HKUST - Biotechnology Research Institute

Introduction Research Achievements Opinion from Dr. Miller

Current Research Areas

Traditional Chinese Medicine

BRI scientists are now utilizing modern technology to provide scientific verification of the efficacy and safety of TCM.


The BRI research program in this area aims at discovering novel neuro-proteins and elucidating their cellular functions and molecular interactions.

Protein Engineering & Design

The BRI research program seeks to elucidate the pathways of protein folding and the structural basis of protein stability so that therapeutically useful proteins with improved properties can be designed.

Plant Biotechnology

The research program in plant biotechnology aims at the production of transgenic crop plants that can better withstand the environmental stresses inherent to this region, including fungal infection, contamination from insecticides, and leaf-yellowing during transportation and storage.

BRI TCM Center

At HKUST, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has been designated a High Impact Area (HIA), an area of research which the University regards as having a potentially profound impact on the needs of Hong Kong and South China.

With the grant from the Industry Department of Hong Kong in July 1997, BRI set up the BRI TCM Center researches in drug development, safety, standardization and reformulation.


HKU - Kadoorie Biological Sciences Building
CUHK - Hong Kong Institute of Biotechnology Limited
A Prominent Biotech Scientist

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