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Learning Cantonese via Cultural Visits (9): Exploring Cantonese Language and culture in Tsim Sha Tsui




I. 增加参加者对粤语及香港文化的认识。
I. To enhance participants' understanding of Cantonese language and Hong Kong culture.
II. 为参与者提供一个在现实生活中练习使用粤语词汇和短语的平台。
II. To provide a platform for participants to practice using Cantonese vocabulary and phrases in a real-life setting.
III. 加深对香港独特文化遗产的认识。
III. To foster a deeper appreciation for Hong Kong's unique cultural heritage.


Non-local EdUHK students are welcome to join this competition.

Event Description:



Join us for an immersive journey into the vibrant world of Cantonese language and Hong Kong culture! This engaging activity aims to deepen participants' understanding of Cantonese while fostering a greater appreciation for the unique heritage of Hong Kong.

Throughout the event, participants will have the opportunity to practice Cantonese vocabulary and phrases in real-life settings, enhancing their language proficiency and cultural awareness. Guided by knowledgeable facilitators, attendees will explore iconic locations such as the Avenue of Stars, Hong Kong Clock Tower, Hong Kong Museum of Art, 1881 Heritage, and the Hong Kong Museum of History.

By choosing these historically significant venues, we aim to provide authentic experiences that showcase the rich cultural identity of Hong Kong. Through interactive workshops and guided tours, participants will actively engage with the language and culture, promoting a deeper understanding of the connections between language, history, and tradition. Don't miss this unique opportunity to embark on a journey of cultural exchange and discovery. 

参访日期: 2025年4月27日 (下午1:00-5:00)

Visit date: 27th April 2025 (1:00pm-5:00pm)
简介会: 2025年4月20日 (下午12:00-1:00)

Briefing date (zoom briefing): 20th April 2025 (12:00pm-1:00pm)

总结会: 2025年5月4日 下午12:00-1:00

Debriefing date (zoom debriefing): 4th May 2025 (12:00pm-1:00pm)

Note 1: Students who attended both the briefing, and debriefing sessions, and finish evaluations (a questionnaire survey) can get the transportation fee reimbursement.

Note 2: Student participants have to sign an undertaking form before joining the activity

注意事项1: 参加者如果同时出席简介会和总结会,并完成评估(问卷调查),就可以获得交通费报销。

注意事项2: 学生参加活动前须签署承诺书




To participate, simply complete the register form.

 报名截止日期: 2025年4月18日 晚上11:59

Deadline of application: 18th April 2025 11:59pm

Remark: This activity is for non-Cantonese speaking students only.



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