

Call for Nomination
Teaching Award Scheme 2024/2025


Teaching Award Scheme aims to give recognition to faculty members who are committed to teaching. The award will be in the form of individual or group awards, and are conferred at the Faculty level. The award consists of a certificate and a monetary award of HK$25,000 to be used by the awardee solely for educational activities. Awardees’ names will be permanently displayed at the main entrance of the EdUHK Library.



Full-time academic/teaching staff with a minimum of 2 years of teaching experience in the university at the time of nomination


Deadline of Nomination for 2024/25:

14 February 2025 (Friday)


Nomination Guidelines, Procedures and Nomination Form:



For more information, please contact Mr Edward Wong at 2948 6596 or wchingpong@eduhk.hk.


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Dr Lai has shown remarkable dedication to Chinese education and research, collaborating across disciplines to enhance student learning through innovative teaching methods and multimedia resources. He has successfully secured numerous grants for diverse initiatives and excels in connecting local schools with professionals in the Greater Bay Area. Additionally, Dr Lai contributes significantly through community service and knowledge transfer, leveraging exceptional networking skills to improve learning-teaching interactions in over 100 schools.




Dr Yan is a dedicated educator whose teaching philosophy is rooted in Constructivism, emphasising active student participation in knowledge construction. She fosters a dynamic learning environment through innovative methods, including Virtual Reality technology, to enhance student experiences and promote intercultural sensitivity. Her pioneering use of technologies like a bilingual text mining system allows for tailored course content and effective monitoring of student progress. Dr Yan’s commitment to enhancing learning has led to numerous publications and strong local and international networks.




Dr Lam is an all-rounded teacher with exemplary teaching performance. She is dedicated to creating personalised and engaging learning environment for her students. She received the “Award for Excellent FE Supervision” in 2019-20 and 2020-21. In addition to teaching, Dr Lam is keen on taking part in a wide range of e-learning related projects.




Dr Liao is an innovative teacher who has developed his own pedagogical model, “SHAPE”: Strategy instruction, Holistic care, Assessment for learning, Participation, and E-learning. He actively integrates IT components into his teaching. Apart from that, Dr Liao has participated in a wide range of projects related to e-learning, and has been working on various research projects related to Chinese language learning and teaching, including a GRF project and an ECS project. He is now serving as the Associate Head (Research) of CHL. His research-informed teaching has made a positive impact in his department.




Dr Zhang is an enthusiastic teacher of Chinese language education. She has an innovative teaching philosophy “CARE” - “Creative”, “Adaptive”, “Reflective” and “Effective”. Her great efforts in teaching have made a very positive impact on students’ learning. Currently, Dr Zhang is the Programme Leader of the BA(TCSL) programme, steering the curriculum review and development of the programme.

Apart from teaching, Dr Zhang actively involves in many learning and teaching related projects. She has been making good use of e-learning resources to enhance blended learning. The educational mobile app “Classical Chinese Poems Sing Along” developed by Dr Zhang received lots of positive social responses. To promote academic exchange, Dr Zhang also took up the role of the key organiser of three teaching-related symposium/workshop/conference in 2019.




Dr Liu is good at motivating students to learn and making her classes attractive to students. She is a dedicated teacher who uses a variety of teaching strategies to enhance student learning. Dr Liu’s scholarship in the field of teaching is equally impressive. She has published three monographs on Chinese language education in recent years and is keen on sharing her teaching experience with colleagues in different large scale seminars and workshops.




Ms Wang is held in high esteem by her students as an expert of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language. She is currently the Field Experience Coordinator of the MATCIL programme. She has successfully established strong connection with a number of overseas and local international schools. Besides, Ms Wang has been deeply involved in IB development. She organised an IB Concepts and TCSL Summer Workshop in 2018, and co-organised a Summer Workshop with Princeton University in USA in 2019.




Dr Ho is an expert of Chinese Language Teaching Methodologies who has an inspiring teaching philosophy which consists of two “IN” – “inspire” and “insight”. Dr Ho is held in high esteem by his students as an experienced and innovative educator who proactively promotes blended learning that inspires and motivates students in a variety of learning contexts. In addition to teaching, Dr Ho is an active researcher who has participated in various knowledge transfer projects, through which he has successfully established a strong connection with local secondary and primary schools. His exceptional competence is further proved by his contribution to the founding of the “International Journal of Chinese Language Education” and organisation of two international conferences on Chinese Language Education in 2016 and 2017, respectively.




Dr Yu is an experienced and all-rounded Chinese teacher with exemplary teaching performance, evidenced by the high SET score and excellent feedback from her students and peers. She is dedicated to use a variety of teaching strategies and innovative technology to enhance student learning, such as VBLC E-platform, Moodle, and digital classes, etc. Besides, Dr Yu is a lifelong learner who has actively participated in various teaching enhancement activities to seek continuous improvement in her teaching. Apart from teaching, Dr Yu has played an important role in pioneering the reorganization and optimization of Field Experience for the Chinese programmes in the Faculty. In terms of research, Dr Yu has successfully published four international articles and six referred journals in the past few years.




Dr Cheung has rich experience in teaching pedagogy. He can always help students develop their critical thinking and become active learners and reflective teachers. To stimulate students’ learning interest, Dr Cheung provides authentic learning contexts to students and always use examples in daily life and different assessment tasks. Exhibiting great passion and vision of education, Dr Cheung is also dedicated to integrate the research output and practical knowledge in his teaching. His teaching methods are effective, as evidenced by his consistently high SET scores in the past few years and the positive feedback received from students and colleagues alike.




Dr Man Ying Ling is a specialist in Daoism and Chinese culture. She is dedicated to student learning and development of motivating learning activities, which is highly appreciated by her students. Dr Man provides authentic learning experience to students through organizing a series of cultural field trips. Students are encouraged to engage in regular self-reflection on what they have learned. To stimulate students’ thinking, Dr Man is also highly recognized of her capability to connect student’s learning to real life. Besides, Dr Man is also a lifelong learner who always participates in teaching enhancement activities and makes use of feedback from students and peers to improve her own teaching.




Dr Kwan Che Ying is a specialist in teaching Chinese to non-Chinese students. Her research interest includes Chinese Language and Teaching, Teaching Chinese as a second Language and School based curriculum. Also, her teaching is well-organised and highly structured to cater the diverse learning needs of students. Dr Kwan is a dedicated teacher who always provides authentic learning context to her students and equips them with necessary skills to apply what they learnt in the classroom to their teaching.