please find the summer term service schedule from 2 July 2024 to 31 August 2024 for your easy reference. Please note that there will be NO Saturday service from 2 July 2024 to 16 August 2024.

For enquiries, please feel free to contact Kelvin Cheung at 2948 6154 or Raymond Choi at 2948 7474. 

Estates Office



教職員票價:   每程$10.8

學生票價:       每程$6.4

現附上大學巴72日至831日間暑假班次表供 閣下參閱。請注意從72日起大學巴星期六服務將會暫停,並會於817日起恢復。

如有任何疑問,請致電2948 6154 2948 7474 與本處職員聯絡。
