HKU - KADOORIE Biological Sciences Building

The KADOORlE Biological Sciences Building - located at the West Gate Entrance (Pokfulam Road) of the Hong Kong University

KADOORlE Biological Sciences Building mainly consists of 3 departments and 1 research center:

1. Department of Botany

2. Department of Zoology

3. Department of Ecology and Biodiversity

4. Institute of Molecular Biology

Food Biotechnology Laboratory

- Established in 1993 by Dr. S. F. Chen
- Well equipped with modern facilities:

i. 10 fermentors ranging from 2.4 L to 30 L
ii. 2 HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography)
iii. 1 GC (Gas Chromatography)


Main Research interests

Main Research Lab

- Algal biotechnology

- Fermentation technology

- Food process technology

- Plant cell and organ cultures

- Separation and identification of various food and fermentation compounds by HPLC and related techniques

Laser Confocal Microscope Room

Laser Confocal Microscope Room

- This microscope room provides advanced laser confocal microscopes

- These microscopes can observe tiny cell structures clearly and provide computerised analysis.


Growth Chambers

It provides the most suitable environment for plants to grow.

Light, temperature, humidity and air are controlled to achieve the required environment.

Green House

There are many transgenic or genetically modified plants, such as tomato, lettuce and rice.


Contact information of KADOORIE Biological Sciences Building
Address: Pokfulam Road, The Hong Kong University, KADOORIE Biological Sciences Building


HKUST - Biotechnology Research Institute
CUHK - Hong Kong Institute of Biotechnology Limited
A Prominent Biotech Scientist

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